Search Results for “work out”

July 28, 2011

Blond Katy Perry Upskirt Shot

She went from gorgeous raven hair to so-so red and now on to lovely blond. I have to admit I wasn’t a fan of the red hair on Katy Perry, but I could really get behind the blond. It works for her. I think she looks adorable here at The Smurfs premiere in New York and I love the little Smurf dress. Sure it’s cheesy and over the top, but that’s what Katy Perry is all about. The dress is perfect for her. It’s got personality and it fits her beautifully. The fact that it provided a great upskirt shot is just an added bonus. I love Katy. I think she’s adorable and I love getting to see pictures of her all done up. Candids are nice, but I like glam Katy more.

July 20, 2011

Belen Rodriguez And Fabrizio Corona In Spain

Belen Rodriguez… to be honest, I’m pretty new to this girl. Until recently, in fact, I had no idea she existed and that makes me a bit sad. Mostly known for her modeling work and her work in commercials, Belen is quickly becoming one of the women I look most forward to seeing new pictures of. There’s just something about her I like. It could be the fact that she’s gorgeous. It could be the fact that she has an awesome body. It could also be the fact that she seems like she’s a pretty level headed girl. Whatever the reason, here in Formentera, Spain, Belen looks incredible. Also worth noting, her boyfriend is also an incredibly attractive man.

July 19, 2011

Sexy Sara Jean Underwood Shows Off Her Body

Yeah, I’m not so sure how I feel about these pictures. Sure Sara Jean’s a gorgeous woman and she has a gorgeous body, but I just don’t get the outfit and I can’t seem to get past that fact. I’m sure there’s some type of story behind it, but I don’t know that story and am therefore lost as to why she would put these clothes on her body. While I generally like seeing sexy women showing off their lovely toned tummies, this just doesn’t work for me. The outfit is distracting. I barely notice anything else. Sara Jean was supposed to be Wonder Woman in the new reboot of the classic television show but the last I heard the show was on ice. Guess my prediction on that one from a while back came true. I still like Sara, but this wasn’t her best set of pictures by far.

July 18, 2011

Ass Shots Of Shauna Sand

I don’t get Shauna Sand. I really don’t. I’m sorry. I just can’t endorse a woman that’s more plastic than human flesh. I’m pretty sure saran wrap comes out when Shauna cuts herself. Those lips. Good Lord. Anyway, she has a pretty hot body so I guess that’s something she’s got going for her. I mean, most Playboy Playmates have had a nip or tuck here and there so I guess I shouldn’t really hate on Shauna for that, especially considering she’s one click shy of forty. I’ll be thrilled if I look like Shauna at forty. Then again, I don’t think I will ever have the money necessary to make that happen. Regardless of how I feel about Shauna, I’m sure many of you will enjoy these pictures of Shauna in Miami strutting her stuff on the beach. I will say she knows how to rock a bikini and doesn’t look quite as ‘worked on’ in these pictures as she does in many of her others.

July 17, 2011
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Behind The Scenes Candids Of AnnaLynne McCord

I never know quite what to think of AnnaLynne McCord. She’s beautiful. She has a fantastic body but I’ve always felt she crossed the line into too skinny territory and just kept shedding weight. In these pictures taking in LA though, she actually looks pretty healthy – healthier than usual anyway. She has a lovely ass and really knows how to work it for the camera. It’s hard not to like her and I guess she’s won me over. I just hope she continues to look healthy. Girls that get too skinny start to look like lollipops and I’ve never really found that attractive. I’m not sure how I feel about the high waisted bikini bottoms in these pictures, but they’re not really all that bad. In all honesty, I don’t see much about these pictures I don’t like. I look forward to more.

July 17, 2011

Hilary Duff Takes A Swim In Capri

I know I’ve taken a few shots at Hilary Duff and her seemingly stalled career a time or two, but I honestly love the Duff and that love only grows stronger as time passes. I love that she’s so under the radar. You don’t hear her name connected with a new scandal each and every week. She seems so grounded and normal. While some might call that boring, i call it refreshing. Here in Capri, Hilary takes a dip in the pool looking sexy but still somehow like that adorable girl I remember from her career in music and movies. And don’t think Hilary’s done with showbiz. Just because you don’t hear her name every day doesn’t mean she’s done working. She just keeps out of the spotlight and I respect the heck out of her for that. I wish some other actresses/singers would take that route.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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