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May 22, 2013
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Petra Nemcova Kills Me With All Of Her Beauty

There are many, many beautiful things about Petra Nemcova: her face, her body, her hair … it’s all great. What I love most about Petra, however, is her boundless optimism, even in the face of things most of us can’t imagine, and her dedication to taking bad experiences and turning them into something positive. If you don’t know Petra’s story, I’d encourage you to look it up. She’s a strong, smart, beautiful woman who deserves nothing but good things and positivity in her life. While Dancing with the Stars sometimes leaves me with a less than favorable impression of celebrities I once cared for, Petra’s time on the show left me with nothing but respect and admiration for her. She’s really trying to do good things and make a difference in the world and I both respect and admire her for that. These photos clearly show Petra is a beautiful woman but that beauty is far more than skin deep is this woman. Absolutely one of my favorite celebrities.

May 20, 2013

Claudia Romani Shows Off Her Bikini Body In Miami

I just don’t know if there’s any way Claudia Romani could be more attractive. Her body is out of this world, she’s got a beautiful face and she carries herself with such confidence. I don’t really know what was going on in these photos from Miami but I don’t think it really matters. Planned photoshoot or impromptu session with a random paparazzo, the result is sizzling. I love her flirty, playful poses and naturally, Claudia looks incredible. I’m sure somewhere along the line I’ve seen photos of Claudia I’m not in love with but I can’t remember any off the top of my head. She’s just the kind of girl that seems to look stunning no matter what she does. I can’t hate on her for that.

May 20, 2013
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Rihanna Looks Kind Of Sleepy

I’ve made no secret of my deep, unending love for Rihanna but I have to admit, she’s looking a little tired in these photos, snapped outside her hotel in NYC. Perhaps her busy schedule is starting to take its toll on her. Take care of yourself, RiRi! Your health is more important than your career. Sleepiness aside, Rihanna looks pretty darn good in these photos. I’m still loving the hair. I know she likes to mess around with her hair a lot but I hope she keeps this look for a while. I think it really works for her. Of course, I also have to mention the outfit. I love the pants but I can’t help thinking about how uncomfortable they must be. I had a similar pair once and wore them once before deciding I would never wear them again. Hope the next photos we see of this beautiful young lady show her looking well rested and refreshed.

May 20, 2013
Comments Off on Jennifer Lawrence Looking Absolutely Gorgeous At Cannes

Jennifer Lawrence Looking Absolutely Gorgeous At Cannes

Despite the fact that I didn’t love The Hunger Games, I consider myself a big fan of Jennifer Lawrence. She’s beautiful, classy and stylish and not to mention incredibly talented. While a lot of people questioned her decision to take on a big budget series like The Hunger Games, I thought it was a wise career move. It gave her more exposure and got her name out there, also allowing her to focus on more artistically rewarding projects as well. And let’s be honest, The Hunger Games wasn’t exactly Twilight. It had some really good moments. I just felt it missed its mark overall, especially considering how comparatively good the book was. All that aside, I think Jennifer looks incredible in these photos from Cannes. She looks classy, mature and sophisticated while also looking sexy. I love this girl. I’m certain she has a very bright future ahead of her.

May 19, 2013
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Paris Hilton And Some Guy I Feel Like I Should Know

No really, that guy looks so familiar but I can’t quite place him. After a quick Google search, I discovered his name is River Viiperi and Wikipedia tells me River is a model. Apparently Paris has said she wants to marry her 21-year-old boyfriend of eight months and have children with him. I wonder if River would take her last name? River Hilton sort of has a ring to it, doesn’t it? I honestly have a hard time keeping up with the men in Paris’ life but these two kind of seem happy, don’t they? Who knows. The age difference might seem a little weird to some (Paris is 32 now) but they’ve only got one more year between them than my husband and I do. While some might say he’s just using her to further his career – these photos were taken at Cannes, after all – he was already a fairly accomplished model. Does that mean he absolutely isn’t using her? Not at all. I guess time will tell. Call me crazy, but I’m really hoping it works out for these two, even if the odds (and Paris’ dating history) are against them.

May 19, 2013
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Hayden Panettiere Has The Best Smile In The Business

Okay, okay – it’s an impossible competition to call but if Hayden Panettiere doesn’t have the single best smile in all of the entertainment industry she at least has to be in the top ten. I refuse to believe otherwise. Just look at that smile in the first photo in this set (taken at the Versus Versace Launch in New York). I adore Hayden’s smile, possibly because I just flat out adore Hayden. I think she’s such a beautiful, talented young woman. I sincerely hope she makes smart career choices and sticks around for a long time. I think she has what it takes to become a real force to be reckoned with one day.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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