Search Results for “bikin”

July 12, 2013
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Julia Pereira Hits The Beach In A Black Bikini

Now these photos of Julia Pereira are exactly what I like to see in bikini shots. Julia has an incredible body, a beautiful face and she’s soaking wet. How could you go wrong? On top of that, these photos were taken in Miami which provides such a lovely backdrop. Finally, we get to see Julia looking like she’s having quite the relaxing day which is definitely nice to see. All told, I’d say this is a pretty great set of photos. Julia doesn’t seem all that concerned with the cameras snapping away at her and why should she? She looks fantastic. If I looked like her, I might want people to take pictures of me every time I went to the beach.

July 12, 2013

Heidi Klum Still Has A Fine Bikini Body

A lot of things bother me about the way the world is today. I’d list them off but I’d be here all day. Sometimes I look around and think we’re all doomed. The internet pretty much confirms that for me on a near daily basis. Some people out there are just terrible. I mention all of this because I recently read some comments about Heidi Klum wearing a bikini – comments that were not very nice at all. I don’t understand the thought process there. Heidi is getting older, yes, but her body is still incredible. I look at these photos of Heidi wearing a bikini in the Bahamas and I can say for certain she still looks a whole lot hotter than most of the people I see in bikinis when I go to the beach. In my opinion, that counts for a lot. I think Heidi is fantastic I think these photos are fantastic.

July 12, 2013
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Sexy Rihanna Bikini Pics

I think Rihanna is fantastic. If you’ve been reading my posts for a while, you likely already know I think Rihanna is fantastic so that opening sentence offers no new information. To be honest though, I’m not sure I have any new information to offer. This woman is pretty close to my ideal. I think she’s beautiful, talented and has a killer body. What more could I ask for. In these photos, we see Rihanna wearing bikini on the beach in Sopot looking just as sexy as ever. I love the mesh cover up she’s chosen to pair the bikini with. I’m also a big fan of the visor. It’s always nice to see Rihanna relaxing and having a good time. These shots are no exception. She’s a busy girl. It’s good that she schedules in a little R&R.

July 12, 2013
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Kendall Jenner In Sexy Bikini Candids

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Kendall Jenner is one of the few members of the Kardashian/Jenner family I actually like. I’m becoming increasingly less sure of why that is but in the grand scheme of things, I don’t suppose it much matters. I like her and that’s what counts. In these bikini candids, shot in Malibu, Kendall is looking incredible. That is one killer bikini she’s wearing. I think the thing I like most about Kendall is on display here. She’s a young girl that doesn’t seem to be in a huge rush to grow up. She sometimes wears clothes some might say are a little too mature for her but for the most part, I think she’s content with just being young and having fun. We really get to see that in these shots. I’m a big fan.

July 11, 2013
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Paris Hilton In A Bikini

I know I talk a lot about how Nicky Hilton is my favorite Hilton but that doesn’t mean I don’t like Paris. I don’t want to like her but I just can’t help it. I’d have to say she’s my guilty pleasure. She’s everything I hate about today’s celebrity culture – the whole famous for being famous thing – but for some reason, I always get a little excited when I get a new set of Paris pictures to write about. These photos, shot in Malibu, do not disappoint. While there’s something about Paris in a bikini that looks a little off to me, I still think she looks great. I like the bikini she’s wearing as well, even though I sincerely doubt I would ever wear it. Great pictures all the same.

July 9, 2013

Jessie James Is Going To Fall Out Of Her Bikini Top

I will never understand how women can wear bikini tops like this one but I’m also not going to complain about it. The fact that this strapless bikini top Jessie James is wearing in these bikini shots in Maui looks like it’s about ready to fall off at any second is proof that these sort of tops have a place in the world. A good place. A happy place. I love these shots but let’s be honest. It must be a little difficult to really relax and have a good time when you have to constantly be worried that your boobs are about to flop out. Jessie seems to be doing okay with it though. I guess that’s really all that matters in the end.

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