Search Results for “miley Cyrus”

July 12, 2012
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Miley Cyrus Rocks Fishnets With Cutoffs And I Approve.

Miley Cyrus does not need my stamp of approval. She has legions of fans who love her and is engaged to a gorgeous guy who also has legions of fans. Things are going pretty well for Miss. Cyrus. With that said, she may not need my stamp of approval but for this look, she’s going to get it anyway. In the last few days, I’ve posted about Lady Gaga and Aubrey O’Day rocking a look similar to this one but there is one thing Miley’s look has that their didn’t – pants. Bold pantyhose/tights are trendy right now and Miley cashes in on that trend but has the common sense to slide a pair of black cutoffs on over the tights and to me, that makes all the difference. The look is still a little bit trashy (it’s hard to make fishnets look anything but), yet it doesn’t cross the line into too trashy. Miley has really been maturing as of late. Perhaps it’s the impending nuptials or perhaps it’s just a natural part of getting older, but I’m really starting to like this girl – at least in terms of her fashion choices.

June 24, 2012
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Miley Cyrus Flashes A Little Butt Cheek In LA

It’s hot out there. Over the last two days, I have strolling around the house in my bra and panties and still can’t keep cool. For that reason, I understand Miley’s wardrobe choices in these photos snapped in LA. Sure she’s letting her butt cheeks hang out but I don’t honestly think she cares. They’re just butt cheeks. A lot of other websites have been calling these photos trashy but I don’t think they’re all that bad. I plan to venture out later on today and if I had Miley’s confidence, I might let my bum hang out a little bit too. Was Miley thinking about staying cool or getting attention? It’s hard to say but considering some of her wardrobe choices on stage, I don’t think these cut-offs are really all that bad.

June 21, 2012

Miley Cyrus Looks Thin But Not Unhealthy.

A few weeks back, rumors were swirling that Miley Cyrus was anorexic. She denied the rumors but her denial did about as much good as her denials normally do – none at all. I have been hard on Miley in the past and haven’t exactly been a fan of many of her career choices but I’m a little distressed that magazines and websites are throwing around the word anorexic so carelessly. Miley does not look unhealthy. She’s clearly lost weight but that sometimes happen as women age. Sometimes it goes the other way and women gain weight as they age. Aside from that, Miley has been working out and doing yoga. Yoga is a great way to lose weight and tone up. She does have a wedding coming up. Maybe she just wants to get in shape. After seeing these pictures, I feel like she looks pretty good. I might be worried if she continues losing weight but as it stands now, she looks fine. Next controversy please.

June 5, 2012

Miley Cyrus Takes The Dog For A Walk.

I am really back and forth on Miley Cyrus. Sometimes I love her. Other times I’m not such a big fan. I’m not crazy over her music (or her acting) but as a celebrity, I kind of like her. She always gets herself in trouble and as a celebrity gossip addict, that really appeals to me. She doesn’t hurt anyone. She doesn’t even really do things that should get her in trouble yet she seems to find herself at the center of one controversy or another on a semi-regular basis. Actually, it has been a while. That means Miley is just about due for another ridiculous controversy. I can’t wait to see people get their backs all up about nothing. That’s always a good time.

April 25, 2012
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Miley Cyrus Bares Her Belly While Walking Her Dog

It seems like it’s been a while now since the world has gotten a good Miley Cyrus scandal and I’m pretty happy about that. I think a lot of the scandals she’s been involved in have been way over played. The whole weed thing? Who cares. There are a lot of people her age that like to indulge in the stuff from time to time and if that’s the worst thing she’s doing, I’m fine with it. I don’t buy into the “weed is a gateway drug” hype. I know a lot of people who have smoked pot for years yet have never moved on to harder stuff. It’s all about the decisions you make. I personally don’t like weed. I don’t like the smell, I don’t like the taste and I don’t like the way it makes me feel, but if Miley wants to take a puff off a joint or take a hit from a bong, that’s her business. As for these photos, I gotta say I’m a fan. I’ve always been a fan of Miley’s candid pictures because they give us the chance to see a bit of who Miley really is. I’d also like to state for the record that I don’t believe for a minute that Miley is anorexic. Maybe she’s lost weight, but we’ve also seen pictures of her going into Pilates classes. Stands to reason that she might slim down with the whole working out thing. I think she looks healthy in these pictures. She might look a little slimmer than she used to be but not in an unhealthy way. Also, her dog is freaking adorable. Love these photos and wish Miley nothing but the best.

April 8, 2012

Pretty Miley Cyrus At Pilates

I often say I prefer the more casual, candid pics of Miley Cyrus to her more glammed up shots but these pictures taken outside Miley’s Pilates class in Hollywood are a nice compromise. She looks a little more dressed up than she has looked in other Pilates class pictures we’ve seen but to be honest, I can’t imagine this is what she’ll actually be wearing in class. I know some people have been giving Miley a hard time for hitting the street looking a little less than put together. I hope that’s not why she chose to dress it up a little here. I guess in the end it doesn’t matter. She still looks comfortable and happy. I have no problem with that.

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