Search Results for “Kim”

June 28, 2013

Jennifer Nicole Lee Doesn’t Look As Outrageous As She Usually Does

By now, our regular readers should probably know I have a pretty love/hate relationship with Jennifer Nicole Lee. She’s gorgeous, yes but she has a tendency to wear the sluttiest possible outfits whenever she’s out in public. I don’t like that – never have. It just seems so trashy and desperate. I don’t mind women wearing skimpy bikinis at the beach or by the pool because that’s where skimpy outfits belong. I don’t even mind women wearing lingerie and things of that nature in public places for the purposes of a photoshoot because that’s often just part of the job. I do, however, find it distasteful when a woman goes out to the grocery store wearing an outfit that looks like it came straight out of her lingerie drawer. This is the kind of outfit we normally see Jennifer Nicole Lee in. That is not the case here. I think she looks great in these photos, snapped as she went out in Miami. It might be a little racier than anything I’d wear but it still is far more conservative than her normal attire. I have to give her points for that.

June 21, 2013
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I Don’t Find Farrah Abraham All That Attractive Anymore

I’m almost positive Farrah Abraham’s sex tape scandal has far more to do with her sudden lack of appeal than any changes in her appearance. I used to think this girl was a different kind of reality star. She seemed interested in working to extend her 15 minutes of fame (gained, by the way, for appearing on Teen Mom) and I appreciated that. Sure she rose to fame on a reality show but she was acting and modeling as well and I thought that was respectable. As it turns out though, I was pretty much entirely wrong about her. She isn’t much different than Heidi Montag, Courtney Stodden or any of the other little talent “media stars” that become famous for a scandal or a crappy reality show and then scratch and claw to extend that 15 minutes further. She’s just another reality star willing to do anything to stay in the spotlight, even if it means taking it up the rear on camera. I guess it worked for Kim Kardashian but at least Kim is hot. In these photos, snapped at a pool party in Las Vegas, Farrah looks pretty enough to keep cameras snapping but I don’t think she’s really anything special anymore. Maybe if she’d been honest about the sex tape, I’d respect her a little more but she lied and that made me lose whatever respect I had for her.

April 20, 2013
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Lauren Stoner Is Stunning

The last time I posted about Lauren Stoner I didn’t really have much information about her. I knew she was on “The Spin Crowd” but that was about the extent of it. In the weeks since that post, I’ve learned a little more about her. Apparently, this sexy young woman is considered by many to be the protege of a very well known reality star. Yes, this woman is apparently the protege of none other than Kim Kardashian. As some of you may know, I’m not really a Kim K fan but that’s not going to impact my opinion of Lauren. She’s apparently an aspiring actress but as of now, she’s far more well known for her incredible beach body. Well, I suppose if you have to be known for something, that’s not a bad place to start.

January 8, 2013
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Finally, Some Courtney Stodden Pictures I Don’t Hate.

I’ve been pretty hard on “Teen Bride” Courtney Stodden but I’m not an unreasonable person. I’m looking at these photos and the first thing that jumps out at me is that, for once, Courtney’s skimpy outfit makes perfect sense. She’s on the beach. Many women wear bikinis on the beach. And yes, I’ll admit, she looks good in a bikini. I don’t have much to complain about with these ones. The poses are a bit silly but she at least looks like she’s having fun. Don’t get me wrong, I still think she’s one dirty bird but in these particular photos, she doesn’t look much different than the average teenager on the beach. I’d like to see her do away with the pounds of makeup she slathers on her face as she looks much better without it but she looks okay all the same.

December 30, 2012

I Just Don’t Get Nicki Minaj

Here’s the deal. I thought “Pink Friday” was a great album. There are a few tracks on there I wasn’t exactly in love with but for the most part, I thought it was well worth listening to. I guess that means I would call myself a fan. I’m jut not quite sure I understand anything else about Nicki Minaj. She’s always spewing off the most ridiculous, hate filled rants at anyone who doesn’t like her. It’s music. People aren’t going to like everything. As for her outrageous outfits, I don’t really get that either but perhaps that’s because I’m old enough to know Lil Kim already did much of what Nicki Minaj is doing now in terms of fashion. I don’t necessarily think it’s fair that Lil Kim and Nicki Minaj are compared all the time (for the record, I think Kim is the better rapper but Nicki is better at creating more marketable music) but I can see how the comparisons come about. All of that aside, I’m just not sure how about these photos from the Christmas Extravaganza Nicki hosted at Webster Hall on December 25. I don’t like the hair. I don’t like the outfit. I do, however, adore the shoes. I guess that counts for something.

December 11, 2012
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Paris Hilton Looking Cute In Miami

I never really know what to write about Paris Hilton. What can I saw about this woman that hasn’t been said a million times? Things are further complicated by the fact that I genuinely don’t know whether I love or loathe this woman. See, here’s the thing about Paris. I don’t like celebrities who are famous for no good reason but yet, there’s a part of me that likes Paris. I’m not sure what it is about her that I like. I think she’s a beautiful woman, of course, and has great fashion sense most of the time but so does Kim Kardashian and I’m far from a big Kim K fan. For whatever reason though, Paris is different to me. I love these pics of her in Miami. She looks cute and I’m really loving the suit and headband. She looks like she’s having a pretty good time. Always nice to see.

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