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March 18, 2011
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Karissa Shannon Is Hot By The Beach

Alright, I’m going to be brutally honest. Normally, my opinion of Karissa Shannon is that no picture could ever force me to admit this ridiculous excuse for a woman is sexy. It isn’t the Hugh Hefner relationship that bothers me. It was the badmouthing of Hugh when she left the mansion. He’s a dirty old perv? What a frigging surprise! There’s no possible way you could’ve known that when you started sleeping with him to get your hands on his cash and your name in the headlines. All of that aside, I can’t help admitting Karissa looks pretty hot in these pictures. I’m still not of the fan of the bleached-’til-it’s-white hair, but her body looks tight and toned and her face isn’t as mannish as it normally is. She still has all the charisma of a wet paper bag, but hey, at least she’s hot.

March 16, 2011

Kate Middleton Rocks A White Bikini

Perhaps you haven’t heard, but there’s this guy, Prince William, and he’s getting married soon. He’s marrying a girl named Kate Middleton. These are pictures of that girl in a white bikini. What exactly does it take to land a Prince? Well, a body like that for starters, I’m guessing. I don’t know. The closest I’ve ever come to landing a prince is kissing a few frogs and hoping for the best. I like Kate. She’s educated, beautiful and doesn’t seem to have the kind of attitude that would lend itself to being pushed around by the Royal Family. Am I wrong? Probably. I’m wrong a lot. She looks pretty hot in that bikini though, doesn’t she?

March 16, 2011
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Kelly Bensimon Shows Off Her Body On The Beach

I have never seen any of the ‘Real Housewives’ shows but I guess Kelly Bensimon is on ‘The Real Housewives of New York’. I suppose my problem with the shows are these women aren’t really what I think of when I think of the word ‘housewife’. Whatever, that’s not what this post is supposed to be about, so I’ll keep that whole rant to myself. Kelly’s pretty hot, but there’s something about her body I don’t like. I’m sure I’m wrong on this one, as she seems pretty popular, but something about her stomach doesn’t look right to me. Overall, though, I think she’s a gorgeous girl. She clearly takes care of herself and that’s definitely something I respect.

March 16, 2011

Jenny McCarthy Has A Killer Body

I’ve always been a big Jenny McCarthy fan. She seems like the type of woman that is happier drinking beer with the boys than getting her hair and nails done at a salon, and that really appeals to me. Sure she has a bad track record with romance but there aren’t many women in Hollywood who don’t. She’s in charge of her own sexuality and she’s open about who she is. She can be crass and rude, but she is unapologetically Jenny and I love that about her. It doesn’t hurt that she’s also very pretty and has a killer body she isn’t afraid to show off. I don’t always agree with everything she says, but I’d never argue with pictures of her in a bikini.

March 15, 2011

Pixie Lott Is Absolutely Adorable

Pixie Lott is absolutely adorable. I love this girl. For that reason, I’m going to skip the accusations that some of the other blogs online are making regarding these pictures. Sure she seems to be hanging out pretty closely with two boys, but who says a girl can’t have friends? She looks like she’s having a great time – all smiles, lots of laughing. She also looks pretty damn good in that bikini. I don’t think there’s any scandalous here. Pixie seems like the kind of girl that just likes to have a good time, and I’m not going to hate on her for that. The thing I like most about Pixie is the fact that whenever I see her name on the list of pictures I’ll be writing about, I know that she’s going to look adorable and I know she’s going to look like she’s having fun. I value consistency.

March 15, 2011

Anna Kournikova Picks Up A Package

Anna Kournikova. I have a little story I’d like to share for this one. I remember being a teenage girl hanging out with my teenage girlfriends talking about celebrity crushes. I admitted to having a little crush on Anna because I’m not the type of girl that holds that sort of thing back. Okay, that’s a lie. I’m just missing that vital filter between my brain and my mouth and often say things I only meant to think. It’s part of my charm. Anyway, I was nervous about how my friends would react. To my surprise, my revelation was not only welcomed but agreed with. Seems we all had the hots for Anna. There are many reasons for that. All of them are on display in these pictures. She has a fantastic body – just ridiculous – and such a pretty face. She’s also just a normal girl. I don’t really know much about tennis (and maybe not a whole lot about what makes women hot), but I like to think I know what I’m talking about on this one.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }