Search Results for “tit”

July 10, 2013
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Reese Witherspoon In A Conservative Swimsuit In Malibu

So I’ve talked a lot about my sort of back and forth attitude when it comes to Reese Witherspoon but in these photos, I’m not seeing a lot to complain about. I know there are lots of people out there, however, who are going to feel differently. She isn’t wearing an itty bitty bikini and that’s going to bother some people. These shots show Reese wearing a swimsuit at a beach in Malibu that is probably going to be deemed too conservative by some but I think it’s a great suit. It isn’t super sexy but it looks comfortable and I find that appealing. There’s something about a woman that can put comfort over sexiness every once in a while. For these photos, at least, I’m a fan.

July 9, 2013

Zahia Dehar Leaves Very, Very Little To The Imagination

Before I get to the post, I want to share something. Sometimes I get a little information with the photos I’m given to write about. This was one of those times. The info referred to Zahia Dehar’s dress as the “that’s what I call see-thru” dress and that made me grin because it is 100% accurate. Now, I’ve only had the opportunity to post about Zahia Dehar once or twice before but boy oh boy do I remember her story. So, the young lady in these photos – ya know, the one who wore pretty much nothing to the opening of her boutique in Paris – is a model but that’s not really what she’s most well known for. No, Zahia is most well known for her part in a massive prostitution scandal in France a few years back. I guess prostitution is legal in France but only when the prostitute is over 18. Since Zahia was only 17 when three men were caught paying her for sex, they found themselves in pretty hot water. The resulting press exposure got Zahia a modeling contract and her own boutique. She has further capitalized on the exposure by posting racy photos on Twitter and wearing dresses like this one. I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions on this girl but to be honest, I think the dress speaks for itself.

July 9, 2013
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Emmy Rossum Has Huge Balloons

I hate using such a cheesy, sleazy title on such an uncheesy, unsleazy young lady but I couldn’t help it. I looked at the first picture and knew that had to be the title. The only thing that could’ve made a more obvious joke was if the balloons were melons instead. Ah, boob jokes – not quite as good as dick jokes but still funny. Anyway, balloon boobs aside, I love these photos of Emmy Rossum. She just looks like she’s so happy and looks like she’s having so much fun. These photos just make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Great photos. Emmy is too cute for words.

July 8, 2013

Rose McGowan Is, Without Question, My Biggest Girl Crush

I have a lot of girl crushes. I have a lot of big time girl crushes. There’s Carmen Electra – one of my first girl crushes – and Sandra Bullock. There’s Katy Perry and Rihanna. There’s Fairuza Balk. There’s Kate Beckinsale. I have a lot of girl crushes for a straight chick. I get that. None of those crushes, however, outshines my girl crush on Rose McGowan. I’d consider switching teams for a lot of the women I just mentioned but there would be no consideration involved with Rose. I adore her. She’s stunning. I don’t care how much work she’s had done. I don’t even really care what she looks like. My crush on Rose is all about her attitude. She’s just a confident, tough, independent, outspoken woman and I am so incredibly attracted to all of those qualities. These photos, shot in Paris, show the glammed up Rose I so love seeing. I love this woman. Marry me, Rose! That’s perfectly legal here. Of course, I’m already married but I’m sure something could be arranged.

July 8, 2013
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Kendall Jenner Tries To Go Incognito?

The hat isn’t fooling anyone, Kendall Jenner. We all know who you are. It’s gonna take a lot more than a hat and some dark glasses to conceal your identity. I’m kidding of course. Kendall likely wasn’t going for anonymity here. I think she understands, even at her young age, that anonymity isn’t something she can get. I think Kendall chose this outfit for fashion related purposes and I’m glad she did. I think she looks fantastic. I love everything about this outfit and I love everything about the way it looks on her. Maybe she was just looking for something low key. If that was the intention, she nailed it. She looks gorgeous here. The hat and the glasses bring an element of mystery and I find that appealing. Great shots of a pretty young lady.

July 7, 2013
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Raica Oliveira Is Quite Possibly The Most Stunning Model I’ve Ever Seen

If you’ve been reading my posts here for any length of time, you’ve likely heard me refer to many, many women as “one of my favorite models” and I mean it every time I write it. That does not mean what I’ve written in this title though because I absolutely do. I don’t know enough about Raica Oliveira to say she’s one of my favorite models but I can definitely say she is perhaps the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen in my life. Why? I have absolutely no idea but when I opened this set of photos and looked at her for the first time, I gasped. I’m not even exaggerating. I sincerely gasped when I looked at this woman. She just takes my breath away. I don’t have a clue what it is about her that is so appealing but there’s definitely something. I absolutely want to see more of this woman. Right away. I really hope I have the chance to write about her again … soon.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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