Search Results for “tit”

June 9, 2013
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Rihanna Almost Looks Normal In Paris

I’m an enormous Rihanna fan as our regular readers likely know so I’m not trying to be rude with the title. I’m just used to seeing Rihanna in some pretty crazy outfits – not Lady Gaga crazy, of course, but crazy nonetheless. Seeing her with her hair looking normal, barely any makeup on her face and an outfit that, aside from the exposed tummy, looks respectable is so unexpected. I really like it. Here in Paris, Rihanna is looking just as incredible as always and I’m really liking the change of pace. I love Rihanna’s often over the top fashion choices but there’s really something to be said for keeping things a little more subdued and understated every now and again.

June 6, 2013
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Emmy Rossum Is So Freaking Sexy My Eyes Are Melting

I believe I may have used a similar title for a set of photos of some sexy supermodel a while back but I really do feel it applied to these sexy Emmy Rossum lingerie shots as well so I used it again. I can’t see the harm in that. I mean, just look at these shots. They’re just so very hot. Emmy’s body is incredible and those eyes of hers … I can’t even deal with all the hotness that is going on here. What’s truly great about Emmy is that she’s more than just a pretty face. She’s an incredibly talented actress as well. I think she has everything one needs to have a very long, very successful career in the entertainment industry.

June 6, 2013
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Jennifer Lopez Shows Off Her Famous Ass In London

American Idol completely changed the way I see Jennifer Lopez. I used to see her as some sort of inhuman diva monster but after watching her as a judge on the famous singing competition, I saw her as someone far more down to earth than I’d ever imagined. I have always been a Lopez fan, even when I thought she was a crazy diva, but her time on the show really made me appreciate her in a different way. One thing I’ve never doubted about Lopez? Her incredible beauty. Her face, her body … her whole persona. Everything about Jennifer Lopez screams sexy to me. I think these shots from her concert in London really back that up. I’m not a fan of every single song Jennifer has recorded but I have to admit, I’d absolutely love to see her live. I think she’d put on one heck of a show and she’d look fantastic as she did it.

June 6, 2013
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Stunning Alina Vacariu In A Gorgeous Beach Photoshoot

Alina Vacariu is one of those women that just takes my breath away everytime I see her. These photos really show why. The woman is just stunning. She’s absolutely gorgeous. For those unfamiliar with this beautiful Romanian model, allow me to give you her backstory. She started modeling in her teenage years and was named Romania’s Model of the Year at only 14. That title landed her a spot with Elite Model Management and helped to launch what has become a very successful modeling career. She’s worked with some of the biggest names in fashion and has even branched out into acting. These photos are a great example of what this lady can do when you put her in front of a camera. There is just something so sexy about the way she poses and the way she looks into the camera. I don’t think I could love her, or these photos, any more than I do now.

June 4, 2013
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Kelly Brook Gets Rave Reviews From Me Once Again

Sometimes I worry that I repeat myself too often when I’m writing for this site but really, how many different ways can I rave about the incredible hotness of Kelly Brook? There’s bound to be a little repetition sometimes. I mean, I love this woman. I really do. If you’ve been reading my posts for any amount of time, you likely know that. I know we post Kelly a lot but there are constantly sexy photos of her showing up. She’s a big name in the industry and I, for one, can never get enough of this girl. She’s just absolutely beautiful and once again, these photos are fantastic. While I have written about Kelly Brook photos I wasn’t a huge fan of, it really has been rare. I think that has something to do with the fact that there just aren’t that many bad photos of her out there. She’s a beautiful young woman. I could write about her all day.

June 3, 2013

Rachel Bilson Is So Incredibly Adorable

I adore Rachel Bilson. I’ve adored her since her time on The O.C. and my love for her was only magnified when I started watching her on Hart of Dixie. I still believe her role in Zach Braff’s Last Kiss was her finest work to date but Hart would be pretty close to the top of the list for me. In these photos from the Chanel Dinner in Los Angeles, Rachel is pulling off that rare combination of adorable and sexy and I love it. I love the hair, I love the dress, I love the shoes … I love everything about these photos. One thing I feel is important to mention though. Rachel is one of those rare celebrities that looks better (not to mention younger) without a stitch of makeup on her face. I think these photos would be even better if she lightened up on the eye makeup just a little bit. Even so – she looks fantastic. I don’t think I could be more in love with this young lady.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }