Search Results for “celeb ass”

October 1, 2010
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Maria Sharapova Doing What She Does Best

There are those out there that will say Maria Sharapova is just another Anna Kournikova – all sex and no substance. I don’t entirely know if I agree with that. First, I really like Anna. Second, I really like Maria. Third, they can both play tennis much better than I can. The fact that they’re both beautiful shouldn’t come into play when judging their tennis prowess, but it really does. Some judge Maria unfairly because she’s a complete babe. Some give her more attention that she deserves for the same reason. Is the she best tennis player in the world? No, probably not. She is good though; much better than average and I think that’s really all that matters. Here at the Ariake Colosseum in Tokyo, one thing is clear. This is a woman that loves what she does passionately and that’s always nice to see.

September 19, 2010

Kim Kardashian Looks Gorgeous As Usual

Anyone who reads my posts on a regular basis knows I’m not a big fan of reality stars. There is so rarely anything real about reality shows and the stars are no different. That said, I really like Kim Kardashian. There’s just something about Kim that appeals to me. I’m not a big fan of her sisters or the assorted relatives on her show, but Kim makes me smile. I love the way she dresses and isn’t afraid to try different things but isn’t out to be shocking or over the top. She has smart style sense and unlike, say, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga (both of whom I also love) wears things you could see the average woman wearing. There are some exceptions, of course, but in general, Kim wears clothes that wouldn’t look completely out of place in any big city setting. I’ve often said if one celebrity could make me over it would be Kim Kardashian. While it would never happen, a girl can dream.

September 17, 2010

Heidi Montag’s Boob Falls Out Of Bikini Top

Heidi Montag makes me want to quit the internet. Usually the sight of a blond babe falling out of her bikini top, like in these pictures of Heidi in Costa Rica, would be cause for celebration, but with Heidi it just looks desperate. “Oh my gosh! My boobie fell out! How embarrassing and completely by accident!” Notice how the bikini top strap snaps? It wasn’t a wardrobe malfunction. That strap committed suicide. It was ashamed of itself for being part of anything that has to do with Speidi. How is it that after ten plastic surgery procedures in one day Heidi still isn’t really all that hot? I mean, she has a crazy hot body, but her face is kinda mannish, isn’t it? The only thing worse than Heidi Montag is her hilariously lame ‘husband’. So over the Speidi thing. I just with the rest of the world was too so I wouldn’t have to look at her anymore.

September 17, 2010
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Adriana Lima Has Killer Legs

Adriana Lima is one of those girls that looks amazing no matter what she does. No matter what she wears at least one part of her body is going to look uncommonly hot. In these pictures it’s her legs. Yes, her ass is lovely, but I’ve seen better. Her legs, though – long, toned, smooth and sexy are two of the nicest stems I’ve ever seen. I love that Adriana is widely considered one of the most beautiful Victoria’s Secret models yet she still knows how to work it fully clothed. She looks comfortable in her own skin; confident and secure in who she is. Then again, when you look as gorgeous as Lima, I would have to imagine it’s hard not to be confident.

September 17, 2010
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Katy Perry Rocks Her Old High School

Maybe I’ve mentioned this before, but I seriously love Katy Perry. I gave her a bit of a hard time with the last pictures we saw of her, but she’s back to true form for these ones. She sexy, feisty yet still almost innocent looking. That’s not what I love about these pictures though. Actually, it’s not even the pictures I love, but the story. These were taken during Katy’s performance in Dos Pueblos High School in Santa Barbara, California; Katy’s old high school. During her surprise performance at her old school she singled out the boy who wouldn’t date her – the most popular boy in her class – and dedicated her song ‘You’re So Gay’ to him. It’s actually one of my favorite songs Katy does, but I love the message behind it. Any girl who was ever picked on or tormented for being different in school dreams of a moment like this – I speak from experience here – and it’s great Katy got her moment. Sure it backfired when the old flame basically said he didn’t care, but Katy should be no less proud of where she is. My moment came when my biggest tormentor approached me in a bar and said I got ‘so hot’. Good moment for me, bad moment for him. Remember, high school boys. Be nice to the weird girls too. You never know who they’re going to end up becoming. We remember these things, ya know.

September 15, 2010
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Hayden Panettiere Was Born In 1989

Can you believe that Hayden Panettiere just turned 21 in August? I mean… really? She’s a beautiful girl and I’ll never deny that. She has class and grace far beyond her years, but uh, doesn’t she look a little more mature than 21? Is this what 21 year old girls are supposed to look like? I’m not saying she looks old in a bad way. I’m just saying that when you see other young starlets her age out and about they usually look a lot less… glamorous. Does anyone else notice that in some of these pictures of Hayden taken at the Klitschko vs. Peter fight in Frankfurt she looks like a younger (much, much hotter) version of Hilary Clinton? Look again. You’ll see it. Even so, this girl has grace and poise many women twice her age don’t have. I think she’s one of the brightest young stars in Hollywood and even though her career has cooled since Heroes started nosediving in the ratings, I think you’re gonna see her come back with a vengeance.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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