I’m sorry, but I have to do it. It’s almost a requirement for this type of picture from this particular city. I see London. I see France. I see Pixie’s underpants. Okay, now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about the pictures for a moment. I like them, upskirt shot aside. I think Pixie Lott is a beautiful young woman with tons of talent and personality. She also has a bit of a habit of flashing her undies but not usually in candid shots like this one. I don’t think it matters much to Pixie either way. It’s just underwear. What I actually love most about these shots is Pixie herself – cute as a button just like she always is. This woman just makes me smile.
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Search Results for “celebrity butt”
Katy Perry Lets Her Bum Hang Out
There are a lot of things Katy Perry could be accused of. Some say her music is a little lacking on originality. Some say she likes to use a lot of flash to disguise the fact that she isn’t all that talented. I disagree on both counts but that’s kind of beside the point. While people may throw a lot of accusations her way, one thing I doubt anyone will ever claim is that Katy is too modest. She proves why here at the Cirque du Soleil nightclub in London. Perhaps she was intending to wear a skirt and forgot or perhaps she just doesn’t care if people can see a bit of her butt. Katy has always been the kind of girl that does what she wants without caring what people will think. I’m guessing that’s the case here.
Katherine Jenkins Bare Bum Upskirt Shots On Good Morning America.
Good Morning America, indeed! Now, I love Katherine Jenkins. She has a stunningly beautiful voice and tons of talent and I loved her stint on “Dancing with the Stars” but, um, maybe this particular dress wasn’t the best choice for dancing on national television – especially first thing in the morning. While I’m quite certain she was wearing underwear, you really can’t tell in a few of those photos. I’m not exactly complaining. I’m just wondering if Katherine knew she was going to be flashing her bare bum on morning television. I’m guessing no but I guess it’s possible. Either way, she looks adorable – bared butt and all.
Kristen Bell And Her Ass Crack
I adore Kristen Bell. I adore Dax Shepherd. I adore them as a couple. For those reasons and many more, I adore these photos. The fact that we get a little glimpse of gorgeous Kristen’s butt crack is merely an added bonus. I know it seems a little sleazy but pictures like these ones (along with crotch shots and nip slips) are gold for photographers and while I had a problem with that for a while, I’m starting to get over it. Maybe the world is just wearing me down. Either way, I probably wouldn’t have had much of a problem with these pictures anyway. Kristen is adorable. Her butt crack sticking out a little bit only makes her more adorable somehow. And can I just say how great it is to see Dax and Kristen out in LA looking so happy. I’m rooting for these two. They seem like the perfect match.
Rita Rusic Is A Babe.
I know I shouldn’t care a lick about something as silly as age but it’s really hard not to when it comes to Rita Rusic. This woman is 51 years old. 51. I just do not understand how that is even possible. I’m turning 30 next month (gifts are welcome) and I’m going to be perfectly honest, I don’t look even half as good as Rita. That’s not me being self-hating or fishing for compliments (compliments are also welcome although I prefer gifts). That’s just me stating a fact. This woman is beautiful in every possible way. She has a real woman’s body – not a stick thin waif with no boobs or butt to speak of. She has a gorgeous face. Had I not checked three different sources, I wouldn’t believe for a moment that this woman is in her fifties. The thing about Rita though is that she isn’t just hot for a woman of 51. She’s hot for a woman of any age. I absolutely love Rita and these pictures are among my favorite shots of her. She looks like she’s having a great time.
New Bikini Pics Of Sexy Leighton Meester
I’ve actually never seen “Gossip Girl”, Leighton Meester’s biggest claim to fame, but I absolutely loved her in “Country Strong”. She’s kind of a weird actress for me. I always love her in whatever I see her in but I’m never rushing out to see her movies. I like her but she doesn’t excite me. She is, however, one of my favorite members of the “Gossip Girl” cast so that has to count for something. Here in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Leighton looks beautiful as always. And before someone jumps on me for not mentioning it, yes, that is Leighton Meester’s butt crack but no, I don’t really care. It is a nice butt crack as far as butt cracks go but I guess that particular part of a woman’s anatomy isn’t at the top of my turn on list. Butt crack aside, Leighton looks like she’s having a great time and that’s always nice to see. I love these photos. Maybe I will check out “Gossip Girl” one day – assuming Netflix Canada ever gets around to carrying it.
Recent Comments
- patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
- David { Most likely stinky. }
- David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
- { working that body }
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- { awesome miley!! }
- { salu }