Search Results for “Se”

December 6, 2012

Rihanna Gets Fun And Flirty In Sexy Photo Shoot.

It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve publicly declared my love for Rihanna so I’m glad these photos came along. I wouldn’t want anyone forgetting that I absolutely adore this woman. I have to admit that I’m a little bit worried about her though. I’m not sure I’m in love with the idea of whatever is happening between Rihanna and Chris Brown. In the end, it’s her choice to make and I support her completely. If they’re back together, as it certainly seems they are, then she has her reasons and maybe he really has changed. His public temper tantrums and general behavior make me think otherwise but I don’t know him. It’s hard to go by what the press says as they like to spin things in whatever way will sell more newspapers and generate more clicks on their website. Regardless, we can’t look down on Rihanna for choose to let Chris back in her life. It is her life to live, not ours. Is she sending a bad message to her fans? That doesn’t matter. Kids shouldn’t be looking up to pop stars and celebrities as role models. You want your children to make smart decisions? Teach them to make smart decisions. Rihanna isn’t raising your children. You are. Even so, I do worry about this girl. I hope everything turns out well for her.

December 6, 2012

Super Sexy Imogen Thomas Lingerie Photo Shoot

Imogen Thomas is a stunning young lady. I know there are some people out there who don’t necessarily agree with me on this one but I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder as people so often like to say. I love her body. I think she has curves in all the right places and I love that she’s confident and secure enough in who she is to do a photo shoot like this one. Is it a little trashy? Sure, but I also think it’s incredibly sexy. There is a fine line between sexy and trashy and, aside from maybe one or two pictures, I think this shoot leans up against the line but doesn’t cross it entirely. Of course, Imogen looks gorgeous as well. Great pictures on many levels.

December 5, 2012

Jenny McCarthy Still Looks Sexy In A Bikini.

A few short hours ago, I posted photos of Shauna Sand and was maybe a little harsh on her for all the plastic surgery she’s had. I know to some it may seem hypocritical to not do the same to Jenny McCarthy as she’s had a bit of work done as well, but here’s the different to me. Jenny still basically looks like herself. She hasn’t morphed into a completely different looking person. I think she’s used cosmetic surgery to enhance and maintain what she was naturally blessed with. Shauna Sand … has not. I don’t even think it’s possible to compare the two. I’m not against plastic surgery. If I had the money, I would probably have a thing or two done but I think it needs to be done right and not used to try to make a person into someone else. For that reason, I’m fine with whatever work Jenny’s had done. She’s a babe – strong, confident and a little crazy – and she still looks unbelievably good in a bikini.

November 29, 2012

More Sexy Anne Vyalitsyna Bikini Shots.

I don’t care how many times I get photos of Anne V in a bikini. It never gets old. This lady is such a stunner. I’m not a huge fan of the bikini she’s wearing here but it still looks absolutely fantastic on her. I’m not sure what happened between Anne and Maroon 5’s Adam Levine but I can’t help thinking it’s such a shame these two gorgeous people couldn’t make it work. They’d have the cutest children ever. Ah well, Anne has clearly moved on and I’m happy for her. She looks great in these photos, as she always does. I can’t wait for the next set.

November 29, 2012

Denise Richards Is Hot And All But …

I gotta say, these photos just aren’t doing it for me. Denise Richards has always been one of the hottest women in the entertainment industry in my eyes but she just isn’t looking like herself in these pictures. She looks tired and worn out in some of the photos but let’s be honest, no one can be at the top of their game all the time. She looks like she’s having a great time and that’s really all that matters and of course her body is still fantastic. So what if she looks a little bit sleepy? These aren’t my favorite Denise Richards bikini pictures but they’re still Denise Richards bikini pictures so I’ll take ’em.

November 29, 2012

Sexy Bikini Pics Of Alice Eve

So Alice Eve isn’t exactly a household name but I can’t for the life of me understand why. I’ve been a big fan of this stunning woman since seeing her in “Stage Beauty” back in 2004 and my love for her hasn’t faded in the least since then. These photos of Alice in Miami show only one aspect of what I love most about her – the fact that she’s gorgeous. She’s also a very talented lady. I’ve seen pretty much everything she’s been in and I’ve always felt she does a great job with the roles she’s given. She hasn’t really had her breakout role as of yet but I have faith that will happen soon enough.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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