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October 20, 2012
Comments Off on Sexy Carrie Underwood Performance Pics.

Sexy Carrie Underwood Performance Pics.

I am generally not a country music fan but I love me some Carrie Underwood. I didn’t see her season of “American Idol” but I have to assume I would’ve been rooting for her in a big way. Not only is Carrie a mega-talent vocally but she’s also a mega-hottie. I wasn’t sure how I felt about these photos of Carrie performing at the Staples Center in Los Angeles at first glance. The outfit is a little unusual but the more I looked at them, the more I liked them. Carrie is such a beautiful woman and this outfit, as out of the ordinary as it is, really shows off her finest points. And the black lace booties with the heels? Adorable!

October 20, 2012

Kate Upton Shows Off Her Body In A Glamorous New Photo Shoot.

I adore Kate Upton. I love the way she handled all that “Kate Upton is fat” garbage from a few months back and I love that she continues to show off her sexy body, proving there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way she looks. These photos are incredible. Are they a little trashy? Yes, but I think Kate pulls the look off beautifully. It can be hard too stay on the right side of “too trashy” but Kate definitely does that here. I love that these photos put it to the edge of too far and pull it back just enough to keep the photos looking sexy. I don’t have the information in front of me but judging by the style of the photographs, I have to assume these shots come to us courtesy of the always brilliant Terry Richardson. Again, I don’t know for sure but they have the edgy feel he often goes for and executes so well. Man, that guy – he knows how to do a photo shoot and Kate Upton? She definitely knows how to strike a pose.

October 20, 2012

Gorgeous New Halle Berry Photo Shoot Pics

In my always humble opinion, Halle Berry is everything a woman in Hollywood should be. She’s strong, confident, smart and doesn’t seem to be all about playing the Hollywood game. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that she’s smoking freaking hot as well. There are few actresses I respect and admire as much as I respect and admire Halle. I love the way she carries herself. She always seems to self assured but, at the same time, doesn’t take herself too seriously. This is, after all, the woman who showed up to the Razzies to accept her “Worst Actress” award, something not many actresses (Sandra Bullock being a notable exception) would do. I don’t give a flying rat’s behind about Halle’s personal life. I’m confident it will all work out for the best interest of her daughter, which is what I think Halle really wants. Even if she doesn’t get exactly what she wants in the custody battle, I’m sure she’ll make sure she does what her daughter needs instead of doing what she wants.

October 20, 2012

Rihanna Hits The Recording Studio.

I’m a big Rihanna fan. I think she’s gorgeous, has a great body and is a talented musician. With that said, she’s looking a bit of a mess in some of these photos. I assume some of the pictures were just taken at bad moments as tends to happen from time to time but I’m honestly not really used to it from Rihanna. I’m used to seeing her constantly looking hot in her candid photos. It’s worth mentioning I believe these photos were snapped as she was leaving the recording studio in Los Angeles so there’s a pretty good chance she was feeling a bit tired. I don’t care though. She looks fantastic in most of the photos. I like the dress. It’s casual but sexy and I’m still loving the pixie cut. While these aren’t my favorite photos of Rihanna, I still enjoy them so that has to count for something.

October 15, 2012

More Hot Pics Of Sexy Abigail Clancy

I adore Abigail Clancy in ways I can’t explain. This women is stunning – absolutely beautiful. The other day, I posted a few pictures of Abigail in a lingerie photo shoot. Today, we’re looking at candid shots. They’re both equally sexy even if they’re sexy in different ways. The lingerie shots were sexy in a very obvious sort of way. These ones are a beast of a different color. Those jeans could quite possibly kill me. I’m not sure my heart can handle that much hot. To me, the real mark of a beautiful woman is whether or not she can look just as hot fully clothed as she does in her underwear and Abigail passes that test with flying colors.

October 14, 2012

Mena Suvari Is Still A Total Fox.

Oh how I do love me some Mena Suvari. This woman is just so beautiful and so talented I can’t help but fall in love with her. It all started with “American Beauty” and my love has only grown as the years have passed. I was so excited to hear she would be one of the cast members returning for “American Horror Story: Asylum” and I can’t see what she brings to the show this time. She was perfect last season as The Black Dahlia and I have all the faith in the world that she’ll be just as good in her new role this season. I can’t wait for the second season to kick off. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens when a successful show puts a period at the end of season one and started over with a whole new cast of characters and a whole new setting for season two. Of course, Mena looks amazing in these photos. Her body is absolutely incredibly and she is just as beautiful now as she was in “American Beauty”. Words can’t even begin to express how much I love her. Great to see her in the spotlight again.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
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