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June 2, 2014
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Old But So Hot Jennifer Lopez Performance Pics

I know that these shots were taken from the Premios Juventud 2013 Awards in Miami and are therefore very, very old but do I care? Nope – not even a little. Why? Because look at Miss Jennifer Lopez in them. Old or new, these photos are hot. I will freely admit that I like Jennifer the person more than Jennifer the singer. I mean, I can count the number of Lopez songs I listen to on a regular basis on one hand but I would still love to see her live in concert. I think it would be a heck of an experience. She clearly puts a lot of herself into her live shows and I really like that. Plus, ya know, those costumes. Incredible. In-cred-i-ble!

June 2, 2014
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Vanessa Hudgens Has Such A Beautiful Smile

I know there are other pictures in this Vanessa Hudgens bikini photo set but I can’t help being a little obsessed with the first shot. Snapped, in Ischia, this first shot shows Vanessa looking absolutely incredible. She just looks so happy and at ease. Vanessa hasn’t always made things easy for herself, getting all mixed up in a lot of unnecessary drama and scandal but maybe she really is finally starting to come through that. That is my hope for her. I don’t know what the future holds for Vanessa and I don’t know where her career will take her but she has my support, assuming, of course that she can keep herself out of trouble.

June 1, 2014
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Kate Upton Is Back In My Good Graces

Not that it matters. Kate Upton couldn’t care less if I like her or not. She likes herself and not in some stuck up, conceited, “I’m better than everyone else” way but in a, “I like who I am and that’s enough for me” way. I really respect that. She has real self confidence. Remember when everyone was going on about how over weight she is? I’m sure that hurt her feelings but you’d never know it to look at her. She not only kept her head up and pushed through the negativity, she showed the world that beauty isn’t just about fitting in a size zero dress. I know some people will look at these shots of Kate on the beach in the Bahamas and nitpick about this or that but not me. To me, these photos are gorgeous. I don’t see a thing wrong with them. I hope Kate keeps on being Kate and doesn’t let anyone bring her down.

May 5, 2014

Selena Gomez Is Back Again

Is anyone else getting tired of hearing about Selena Gomez or tired of seeing her face on every other website? We get it. She’s cute, she’s young, she’s rich and she’s kinda being scandalous at the moment but can’t we just back off and leave her alone? These are pretty old photographs at this point but I don’t care. I think she looks good in them and they kind of remind me of the Selena of old – the girl I liked and had such high hopes for. Totally unfair of me as she is just a young girl doing what a lot of young girls do but… never mind. This is going to turn into a rant and I rant enough about this kid. Moving on.

April 30, 2014
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Kendall Jenner Is A Model Or Something

A few hours ago, I wrote a post about Selena Gomez in which I discussed my complete lack of interest in her. Most of the same things can be said for Kendall Jenner, well, minus the “not as crazy as her boyfriend” part. I don’t know who Kendall’s boyfriend is. I don’t care. I’m sure he’s young rich and gorgeous. I’m also sure he’d make me want to slap him without even opening his mouth. Here’s the thing about Kendall though. I want to like her. The superficial, shallow side of me actually does even. She’s a beautiful girl but I find all her drama exhausting. It’s not her fault. It’s got to be a family thing. Just look at her sisters Kim and Khloe. This absurd “girl fight” between Kendall, her sister (that other Jenner Kid) and Selena Gomez is so high school drama it should have it’s own show on the CW. Who am I kidding though? I’d totally watch that and hate myself more and more with every episode.

April 29, 2014
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A Casual Look For Rihanna

Yes, you should have guessed that ‘casual’ included a see through shirt. I don’t care what anyone says though. I love Rihanna and I love that she sincerely does not seem to give a flying fig what anyone thinks about her. I think that’s sexy. In these shots, we see Rihanna leaving her hotel in Stockholm looking casual and comfortable but still somehow glamorous. How does a person make a ball cap look that glam? No idea, but Rihanna does it. I love this woman. I love that she’s bold and gutsy but yet you get the impression that there’s a lot more than that underneath it all. I want to be friends with Rihanna. Someone set that up.

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