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December 5, 2012

Shauna Sand Looks Like She’s Made Of Plastic.

Nope – just not loving these photos. I’m not even liking them. Perhaps I’m biased because I really, really dislike Shauna Sand. I think she’s almost become a parody of herself which is a shame. I used to think she was so absolutely stunning but plastic surgery has rendered her almost unrecognizable. Who is this woman with the weird lips and the vacant stare? I don’t know but I know it’s not the Shauna Sand I once knew and loved. I don’t get why someone so beautiful would do this to themselves. It just makes no sense. I get that aging can be frightening but you know what’s more frightening? Those lips. How can she look at herself in the mirror and not feel sad over what she’s done to her face. Breaks my heart.

December 5, 2012

Mariah Carey Gets In The Christmas Spirit Early.

I don’t know how I feel about Mariah Carey. She’s such a diva and that sort of thing normally really bothers me but at the same time, I love most of her music and I can’t deny she’s got an incredible voice – perhaps one of the best in the business. I also happen to think she’s an incredibly beautiful woman and I think that shows in these photos from a Christmas Tree Lighting Event in New York. I’m excited to see how she does on “American Idol” as a judge. I haven’t been crazy over Britney Spears’ judging on “The X Factor” so I hope I’ll feel differently about Mariah. Regardless of how she does though, I’m sure she’ll look fantastic which is enough, I’m sure, to get at least a few people tuning in.

December 4, 2012

Megan Fox Looks Foxy As Usual.

Ah, I know I’m going to get nasty comments on this one but I always try to be honest when I write these posts and that means being honest about Megan Fox. I know men love her and I can see why but in all honesty, I don’t think she’s as attractive as people like to say she is. She is definitely beautiful and she definitely has a fantastic body but I don’t think she’s the most attractive woman in the entertainment industry or even close to it. I wouldn’t even put her in my top ten. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and there are more than enough people out there who would call Megan a perfect ten to ensure her sex symbol status is not the least bit threatened by the 7 I would give her. If this is all coming off as a little bit rude, keep in mind we’re talking about Megan Fox. This is a woman who couldn’t care less what people say about her. She’s strong, confident and gutsy. I admire those things about her. I just don’t happen to think she’s a ten. Beautiful? Yes. More beautiful than I could ever hope to be? Most definitely. Perfect? Not exactly.

December 4, 2012
1 Comment

Kesha Crotch Shots

I’m not sure I’ll ever really be able to understand the attraction to Kesha. I like some of her music and she seems to have an interesting personality but physically, she just doesn’t really do anything for me. The first photo of her here is a pretty good example of that but let’s be fair to the girl. I’m pretty sure I’d be making the same strange expression if I were attempting a high kick like the one Kesha is doing here. Now, to be honest, I don’t really think Kesha is unattractive per say. She’s just not my cup of tea. I’ve seen pictures in which she does look attractive though so I guess in the end, my feelings on her change depending on the photos I’m looking at. I will say this – she does look like she puts on a great show for her audience so I give her credit for that.

November 29, 2012

More Sexy Anne Vyalitsyna Bikini Shots.

I don’t care how many times I get photos of Anne V in a bikini. It never gets old. This lady is such a stunner. I’m not a huge fan of the bikini she’s wearing here but it still looks absolutely fantastic on her. I’m not sure what happened between Anne and Maroon 5’s Adam Levine but I can’t help thinking it’s such a shame these two gorgeous people couldn’t make it work. They’d have the cutest children ever. Ah well, Anne has clearly moved on and I’m happy for her. She looks great in these photos, as she always does. I can’t wait for the next set.

November 29, 2012

Denise Richards Is Hot And All But …

I gotta say, these photos just aren’t doing it for me. Denise Richards has always been one of the hottest women in the entertainment industry in my eyes but she just isn’t looking like herself in these pictures. She looks tired and worn out in some of the photos but let’s be honest, no one can be at the top of their game all the time. She looks like she’s having a great time and that’s really all that matters and of course her body is still fantastic. So what if she looks a little bit sleepy? These aren’t my favorite Denise Richards bikini pictures but they’re still Denise Richards bikini pictures so I’ll take ’em.

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