Search Results for “miley Cyrus”

May 18, 2011

Miley Cyrus In A Bikini

I know I talk a lot of smack about Miley Cyrus, but my criticism of her really is confined to her often ridiculously skimpy stage attire. I actually really like candid Miley shots because we get to see the real girl – something we never get to see when she performs. Miley is just a normal girl. Here in a bikini on a beach in Brazil, Rio, Miley looks pretty adorable. She has a nice body and I’ve no objection to her showing it off on the beach. If these were stage shots and she was wearing the same thing (which really wouldn’t be surprising), this post would have a completely different tone. As it is though, I think she looks adorable. Bikinis belong on the beach, not the stage.

May 13, 2011

Miley Cyrus Shows Off Her Bra

I’m pretty sure I’ve spoken of my feelings about Miley Cyrus in the past. I’m running out of creative ways to voice my opinion on her. It seems like every time she hits the stage, she’s wearing less and less. That’s a problem for me. I’m sure the guys of the world won’t agree, but I was pretty sure Miley’s fan base was composed mostly of tween girls. Is this the message she wants to send them? Like it or not, Miley is a role model. Eh, whatever. At this point, I don’t even care. The girl bugs me to no end. When you see candid shots of her just hanging out, she looks like a normal girl and, in my ever so humble opinion, she looks a heck of a lot better. Here at the Paraguayo stadium, Asuncion, Jockey Club, Miley does her best to prove to everyone that she’s not a little girl anymore. Mission accomplished?

May 6, 2011

Miley Cyrus On Stage In Quito

Miley Cyrus is on Twitter again! Are you excited? I dunno… Miley… sort of bothers me. I think I’ve mentioned this before. Yes, I definitely have. I much prefer seeing candid, casual Miley pics – the ones where we can see who she actually is. I am starting to feel a lot of sympathy for her though. I think there’s a tremendous amount of pressure on her to be someone she isn’t. I hope she makes it through the next few years intact. The world has had enough popstar trainwrecks. Here Miley performs at the Atahualpa Stadium in Quito and she’s still doing the wearing next to nothing thing on stage. I just don’t find that appealing for Miley. It’s such a radical change but hey, if it’s her call, kudos to her for doing things her way. I sincerely doubt it is though.

February 17, 2011

Miley Cyrus Still Flaunting Body To Sell Records

We get it. Miley Cyrus is all grown up and can’t be tamed. Does anyone even care anymore. Much like Lady Gaga’s crazy clothes are getting boring, so are Miley’s various body parts. We all know it’s only a matter of time before completely naked pictures ‘leak’ and she cements her place among the bad girls of pop ‘music’ so why waste time with these ridiculous get ups. I actually thought Miley looked pretty good at the Grammy’s (the longer black and gold dress in these pictures). The dress was revealing but it wasn’t super over the top. Then she shows up in this mesh topped, breast baring mess and I remember that classy Miley is always fleeting – replaced quickly by attention hungry Miley. With news that she’s barely on speaking terms with her father, one has to wonder if he doesn’t need to step in and put a stop to this insanity before the world ends up with another Brittany Lohan. Miley – the world now officially talks about your boobs more than your music. Take the hit, put some clothes on and make a decent record. You’re losing the little credibility you had.

November 26, 2010
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Miley Cyrus Flaunts Her Body As Usual

Hey look, everyone! Miley Cyrus wearing barely anything on the American Music Awards red carpet in LA. That’s totally new and shocking! We’ve never seen her half naked before. Seriously, Miley Cyrus? This is how you show us you’re all grown up? I have a better idea. Put out a movie that doesn’t target an audience of 12-16 year old girls. How about maybe making some music that isn’t mindless pop junk. Being a slut and flashing your body doesn’t make you grown up or mature. I mean, a lot of people can use a lot of words to describe Katy Perry – also known for flashing her body – but mature probably wouldn’t be on that list. And really, who wants another Katy Perry? We already have one. I wouldn’t mind seeing the real Miley Cyrus for once. Wouldn’t that be fun?

November 10, 2010

Miley Cyrus Flashes Some Side Boob

‘Just breathe’ indeed. Oh Miley. I just can’t even find the words. It takes a pretty special performer to flash side boob on the red carpet and what may be a little camel toe on stage. Now we all know Miley has ‘just breathe’ tattooed on an area that, while not necessarily indecent, still isn’t on a place we should be able to see. I have so much to say about these pictures but, really, it will just turn into another giant rant about how much I loathe this chick. Instead, I’ll say the only thing nice I can say about these pictures. This is Miley Cyrus at the MTV Europe Music Awards. The end.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }