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November 19, 2012
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Kristen Stewart Meets Her Fans At The Breaking Dawn Premiere.

Okay, here’s the deal. I like Kristen Stewart, I liked the Twilight books and I enjoyed the first Twilight movie. I hated New Moon, thought Eclipse was a serious improvement but never quite got around to watching Breaking Dawn Part 1. Breaking Dawn Part 2 is now in theaters and I really couldn’t care less. I’m sure I’ll watch the movies eventually but I really didn’t think they did the books justice. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about Kristen Stewart. I don’t care about the cheating scandal. I’m not even entirely sure I believe it wasn’t just a push for publicity but I guess that’s beside the point. In all honesty, I just don’t think Kristen is all that attractive and I don’t think she’s the fantastic actress some seem to think she is. I think she has a lot of potential in the acting department. She just needs to explore new types of characters because, as far as I can tell anyway having seen all of her movies, she plays variations of the same type of character over and over again. Looking for new kinds of roles will help her grow and develop and she could, one day, be a real force to be reckoned with. Now, I mentioned I don’t find her attractive but, still being honest, that’s starting to change. I love these photos and I think she looks fantastic in them. I love this side of Kristen. Maybe my overall opinion of her is starting to change not that it matters. She has more than enough fans and is wildly successful. My opinion isn’t really anything she needs to concern herself with.

October 10, 2012
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Kristen Stewart Looking Like Kristen Stewart.

There was a time a few years back when I would’ve sworn up and down that Kristen Stewart was one of the most talented actresses of her generation. I don’t necessarily hold that belief now. She is good at what she does but she does the same thing in every movie she’s in. I like “Twilight” and it’s related films. I liked “The Cake Eaters”. I loved “Adventureland”, “Into the Wild”, “The Runaways” etc, etc, etc. I thought Kristen was fantastic in all of them but when I really look at her body of work as a whole (I’ve seen most, if not all, of her films), I realized she basically always plays variations of the same character. I don’t think she’s untalented, as some like to claim. I think she takes risky film roles which is great but I’d like to see her play a totally new kind of character – a character that would really show off the depth and range I like to believe she has. She’s still very young though and I think she has plenty of time to show us what she can do. Now, here’s how it is. I don’t find Kristen attractive. I don’t know why. There’s just something about her that doesn’t appeal to me but at the same time, I do like these photos from the Florence and the Machine concert in Los Angeles. I like what she’s wearing but I think the red lipstick is a little much for her. I think Kristen looks best when she goes for a more natural look.

November 16, 2011

Kristen Stewart On The Tonight Show With Jay Leno

Here’s my conflict over Kristen Stewart. I really, really want to like her. I really do. I loved the Twilight Saga books but the movies haven’t really been quite what I was expecting. I just don’t get the way the movies show Bella. She was a much different character in the books. Whatever. That’s beside the point. We’re talking about Kristen. As I said, I want to like her. She’s got the sort of outspoken attitude I love in an actress. She says what she wants and that’s gutsy. I just don’t really find her that attractive. I know, I know. It’s not a beauty contest but I’m not a huge fan of her acting either. She seems to play all of her characters the same way. Even I have to admit she looks pretty good in these pictures from “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” in Los Angeles. I like the dress. I like her hair. Perhaps I’ve been entirely wrong about her this whole time. I’m looking forward to “Snow White and the Huntsman”. I guess I’m still up in the air on her. Time will tell, I suppose.

November 21, 2009
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Kristen Stewart Looks Absolutely Hot

Kristen Stewart on the Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien did more than look absolutely hot and talk about the Twilight sequel “New Moon” that is opening today all over the place. Conan got her to talk about all kinds of secret things such as her dad, her reaction to over the top fans, and all the cool Twilight merchandise that is out including dolls and underwear.
She could have chosen a bit more attractive attire, maybe something a bit of color or a bit more sexy.
Recently in an interview Kristen stated, “It’s a little weird, but it’s all because of this …. The focus for us is the focus that have, which is the movies. This is what you work for. Not the attention, but the fact that you can have a common interest.”

February 6, 2009
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Kristen Stewart Wants To Be Sniffed

Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Because these pretty naughty photos of “Twilight” co-stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart can really stir a lot of people’s imagination! WTF was Robert’s head doing in front of Kristen’s private part? Does this mean that she wants Robert to sniff her? Or does this mean that any guy would do as long as he knows how to smell her? Or does she just want to show guys that she smells good down there? So many questions that need answers pronto!

Kristen Stewart

August 11, 2008

Jenna Dewan At Teen Choice Awards 2008

Jenna Dewan went to the Teen Choice Awards in a tiny pair of shirts and a nice blouse. Jenna has been signed on to star in “Magdalena.” This movie uses a plot from a comic book featuring a holy warrior who’s hot at the same time. Jenna will play Patience, a woman warrior who fights supernatural evil. Jenna’s co-star is Luke Goss. Luke will play Kristof, an agent who is the guardian of Patience.

Jenna Dewan

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