Search Results for “shoot”

May 3, 2012
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Hot Bikini Photo Shoot With Denise Richards

Denise Richards is a babe. This is pretty common knowledge. What bugs me about Denise is that more attention seems to be paid to her personal life than is paid to her career. On the other hand, her career hasn’t exactly been red hot as of late and her personal life was, for a while at least, full of drama. I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised that people talk more about her life away from the cameras. I would like to see her do more acting. I don’t think she’s the most convincing actress who has ever graced the big screen but she is far from the worst. Then again, I’m perfectly fine with her focusing on modeling. She’s a beautiful woman who clearly takes care of herself. Hard to complain about anything these. These pictures are fantastic and I suppose that’s all that really matters in the end.

March 16, 2012

Beautiful Lindsay Lohan Photo Shoot

I’m not completely positive, but I believe these pictures of Lindsay Lohan were taken quite some time ago. They look like the photos from her album but again, I’m not entirely sure. They could just be a throwback to Lindsay’s golden days. I am sure, however, that I absolutely love Lindsay and am really rooting for her comeback. I want to say one thing about her gig hosting “Saturday Night Live” this past Saturday though. Yes, I watched. No, I didn’t laugh but let’s be fair. The skits just weren’t funny. Lindsay can only deliver the laughs if she has the material to work with. I thought the fact that she showed up and delivered her lines well is a good sign. I know there are a lot of people out there hoping that she’ll fail. I’m not one of those people. I can’t wait to see her as Elizabeth Taylor. I think it’ll be fantastic.

March 15, 2012

Sexy New Carrie Keagan Photo Shoot

If I guy has his finger in a lot of different pies (professionally speaking, people – minds out of the gutter), one would call him a Jack of all Trades? What is the female equivalent of that? Whatever it is, it applies to Carrie Keagan. This is a woman that does it all. She’s a writer, producer, actress and popular television personality but is probably most well known for her show “Up Close with Carrie Keagan”, her appearances as a panelist on “Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld”, her hosting work for “E!” and her hosting gig on “Big Morning Buzz Live”. I know her mostly from her appearances on “Attack of the Show”. No matter how you know her (or no matter if you know her at all), it’s hard to deny how incredibly beautiful this woman is. While these photos are certainly sexy and the poses are provocative, I like the fact that she isn’t showing a huge amount of skin in them. She’s able to be sexy and alluring without posing in a bra and panties or a bikini. That comes from confidence and natural sex appeal. Love this woman and love these pictures.

February 26, 2012

Sexy New Jennifer Lopez Photo Shoot

I feel like I’ve seen these pictures of Jennifer Lopez before. Perhaps they’re a throwback to an earlier photo shoot. I don’t think it really matters either way. Jennifer is an incredibly beautiful woman and hasn’t lost a bit of her appeal over the course of her time in the spotlight. She was stunning when she first appeared on the scene back in the “Selena” days she she’s stunning now. I love the fact that Jennifer has curves. There are far too many women in Hollywood that are waif thin and look in need of a sandwich. Jennifer has always been proof that curves are sexy and that’s one of the things I love most about her. Love Jennifer – everything about her. Even in her undies, she’s still a class act all the way.

February 20, 2012

Behind The Scenes Pics Of Doutzen Kroes Photo Shoot

I don’t like Michael Bay. I have no idea why. Just a thing I have about him, I guess. When I heard he would be shooting one of my favorite Victoria’s Secret models for a new VS photo shoot, I was a little unsure of how I felt. I love Doutzen Kroes. She’s beautiful and always seems to look so natural in her photos. Even so, the whole Michael Bay thing kind of made me hesitate. If these photos from the set of that Victoria’s Secret spread (taken in Miami, Florida) are any indication though, I’m definitely not hesitating any longer. Besides, maybe I’m being a bit too harsh on old Michael Bay. He can’t be as bad as I imagine him to be.

February 16, 2012

Stunning Alexandra Stan In Gorgeous New Photo Shoot

I am not afraid to admit when I have no idea what I’m talking about. I went into today’s assignments and saw Alexandra Stan’s name on my list of posts and thought this would be one of those posts. I looked at the pictures and was absolutely stricken by how beautiful this woman is. Her eyes nearly stopped my heart. I have a thing for eyes. A nice body is a nice body but beautiful eyes really grab my attention. I also love the fact that these pictures have an interesting, unique feel to them – a real retro sort of vibe and that really speaks to me too. In other words, Alexandra really sparked my interest so I decided to take a moment or two to learn more about her. Turns out, I actually do know what I’m talking about with this one. In August 2011, Alexandra – a Romanian born musician – released an album called “Saxobeats”. A friend gave me the album and told me to listen to it and I fell in love. For whatever reason though, I didn’t connect the name with the music. Gorgeous and talented? Yes please! Love Alexandra!

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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