Search Results for “celeb ass”

November 26, 2010
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Juliette Lewis Frightens Me In A Sexy Way

Juliette Lewis is pretty hot, right? But she’s not the typical, boring, bland sort of hot you usually see in Hollywood actresses. No, Juliette Lewis is a special kind of hot. She’s the kind of hot that makes me a little afraid. Sure she’s pretty but I’m also well aware that she’s also more than capable of kicking my ass. Probably with her hands tied behind her back somehow. I love the girl, but she plays crazy just a little too well. I mean, Kalifornia? Natural Born Killers? Classic roles and brilliantly acted but if she’s not a little crazy herself she is the most phenomenal actress I’ve ever seen because she played both of those roles perfectly. So perfectly, in fact, that seeing her in her bikini in Los Cabos, Mexico makes me a little afraid. I’m scared she’s going to somehow know I’m ogling her hot body, show up at my door ‘My Name Is Earl’ bounty hunter style and knock my teeth out.

November 15, 2010
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Kristin Cavallari Shopping In LA

I don’t know, folks. I just don’t find Kristin Cavallari that attractive. I mean, sure she’s pretty, but I’ve seen prettier girls waitressing at the bar here in town. I also can’t figure out why we care that she’s shopping in LA. Is she really still famous? Well, regardless, she does look pretty cute. I like celebrities dressed in their every day clothes doing every day things. It’s nice to be reminded that, like us, celebrities are just normal people. Maybe I’m being too hard on Kristin. She has a pretty nice ass. There’s just something about her that screams average. She does look good in a bikini though. Maybe I’d have a more favorable post to write is she was showing more skin.

November 7, 2010
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Sofia Vergara Gets Ready For Her Workout

I’m not sure I’ve mentioned this recently, but if not, I’ll mention it again. I love Sofia Vergara. I love everything about her. She’s gorgeous. She’s talented. She’s outspoken. She’s gorgeous. Did I already say gorgeous? No matter. It’s worth repeating. I love seeing her in more covered up, dressed down attire because it proves that she can pull off any look. I still love the cleavage shots and the bikinis, but there’s something appealing about seeing her just going about her normal routine. I think this is a lady you’re going to see have a bright and lasting career – assuming that famous outspoken streak doesn’t make her too many enemies.

November 3, 2010

Paris Hilton Halloween At The Playboy Mansion

Paris Hilton has never posed for Playboy. Does that shock anyone else? While preparing this post, I did a little research to try to find the year she posed because, well, I just assumed she did. Isn’t that normally stop number one for every fame whore trying to extend their fifteen minutes? Anywho, apparently she hasn’t bared all for Playboy (yet) in the traditional sense but she came pretty close at this year’s Halloween Party at the Playboy Mansion. I liked her costume last year more. I even like the costume she wore when she went shopping for costumes more, but she still looks pretty hot. If she ever posed for the magazine, I’d probably buy a copy, although I’m not really sure why. It’s not like we haven’t seen it all before. I don’t know. This year’s crop of celebrity costumes was a bit disappointing. There’s always next year, I suppose.

October 21, 2010

Kim Kardashian Shows Off Her Caboose

Okay, before I start my usual ‘Kim Kardashian is a babe’ thing, I’d like to just take a moment to comment on the first picture shown here from the Venetian Resort Casino in Las Vegas. Is it my imagination or is Kim K checking out that other girl’s boobs? Is it also my imagination that she seems to be talking about those same boobs in the later pictures? I don’t think so. Maybe Kim is considering playing for the other team for a while. I hear that’s all the rage these days with Christina Aguilera’s marriage apparently coming to an end because she was more interested in ladies. Could Kim K be next? I think Christina and Kim would make a lovely couple and the sex tape would be badass!

October 15, 2010
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Miley Cyrus In Floral Sundress

It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to rant about my distaste for Miley Cyrus and it seems it’s going to be a bit longer. I think Miley looks adorable in her little sundress – not overly sexualized. Not flashing more skin than she needs to flash. She looks fresh, youthful and happy. I like this Miley. The popstar Miley who is catching heat for writhing around half naked on a bed (and various other places) in her new video for ‘Who Owns My Heart’, I can do without. Why can’t Miley just be herself? She can’t really sing, but I’ve heard worse out there. If she actually put real, human emotions into some of her music, she might be okay. It makes me angry that it’s considered generally acceptable to let her pass on sex and seduction but little else. She’ll look back on these days in time and realize she made all the wrong decisions. It’s a shame her career will probably be over by then.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }