Search Results for “Kim”

April 30, 2014
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Kendall Jenner Is A Model Or Something

A few hours ago, I wrote a post about Selena Gomez in which I discussed my complete lack of interest in her. Most of the same things can be said for Kendall Jenner, well, minus the “not as crazy as her boyfriend” part. I don’t know who Kendall’s boyfriend is. I don’t care. I’m sure he’s young rich and gorgeous. I’m also sure he’d make me want to slap him without even opening his mouth. Here’s the thing about Kendall though. I want to like her. The superficial, shallow side of me actually does even. She’s a beautiful girl but I find all her drama exhausting. It’s not her fault. It’s got to be a family thing. Just look at her sisters Kim and Khloe. This absurd “girl fight” between Kendall, her sister (that other Jenner Kid) and Selena Gomez is so high school drama it should have it’s own show on the CW. Who am I kidding though? I’d totally watch that and hate myself more and more with every episode.

December 20, 2013
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Kendall Jenner Is The Hottest Kardashian

Okay, so Kendall Jenner isn’t exactly a Kardashian but she might as well be. I don’t see the difference between Kendall and the other sisters, aside – of course – for the fact that Kendall is crazy hot while the others are just mostly hot (some more than others.) Yeah, Kim is a stunning woman but I’d take Kendall over Kim any day of the week. And I don’t mean take her in that way, guys. Gets your minds out of the gutter. I just mean that I find her more attractive than Kim. That might have a little something to do with the fact that I’m not big on Kim to start with.

July 10, 2013

Helen Flanagan Exposes Her Breasts In Ibiza Photoshoot

I’m firmly undecided on Helen Flanagan and these behind the scenes shots from her Ibiza photoshoot are helping absolutely nothing. I think she looks incredible in some of the shots and I don’t think she looks all that great in some of the shots. Definitely weird, if you ask me. Of course, she does have her breasts exposed in the first shot and nearly exposed in other shots but Helen wears such skimpy clothes on such a regular basis, it really doesn’t feel like we seeing anything we haven’t seen before. Like I said though, some of the shots are nice but for the most part, I’m just kind of bored by them. It looks like a beautiful location though so that has to count for something.

July 2, 2013
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Miley Cyrus Forgot Her Pants Again

I kid Miley Cyrus. I think she looks fantastic in these photos from Jimmy Kimmel Live! in Los Angeles. I love her new attitude and I love her new style. This, to me, shows Miley Cyrus being who she wants to be instead of trying to be the person her handlers want her to be. While I’m not a big fan of her new single and I think the video was a bit over the top, I still like the direction she’s headed in. She seems to be trying to show the world that she’s in control now and I think that’s fantastic. I also think it’s about damn time. Are these the best Miley Cyrus photos I’ve ever seen? Maybe not but they’re still pretty great. I like her new direction and I hope she continues to pursue it.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }