Search Results for “see”

July 10, 2013

Michelle Rodriguez Is A Babe

I have always been a big Michelle Rodriguez fan. She’s sexy, she’s tough and she’s confident. I love the fact that she takes on bad ass roles typically reserved for men and always delivers. Michelle might have a reputation for being a bit crazy but I don’t think that’s entirely fair. She’s had her problems but she also seems to have overcome them – for the most part, anyway. That counts for a lot in my eyes. In these photos, we see Michelle looking glammed up and we see her looking casual. I think she looks fantastic both ways. I love this girl. If I had my way, she’d be the biggest female star in Hollywood. I absolutely adore her.

July 10, 2013
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Victoria Silvstedt Is Back On The Boat

I really do get why there are people out there who don’t like Victoria Silvstedt. I’m not one of those people but I can still see where they’re coming from. There is something kind of phony about Victoria. She just doesn’t have that down to earth vibe about her and that would usually be something that would turn me off but for some reason, I like Victoria anyway. In these photos, shot in Saint-Tropez, we once again see Victoria on a boat in a bikini and to me, she looks great. I don’t think she’s the most beautiful woman I write about here but she’s certainly a lovely woman, at least to me and that has to count for something.

July 10, 2013

Nicole Scherzinger Shows Off Her Belly

Now this is a look I like. The pants suit says business but the exposed belly says sexy. I think it’s the perfect look for a girl like Nicole Scherzinger. She also kept the whole outfit looking youthful and fresh by choosing a nice bold color. This is an outfit that guarantees all eyes are on Nicole but it guarantees that in the right way. It’s easy to get everyone paying attention by wearing something see through or wearing something that is especially revealing but Nicole has gone another way with it. She teases us with a little bit of skin but still keeps it classy. This is a great look for Nicole. I really think it works for her.

July 10, 2013
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Reese Witherspoon In A Conservative Swimsuit In Malibu

So I’ve talked a lot about my sort of back and forth attitude when it comes to Reese Witherspoon but in these photos, I’m not seeing a lot to complain about. I know there are lots of people out there, however, who are going to feel differently. She isn’t wearing an itty bitty bikini and that’s going to bother some people. These shots show Reese wearing a swimsuit at a beach in Malibu that is probably going to be deemed too conservative by some but I think it’s a great suit. It isn’t super sexy but it looks comfortable and I find that appealing. There’s something about a woman that can put comfort over sexiness every once in a while. For these photos, at least, I’m a fan.

July 10, 2013
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Paris Hilton And Christina Milian In Malibu

There are a few things I like about these shots of Paris Hilton and Christina Milian out in Malibu. First, I love the red in Christina’s hair. I meant to mention that when I posted some bikini pics of her the other day but I was distracted by her bikini body. Second, I love the patriotic outfits the two opted for here. Third, I like the fact that they didn’t show off as much skin as possible. Sometimes, a little mystery is better than a lot of skin. I just love the overall feel of the photos. They’re relaxed and laid back. Both of the girls seem to be having a great day.

July 9, 2013

Jessie James Is Going To Fall Out Of Her Bikini Top

I will never understand how women can wear bikini tops like this one but I’m also not going to complain about it. The fact that this strapless bikini top Jessie James is wearing in these bikini shots in Maui looks like it’s about ready to fall off at any second is proof that these sort of tops have a place in the world. A good place. A happy place. I love these shots but let’s be honest. It must be a little difficult to really relax and have a good time when you have to constantly be worried that your boobs are about to flop out. Jessie seems to be doing okay with it though. I guess that’s really all that matters in the end.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
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