Search Results for “celeb ass”

March 20, 2012

Gorgeous Holly Madison Stretches Before Her Workout

Holly Madison is stunning. There really isn’t any arguing that. She’s got the sort of classic sort of look that I really enjoy. She’s like an old Hollywood pin up even in her workout clothes. There was a time when I was more into Kendra Wilkinson but Holly edged her out after Kendra’s appearance on “Dancing with the Stars”. While I’m starting to like Kendra again, I don’t think she’ll ever catch up to Holly in my eyes. I’m not sure that matters though. Kendra has a loyal fan base of her own. She doesn’t need me cheering her on. These pictures, taken in Las Vegas, really highlight why I love Holly so much. She seems like such a happy person. Sure she’s beautiful but that smile of hers? So beautiful. I love this woman.

March 20, 2012

Beautiful Kate Middleton In Ipswich

Kate Middleton is one of those women a lot of people love but she’s also a woman than a lot of people hate because a lot of people love her. Sure, I know, some people just don’t like her for reasons all their own but if I had to guess (and I sort of do as I don’t know that many people) a whole lot of folks that don’t like her don’t like her because she’s popular. It’s the same theory I have for the hate spewed toward a lot of public figured. Regardless, I think she’s lovely and I can only speak on my reasons for that with certainty so that’s what I’ll do. I love Kate because she’s classy and sophisticated without appearing stuffy or uptight. These photos from the opening of The Treehouse Children’s Hospice in Ipswich are a pretty good example of what I mean. Her smile seems to genuine. Of course, I could be completely wrong about her but I’m okay with being wrong every now and again.

March 18, 2012

More Wild Pictures Of Selena Gomez From Spring Breakers

I wrote another post about Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens on the set of “Spring Breakers” in Florida earlier but I’m not sure what order these posts are going to get published in. If you haven’t see it yet, keep an eye out for the other post over the next few days. They involve pretty girls, bikinis and honestly, my favorite part – a scooter. I have always wanted a scooter. I don’t have a license, but I would get one for a scooter. Who’s feeling generous? Kidding, of course. Mostly. Anyway, on to these pictures. I like this set just a little bit more as they also include lovely Ashley Benson and also lovely Rachel Korine. I’ll confess. I have no idea who Rachel is and I’m not sure which one she is in these photos (the one that isn’t Selena, Vanessa or Ashley I suppose) but it’s safe to assume she’s also lovely. I’m starting to feel like I have a pretty good idea of what this movie is going to look like and I’m not hating it. I”m interested to know when James Franco comes into play though. Will he be clad in next to nothing to? That would guarantee my attendance at the theater – possibly more than once. I love Mr. Franco. I miss him on Twitter.

March 14, 2012

Beautiful Maria Menounos In Her Workout Clothes

I have that whole deal about giant sunglasses but Maria Menounos may have just shut my mouth because even I have to admit she looks pretty good rocking those giant shades. Am I bias because I adore Maria like she’s my big sister? Perhaps but the fact remains I’ve actually stumbled across pictures of a celebrity wearing the big shades that I actually think looks good in them which pretty much requires me to reevaluate my position on them entirely. Well played Maria. Anyway, enough about the shades. Let’s talk about Maria’s outfit. Honestly? I love it. She looks comfortable but sexy and I really think that’s what I like most about Maria. She’s effortlessly sexy. I love everything about this woman. I can’t wait to see her on “Dancing with the Stars”.

March 9, 2012

Sexy Jessica Alba Takes In The Lanvin Fashion Show In Paris

Jessica Alba is really a special kind of girl. She can pull off just about any look. From the pretty girl next door, to the tough as nails babe to … well, whatever look she’s rocking here. I guess this would be the classy, sophisticated but still fun and flirty look. I’m not really sure what she was sticking her tongue out about as it seems like an odd thing to do at an event like the “Lanvin” Fashion Show in Paris but I like that she did it. It’s looked like Jessica is having a lot of fun at the show and I like seeing this girl have fun. It’s not a side we get to see of her very often.

March 7, 2012

Sexy Lacey Schwimmer Poses For Lady Foot Locker

I am an enormous Lacey Schwimmer fan so I have to admit to being pretty disappointed she’s absent from this season of “Dancing with the Stars”. I like this season’s female pro dancers and all but I’m really going to miss Lacey. As she shows in these pics from the Lady Foot Locker Sweepstakes Dance Class, Lacey is in fantastic shape and isn’t shy about showing that off. No wonder. A lot of effort must go in to staying so in shape. Although she’s gorgeous and talented, it’s really Lacey’s personality that drags me in. She seems to be such a great teacher. Perhaps she’ll be back next season. For now, at least Kym Johnson and Chelsie Hightower will be hitting the dance floor.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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