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February 12, 2012

Audrina Patridge Stretches Before A Run On The Beach

Audrina Patridge has always been one of those celebrities I love and am sort of indifferent about depending on the day. Today? I love her. I love these pictures from LA. Sometimes I find Audrina looks a bit too thin and I worry that she’s not healthy but I’m beginning to think she’s really just an athletic sort of person. It’s also entirely possible that she’s just naturally skinny. There are lots of girls out there like that. When I turned 23, my metabolism picked up and I lost about forty pounds. I know that sounds great but I was already a pretty skinny girl so it looked (and looks) a little less than healthy. Just the way my body is, I suppose. I think that’s probably the same thing as Audrina. She looks healthy otherwise so I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt.

February 12, 2012

Pretty Ashley Greene Leaving The Gym

Okay, okay – so I like “Twilight”. Whatever. I’m not the kind of girl that’s going to love or hate something just because everyone else does. You know what I love most about “Twilight”? Well, the books actually, but aside from that, I love “Twilight” most because it’s introduced me to the cast, especially the lovely and talented Ashley Green. While some may argue these aren’t exactly the most flattering pictures of her ever taken, let’s remember they were taken as she was leaving the gym in Santa Monica. How many people come out of a gym looking fresh as a daisy? Well, perhaps some of the women who are completely hung up on their looks and need to look their absolute best every second of the day. Ashley just doesn’t strike me as that sort of girl. She seems far more laid back and relaxed and that could be why I appreciate her so much. My only complaint about Ashley has very little to do with Ashley and everything to do with the general public. Start watching “Pan Am” people! It’s a fantastic show and I’ll cry if it’s cancelled. No one wants me to cry, right?

February 11, 2012

Gorgeous Amber Heard In Los Angeles

I love Amber Heard. I don’t get nearly enough opportunities to write about her. She’s the sort of girl I’ve always really had a soft spot for. Sure she’s gorgeous but she’s also a gutsy girl that isn’t afraid to do things her own way. I’ve been a fan for a long time and have always loved the fact that she tries to bring depth to roles where there isn’t always a lot of depth in the way the character was written. When she was 17, she quit school to travel to New York to be a model but headed out to Los Angeles instead to pursue acting because she felt it would be more fulfilling. Based on her career choices, I have to assume she’s found it is.

February 11, 2012

Pregnant Kourtney Kardashian At The Beach

I don’t really care for the Kardashians. There’s just something about people who are just famous for being famous that always sits wrong with me but that doesn’t mean I want to see them looking sad and I can’t deny Kourtney looks sad in a few of these pictures. Perhaps the sad pictures were just snapped at a bad time because in other photos she seems like she’s having a great time. Either way, it’s nice to see things seem to be going well for her and her husband, although I like him even less than I like the Kardashians in general. There was a show on the CW for a brief period of time called “H8R” and I was one of the very few people who watched it. Kourtney’s husband was on it and I have to say his appearance left me liking him even less. This is the same show that made me like Snooki, Joe Francis and various other celebrities I had a mean dislike going for. If you’re not sure what I mean, YouTube it. It’s horriible. I do miss the show though. Bring back “H8R!”

February 9, 2012

Recent Performance Pics Of Sexy Alizee

Until only a few weeks ago, I had no idea who Alizee was and until this post, I had no idea what she looked like. I have to say, she’s every bit as beautiful as I expected. A friend of mine recommended Alizee’s album so I checked it out and fell in love. Here performing for “Les Enfoirés 2012” in Lyon, I’m listening to her album (“Les Enfoirés 2012”), looking at the pictures and thinking to myself that this young lady may be one of my new favorite artists. I absolutely love her. She’s beautiful, talented (she’s also a dancer) and a philanthropist to boot. I can’t wait to learn more about her. This woman excites me.

February 8, 2012

Katy Perry Picks A Football Theme In Indiana

So the Super Bowl happened Sunday. Apparently that involves football so Katy Perry’s choice of stage attire for the Direct TV Super Saturday Night Concert in Indiana makes sense. I’m not a sport person. It’s not because I’m a girl. My mother is also a girl (clearly) and is a sports fanatic. I know lots of ladies that are into sports. I just don’t happen to be one of them. Judging by these pictures, Katy is as well. Good on her. I think Katy always looks stunning and she looks like she really knows how to put on an entertaining show. Perhaps the powers that be should consider her for the Half Time show next year. I hear this year’s didn’t go so well.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }