Search Results for “bikin”

February 9, 2011

Cameron Diaz Soaking Wet In Black Bikini

I want to know how it’s possible for Cameron Diaz to be so consistently hot. It’s really not fair. You see other actresses/models her age slowly losing their looks, but not Cameron. Her body is still incredible. I know some people will argue she has no ass, but she never has, so that doesn’t really count. I think what I like most about Cameron is that she looks like she’d be a lot of fun to hang out with. She may not be able to keep a boyfriend, but one has to believe a girl like Cameron wants to play the field without being tied down to one guy. I like that. She doesn’t need a man at her side to be happy. I think that’s sexy in and of itself.

February 9, 2011
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Selma Blair In Bikini And Cowboy Hat

Remember when Selma Blair and Sarah Michelle Gellar made out in Cruel Intentions? Wasn’t that hot? That was before any woman looking for more attention would make out with her friends in public and any movie looking for a little extra press would throw in a lesbian scene. Now the scene seems kind of tame. It was hot at the time though, right? Selma Blair. I know she hasn’t always been in the biggest movies, but I’ve always loved her. She’s different. Love the dark hair and the pale skin and I love the fact that she’s cool with hitting the beach in a bikini even though she’s pregnant. Selma does her own thing and that’s what I love about her so much.

February 6, 2011

Gemma Merna All Wet In Pink And White Bikini

You know what I like most about British actress Gemma Merna? She’s the real deal. She’s honest. She has admitted to having breast enlargement surgery at the ripe old age of twenty-one instead of going the typical route of, you know, lying about it completely to anyone who dares ask. I’m not a fan of fake breasts but I am a fan of honesty. More than that, she doesn’t talk about the surgery as a huge mistake or as something she regrets which is definitely the trendy way to go. Instead she says it was a great decision that made her feel more confident. To be fair, big boobs or small boobs, I can’t really see much for her to feel self conscious about. The girl is gorgeous. Either way, kudos to her for being honest and open even if I think cosmetic surgery at twenty-one (or any age, really) is completely ridiculous.

February 2, 2011

Alexa Vega Sexy In A Stripped Bikini

The real tragedy of Repo! A Genetic Opera was that Paris Hilton was in it. I have a real love hate thing going on with Paris but, while she did a great job in Repo, I couldn’t help being a little perturbed by the fact that Paris stole the spotlight from young Alexa Vega. As Shilo Wallace, Alexa burst out of the Spy Kids shadow and really showed the world that she was all grown up. At least she would have if Paris hadn’t stolen the show. Regardless, since then, I have been in love with this girl. She’s beautiful, talented and seems to have a good head on her shoulders. It’s easy to get caught up in the fame game and lose a part of yourself, but Alexa seems to have both feet planted firmly on the ground. Always nice to see in young Hollywood. I think she has a great career ahead of her, regardless of what path she chooses to take.

January 25, 2011

Jenna Bentley Rocks Ed Hardy Bikini

Normally I’m not a big Ed Hardy fan, but these pictures of Jenna Bentley wearing an Ed Hardy might just change my mind. The girl looks pretty incredible. The only problem I see with Jenna is that she looks a lot (and I mean a lot) like ‘T’, one of Tara’s alters on the Showtime show The United States of Tara. I know, I know. Tara and all of her alters are played by the ridiculously talented Toni Collette, but there is definitely a resemblance there. Unless, of course, I’m just crazy. Let’s not discount that possibility. Either way, Jenna looks hot and at the end of that day, that’s really all that matters. Moving on.

January 17, 2011

Kourtney Kardashian In Light Blue Bikini

Living in the shadow of your sister must not be a lot of fun. One has to wonder if it that ever bothers Kourtney Kardashian. Kim is definitely the more famous sister, but Kourtney probably takes solace knowing that none of the Kardashians are really famous for anything. I mean, if Kourtney had made a sex tape with Brandy’s brother, she’d be the Kardashian everyone talks about. Would that be worth it? Probably not to Kourtney. She’s a gorgeous girl with an awesome body. That’s probably more than enough for her. While I generally find Kim to be the most attractive of the three, Kourtney is gaining steam. I like each new set of pictures I see of her a little more. Maybe one day she’ll even surpass Kim. Doubt it, but stranger things have happened.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }