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June 6, 2014
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Katie Cleary Is A Vision In Red

I really, really like these shots of Katie Cleary. I love the dress. I love the hair. I love the makeup. Overall, she looks incredible. There’s something about Katie that really gets to me in the best possible way. It could be the fact that there’s just something special about her. She doesn’t look like every other woman on the red carpet and I really like that. Of course, it could also be the fact that she’s super smoking hot. Regardless, I enjoy these photos and in the end, isn’t that really all that matters? Well, I suppose it helps if you all enjoy the photos as well so, um, I hope you like them as much as I do!

June 5, 2014

We Know Katherine Webb Because…

… once upon a time, a pretty young woman went to a football game to watch her boyfriend play. A commentator covering the game made a few comments about how lucky this basketball player was as well as a few comments about how attractive this young woman was. All hell then broke loose. The young woman in question? Katherine Webb, who was Miss Alabama at the time. Her boyfriend? AJ McCarron, quarterback for Alabama. The commentator was Brent Musburger. Does any of this ring a bell at all? After the public uproar, Webb said she felt the media was being unfair to Musburger (a sentiment I strongly agreed with) but she definitely didn’t seem to mind the spike her popularity took as a result. She parlayed the drama into a spot on the misguided celebrity high diving show, creatively titled ‘Splash’, and covered Super Bowl XLVII for Inside Edition.

June 5, 2014
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Amanda ‘AJ’ Michalka Looking Incredible

Wanna know something weird about Amanda Michalka? I was not a big fan of hers when she was in Aly & AJ but am a huge fan of her now. The same can be said for Amanda’s sister, Aly. On their own, I’m a big fan. When they join together, yeah… not so much. They are both incredibly talented, incredibly beautiful women though and I think they’ve done great things in their respective careers and in their careers together. In these shots, we see Amanda, or AJ if you prefer, looking incredible. I love these shots. They really show how much she’s grown up. I think she has a very bright future ahead of her.

June 3, 2014
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Vanessa Hudgens Makes Me Forget Nic Cage Confuses The Hell Out Of Me

So my history with Vanessa Hudgens is a little complicated. When I first started writing for this sit, I was decidedly anti-Hudgens, feeling she was nothing but another annoying Disney brat with too much money and not enough common sense. In the years since, I have really come to like and respect Vanessa. Yes, she had a hard go of it for a while and yes, it was all her fault but she didn’t retreat and hide. She moved on. She kept working and kept going about her life and eventually, all of it was a distant memory that Vanessa seemed to have risen above. What I like most about Vanessa though is her willingness to take chances with her career. I think that could really pay off in the long run. In any event, in these shots, something crazy has happened. I’m more focused on looking at beautiful Vanessa than trying to figure out whether I hate or love Nic Cage today. That man confuses the crap out of me. Is he talented? I honestly have no freaking idea. Ugh. But… yay! Vanessa!

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }