Search Results for “bikin”

September 8, 2012

Gorgeous Myleene Klass Has A Little Fun In The Water.

First of all, how much fun does it look like Myleene Klass is having here? I absolutely love seeing women just let loose and have a good time and Myleene is definitely doing that here. Rising to fame as a singer, pianist and model, Myleene knows a thing or two about working hard and dedicating yourself to something. She also clearly knows it’s important to take a little time out to enjoy life. While I love these photos because Myleene genuinely seems to be enjoying herself, I have to admit to also loving these pictures because she looks incredible in a bikini. Very beautiful, very talented woman. I’m thrilled to have the chance to write about her.

September 6, 2012

Jennifer Lopez Walks On Water?

Serious props to the photographer who snapped the first picture in this set. It really does look like Jennifer Lopez is walking on water. I really wouldn’t be surprised if she were able to, honestly. The fact that Lopez is 43 and still looks that good in a bikini is pretty miraculous on her own. The man in these photos, Jennifer’s boyfriend Casper, is one extremely lucky man. In these photos from Miami, Jennifer looks fabulous – like she’s having a great day with her significant other. I’m not entirely convinced Jennifer and Casper are a forever think but it looks like they’re having a great time together and sometimes that’s really all that matters.

August 29, 2012

Danielle Lloyd Really Bugs Me.

First things first. Danielle Lloyd is hot. She has a great body and she looks great in a bikini. With all that said, I just can’t get past the ugliness in her heart. This is a woman that is just filled with hatred and I have no time for people like that. In these pictures (taken poolside in Marbella), I can see that Danielle looks as hot as ever but I can’t get past those comments from a few years back when she was on “Celebrity Big Brother”. Bullying is just unacceptable but when someone in her position – a public figure who some very misguided people may look up to – to bullies a fellow contestant in such an ignorant, racist and obvious way, it’s especially troubling. Beyond that, she made herself look like a complete airhead. Want to talk stereotypes? Beauty queens are ignorant, moronic bimbos who have nothing in their heads but hot air and hairspray. Is that true of all beauty queens? Not at all but every time this woman opens her mouth, she just reinforces that stereotype with her catty and astoundingly stupid remarks. And now I’m in a bad mood again. Thanks Danielle.

August 29, 2012
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Olivia Wilde Without Makeup In Wilmington

This last week has been one for the ages. Computer issues, money issues and just general life being a jerk issues have had me feeling a little down. A lot down, even. I got out of bed this morning and was quite certain it wouldn’t worth staying up. I noticed I had some pictures waiting for me here so I decided to do those before going back to bed and wallowing in self pity. Glad I did. I won’t say everything is all better but seeing Olivia Wilde definitely put a smile on my face. There is nothing about this woman that doesn’t make me feel good. She’s smart, she’s sexy and she’s outspoken. Plus, ya know, the pancake eating contest. These bare faced photos of Olivia in Wilmington just reinforce my belief that Olivia is worth waking up for. Her confidence in herself and her willingness to just be who she is is inspiring. Today will be a better day. Or maybe it won’t but hey, Olivia Wilde in a bikini. At least it’s off to a pretty good start.

August 24, 2012

Kelly Brook Is Looking As Sexy As Ever.

Kelly Brook has curves. Get over it. Seriously. I don’t get why people have to be so hateful. It’s insulting and not just to the celebrity in question but to women in general and hey, that goes both ways. People should quit with their negativity whether it’s directed towards curvy girls or skinny girls. And yes, skinny girls to get a lot of that negativity as well. We get told to eat a sandwich. We get told real women have curves. It ain’t true, my friends. Real women have breasts and a vagina. The size of the breasts doesn’t matter. In the past, I’ve been guilty of saying Kelly is a real woman because she has curves but that wasn’t fair to myself or all the other skinny girls out there. We’re real women too and I know that. I just happen to find women with curves a little more appealing. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that I’m skinny. If I want to see a skinny girl in a bikini, I’ll put on a bikini and look in the mirror. Whatever though. The point I am trying to make here is that I look at these gorgeous photos of Kelly Brook and I can’t fathom how someone can be heartless enough to call her fat. She’s not fat. There are fat celebrities in Hollywood. There’s a big difference between fat and full figured and Kelly is full figured. And that’s the end of my rant about that. Moving on.

August 24, 2012

Rita Rusic Is 50+ Years Of Total Babe.

People love to say Rita Rusic looks incredible for her age and while that’s definitely true it’s also true that Rita looks incredible for a woman of any age. There are women a good twenty – even thirty – years younger than her that don’t look that good in a bikini. I freely admit to being one of them. Rita continues to surprise me when I see new photos of her though. She always seems to look even better than she did the last time I saw her. In these photos, she’s looking just as confident and sexy as ever. I can’t find anything to complain about here. I love this woman.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }