Search Results for “Babe”

November 24, 2012

Britney Spears Looks Fantastic!

For a moment, I thought these must be old photo shoot pictures of Britney Spears because I haven’t seen the blonde babe looking this good in quite some time. When I got to the photo of Britney and her fiance, Jason, I was a little shocked. I have to hand it to Britney. She’s not only looking great but she pulled off one heck of a comeback. There are few stars that can fall as hard as Britney did and make it back to the top – or at least close enough to the top to count. I hope things continue to go well for Britney. She deserves success and happiness. I hope she finds both.

November 23, 2012
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Gorgeous Tamara Ecclestone Lingerie Pictures.

Tamara Ecclestone is a babe. She really is. Her body is incredible but her face is just as beautiful. That isn’t always the case with models. I believe some tactless individuals refer to them as butterfaces. I don’t like the term myself but I will admit, with great shame, to thinking it a few times in reference to a few models who shall remain nameless. Tamara is not one of those models. This woman is just stunning and she really knows how to turn it on for the camera. She just seems to have a natural ease about her. Even when she’s posing, the poses don’t look entirely stiff and forced. I love this woman. It’s always great to see new photos of her, especially when she’s clad in lingerie.

November 7, 2012

Bad Poetry About Kim Kardashian And Her Ass.

I will forgo the attempts at a haiku this time and instead, will focus on a more abstract kind of poem. I don’t kknow much about this sort of thing but I promise, it will be just as bad as my Nicole Trunfio haiku. This bad poem of course focuses on Kim Kardashian’s ass thanks to these photos of the curvy babe that were snapped in Miami. I hope you all enjoy it.

Roses are red,

Violets smell awesome.

Is that Kim K’s ass,

Or is she smuggling a possum?

That thing is so big,

It gets all the boys going.

Kim looks fantastic

With all the trunk junk she’s towing.

One more verse for Kim’s ass,

This is taking forever.

My poem sucks but the point,

Is Kim’s ass is a treasure.

Wow. I don’t even want to admit how long that took me to write. You can all thank commenter Dweeb Malloy for my repeat performance. I am to please … or disappoint. Seriously though – enjoy these great close ups of Kim Kardashian’s behind. The lady sure knows how to rock a pair of stretch pants.

October 4, 2012

Jaime Pressly Is In Shape!

Guilty confession – I love Jaime Pressly a little too much. I really do. This woman makes me absolutely giddy. She’s gone through her share of troubles over the last few years but she has always emerged on the other side looking stronger and more confident. I respect that more than I can express. As she heads out for lunch at Tra Di Noi in Malibu, Jaime rocks a white tank top like nobody’s business. Just look at those arms. I don’t often like a lot of muscle definition on a woman – I find it looks a little too masculine – but it really works for Jaime. She’s always been a tough babe and for that reason, I don’t find the buffed up arms distracting. This is a woman that has a hint of masculinity while still remaining ultra feminine – not to mention absolutely stunning. Love this woman.

September 18, 2012
1 Comment

Behind The Scenes Shots Of Sexy Candice Swanepoel Shoot.

Okay, I checked and rechecked this time. These photos are most definitely of Candice Swanepoel. With that out of the way, let’s talk about the photos. They’re hot. I’m not entirely sure anything else needs to be said. Candice is a total babe – one of my absolute favorite models. In these behind the scenes shots from her recent photoshoot for Victoria’s Secret in Miami, Candice looks every bit as hot as one would expect and then some. That first picture is one of my absolute favorite pictures of Candice and not just from this set. It’s probably one of the best pictures of Candice I’ve ever seen. I love this woman. Words will never be enough to describe how much.

August 24, 2012

Tamara Ecclestone Is Smoking Hot In LA.

Tamara Ecclestone is a babe. She also happens to be the heiress to a massive fortune. I have to imagine life is probably pretty awesome if you’re Tamara Ecclestone. I don’t hold that against her, of course. She’s a beautiful woman who hasn’t relied entirely on her family to make her somebody. She’s worked a bit in television and as a model which tells me that she’s not content to just live off her trust fund and while she’s not waiting tables or busting her hump at a 9-5 like most of us, she’s at least doing something to earn her own money. I respect that. I hate this idea that rich people are automatically bad. That would be like saying poor people or average income people are automatically lazy. Tamara seems like a pretty decent girl although, to be honest, I don’t know a whole lot about her so I might be completely wrong. I just like giving people the benefit of the doubt.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }