Search Results for “selena gome”

February 19, 2012

Leggy Selena Gomez On Stage In Uruguay

This is the second time Selena Gomez has hit the stage in either this outfit or one very similar to it and much like the first time, she looks absolutely adorable but I’m not entirely sure I like the wardrobe choice. It does flatter her, highlighting her lovely legs but I think I would’ve liked it more had the long half skirt (or perhaps train?) had either not been attached or gone the whole way around. Regardless, Selena looks lovely onstage in Montevideo, Uruguay and looks like she’s putting on a great show. There has been a lot of talk about the new ring she’s sporting on that ‘special’ finger but I’m going to leave that subject alone. Whatever the story is there, I hope she is as happy as she deserves to be. I think this lady is fantastic.

February 13, 2012

Beautiful Selena Gomez Relaxes Poolside In A Bikini

I have really been gaining a whole new appreciation for Selena Gomez as of late. It’s clear that she’s trying to make the transition to a more mature target audience (or perhaps keep her current target interested as they themselves mature) but she hasn’t gone the trashy route like so many before her. She might wear somewhat revealing outfits on stage or at press events but nothing that even comes close to crossing the line. You know what I like most about Selena? She gets that there is a time and a place for everything. Take her bikini shots from Rio de Janeiro for example. We’re seeing more of her in these pictures than we’ve ever seen on stage or in the red carpet and that’s the way it should be.

January 25, 2012

Sexy Selena Gomez In Recent Performance Pics

In my always humble opinion, Selena Gomez really got it right. While a teen face base is great and surprisingly loyal, they also have a notoriously short attention span. Selena (or more likely, her team) recognize that and she’s now moving toward a more mature audience. What she isn’t doing, however, is turning her back on the fans that got her to where she is. Instead of bursting back onto the scene with a super sexual new image that often alienates younger fans, Selena is gradually evolving. Here in Puerto Rico, we see a sexier side of Selena but no a sleazy one. She looks stunning but most importantly, she still looks classy. She’s leaving something to the imagination and to me, that’s far sexier than letting everything hang out. It’s also not compromising her morals or relying on her body and her looks to sell her work. I respect this girl more and more every day.

January 3, 2012

Selena Gomez Poses For Her New Fragrance

I’ve never really gotten the point of celebrity fragrances. I don’t particularly want to smell like any of my favorite celebrities but I suppose they could make a good holiday gift. Who would I buy Selena Gomez’s new fragrance for? Well, I don’t know. Perhaps the Selena Gomez fan on my list that has all of her albums, DVDs, etc. I suppose that isn’t really the point though. So what is the point. Pretty simple. Selena Gomez is gorgeous. As it was pointed out in a comment on another Selena post I did, she’s only 19, not in her early twenties like I thought. That surprises me, especially when I see pictures like these ones from her photo shoot for her new fragrance. She’s a young girl with the poise and maturity of someone much older. I love this girl and can’t wait to see what the future holds for her.

December 11, 2011

Selena Gomez And Justin Bieber On Vacation In Los Cabos

Wow. People really, really don’t like the Biebs. Every time I write a post about Selena Gomez, it’s almost guaranteed someone will take a shot at him in the comments. I don’t really get it but I guess that’s the nature of celebrity culture. He doesn’t appeal to me in anyway and that “Baby” song will now be stuck in my head for the next several hours just because I wrote Bieber but there it is. So, we got the Bieber portion of this post out of the way. Let’s talk about what I do understand. Selena Gomez is stunning. Here hanging out with “He Who Shall Not Be Named” during a holiday in Los Cabos, Selena looks beautiful. More than that, she looks like she’s relaxed and having a good time. It’s been a bad few months for her with the baby drama and a truly frightening experience with a stalker so it’s nice to see her enjoying a little downtime. I love her bikini. It’s a cute color and it fits her well. In closing, Selena is gorgeous and pictures of her are always a treat to write about.

December 6, 2011

Selena Gomez Rocks A Sexy Festive Look

Ya know, I’m really starting to like Selena Gomez. I’ve always considered her the most normal celebrity out there in her age group and I definitely appreciate that but I’ve also started appreciating her emerging ability to be sexy without being cheap or trashy. Here at the Jingle Ball in Sacramento, California, Selena gets into the holiday spirit by hitting the stage in a festive red and white dress that looks absolutely adorable on her. Although I’ve never really been a big fan of Selena’s music, it looks like she really puts on a great show. Perhaps I’ll have to give her music another shot.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
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