Search Results for “Se”

December 6, 2010
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Kim Kardashian And Her Cleavage

Need I saw more? Reality mega star Kim Kardashian may not have an discernible talent to speak of but here in Beverly Hills she has no problem showing the world why she’s famous. It’s all about the body with this one and really, who’s going to complain about that? Perhaps the hundreds of hard working actresses who struggle their entire lives to get even a hint of the celebrity status Kim K has sex-taped herself in to, but one has to admire what she’s done with that fame. She’s one of the most successful reality stars out there because she doesn’t just want to be famous. She wants to be respected. She might be a little way off from that yet, but maybe in time she’ll get there. I doubt it, but stranger things have happened. It is Hollywood after all.

December 5, 2010
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Nicole Scherzinger On Daybreak

I just can’t decide how I feel about these pictures of my favorite Pussycat Doll, Nicole Scherzinger from Daybreak. She looks hot, I suppose, but I just don’t know. I’m not feeling the futuristic, Gothic shtick anymore. It’s been done, hasn’t it? And I’m sorry to say, it’s not only been done, but it’s been done better. She has a fantastic body and a gorgeous face but that outfit more or less completely hits her body and her face looks a little off with her hair like that. I’m not going to lie; she’s still super hot and all that, but I’m just not quite sure what she’s got goin’ on here. Also, I think – and don’t quote me on this – men are the only ones that are supposed to wear cod pieces.

December 3, 2010

Dakota Fanning Hits The Gym

Dakota Fanning may not be the most beautiful girl in Hollywood, but she is without question one of the most talented. A lot of press types would say she’s a great actress for her age but looking over the Hollywood landscape and what if offers in terms of female talent, I’d be hard pressed to find an actress of any age with the talent this girl has. If you need proof, check her out in ‘The Secret Life of Bees’ or ‘Hounddog’. She’s brilliant and honestly, not to hard on the eyes either. Here leaving a gym in LA, Dakota looks like her usual thin self, but what I love about her is that although she looks a little too skinny, it isn’t hard to believe that she’s just naturally slim. I don’t think she has any of the typical eating disorders or drug habits most stick thin celebs have which makes her even more appealing. I love this girl. I can say almost with complete certainty that there’s a little gold man named Oscar in her future.

December 3, 2010
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Lindsay Lohan Goes For Some Retail Therapy

I don’t care what anyone says. I think Lindsay Lohan is finally waking up and seeing her life for what it is – full of drama and trouble; much of which she brought on herself. She owned up to her mistake (at least this last time around) and I think she’s taking rehab seriously. So what if she took a little trip to do some shopping? A lot of patients at Betty Ford do the same thing. Most of them aren’t tailed by the press when they do it though. Here in Palm Springs, Lindsay looks tired and worn out – not exactly how she usually looks when she’s out spending her money. Sure she still looks thin but aside from the cigarette between her fingers, she’s looking a lot healthier. I wish her nothing but the best and I hope we see a new, healthy and responsible Lohan to 2011.

December 3, 2010
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Christina Aguilera At American Music Awards

I want to like these pictures. I really do. I want to like them because I love Christina Aguilera. There was a time when I thought she was the one pop star that was really going to go the distance but several albums with low sales figures, I can’t help but think I may have been wrong. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the girl, but I’m starting to get worried she can’t compete with the younger stars. And then comes this performance. Her voice is as great as it always has been, but when pictures come out and immediately start pregnancy rumors, it’s time to worry. I like her fuller figure. It beats the super skinny pop stars we’re used to but what I don’t like is the pounds of makeup. These days, she looks like she’s trying to hard and that’s a sin. She has more vocal talent than most of her competition combined. She needs to let her voice shine and stop relying on theatrics. The other pop stars need all that to compensate for a genuine lack of talent. Christina just doesn’t need it.

December 2, 2010
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Paris Hilton May Or May Not Be Wearing Pants

Hey everybody look! We can see what we’ve already seen a million times but this time covered (if you can call that covered) by a thin layer of material. Who cares anymore? I demand to know. Is this still shocking? Is this still news? Paris Hilton has an ass and she appears to be quite proud of it. I can’t entirely understand why, though. It’s not really all that spectacular. It’s clear Paris wants to get her name in the headlines again so she’s flashing her rear. And it worked. I’m writing about it right now. And it will continue to work. I just hope she gets over this little habit before she’s old and grey. No one wants to see that. Well, I suppose some people do. There’s a market for everything out there these days.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }