Search Results for “new”

August 19, 2010

Mischa Barton Smoking… Something

It’s no secret that Mischa Barton likes to have the occasional puff and that she doesn’t always stick to the legal stuff. These aren’t the first photos of former O.C. beauty indulging in something that may or may not be hand-rolled cigarettes, but I have to say, they are the first photos of Mischa I’ve seen in a while in which she actually looks healthy. If fact, she looks almost good. Her body looks pretty good – better than we’ve gotten used to seeing – and she actually looks semi-conscious of what’s going on around her. I always liked Mischa and always hoped she would pull herself together. I hope her new, healthier look is the start of that.

July 22, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Surrenders To The Court

Lindsay Lohan is a girl that knows she’s in for a hard road. You can see the worry and angst all over her face. She looks tired. She looks beaten down. She also looks healthier than she’s looked in a very long time. Could this be the beginning of a change? I really hope so. I won’t deny I love this girl. I think she’s beautiful, talented and fully capable of making a comeback. Those that like to say she’s a spoiled brat seem to forget she’s also had it rough. Her parents are a shining example of how not to thoroughly screw up a child. As Lindsay surrenders to the court in Beverly Hills to begin serving her time, she also stands at a cross roads in her life. She can get herself together and get her life on track – start over as a new Lindsay Lohan when she’s released. She can also continue to live the way she’s been living and get nothing out of the experience. I hope for her sake she chooses the first path.

July 20, 2010
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AnnaLynne McCord In Sexy White Bikini

Now, I love me some AnnaLynne McCord bikini pictures. Don’t get me wrong. The girl is a babe and if I were here, I’d never leave the house wearing anything other than a bikini but, um, does she ever leave the house wearing anything other than bikinis? It seems to me, each time I see new pictures, she’s, surprise, in a bikini. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that, but someday she might want to have a serious career but all anything is going to see is, well, her butt. In any event, here’s AnnaLynne at her birthday party in a sexy white bikini. I’m not complaining about that. The woman is so hot she is actually to blame for global warming. She is single handedly melting the polar ice caps. I’m just going to try to enjoy the pictures and stop worrying about her future. She sure isn’t.

July 15, 2010

Jennifer Love Hewitt And Her Famous Cleavage

Poor Jennifer Love Hewitt. She has had some pretty messy public breakups that even Jennifer Aniston wouldn’t envy, has been the victim of celebrity hating gossip bloggers who posted less than flattering pictures of her in a bikini and then picked on her for getting in shape. The girl just can’t win. Now her show, Ghost Whisperer has ended and her new nickname has become Jennifer Love Desperate. It’s a shame. The thing I like about this girl is she doesn’t let it get her down. What does she do when the world is on her back? She puts on a killer dress and shows the world she’s still a major babe. Seen here leaving her house, Hewitt looks incredible. She puts the focus on what people want to see – her killer boobs.

July 6, 2010
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Avril Lavigne Is A Beach Babe

These days, Avril Lavigne is known as much for her stunning good looks and hot body as she is for her musical talent. With modeling contracts and product endorsements, it’s hard to remember that Lavinge is actually a musician. With her last album barely selling one has to wonder if she isn’t putting away the guitar in favor of posing for photographers and pitching products and in all honesty, that might not be a bad idea. Sure, Lavigne had some good songs, but none of them sounded half as good as she looks. Shown here having fun with friends on the beaches of Malibu, Lavigne seems to have made the seamless transition from rebel rocker to beach babe effortlessly. One thing is for certain, she’s definitely left the worries of a pending divorce far behind her and is looking to the future with her new boy in tow.

July 3, 2010

Sophie Turner Makes Working Out Look Sexy

Knockout Australian model, Sophie Turner is a knockout. There is no question about that. Even something as simple as going for a run and doing a few stretches is newsworthy when you look that good while you’re doing it. She has the kind of body men drool over and women wish they had and its obvious she works hard to keep that highly coveted body looking its best. Turner is more than a pretty face though, taking time out of her modeling career to finish her law degree in her home country of Australia so when the cameras are gone and she returns to a normal life, she has a good career to fall back on should she choose to pursue it. She’s obviously in no rush though. This girl loves the limelight and we love her for it. With pictures these hot, let’s hope she never decides to get camera shy.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }