Search Results for “kim kar”

December 6, 2010
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Kim Kardashian And Her Cleavage

Need I saw more? Reality mega star Kim Kardashian may not have an discernible talent to speak of but here in Beverly Hills she has no problem showing the world why she’s famous. It’s all about the body with this one and really, who’s going to complain about that? Perhaps the hundreds of hard working actresses who struggle their entire lives to get even a hint of the celebrity status Kim K has sex-taped herself in to, but one has to admire what she’s done with that fame. She’s one of the most successful reality stars out there because she doesn’t just want to be famous. She wants to be respected. She might be a little way off from that yet, but maybe in time she’ll get there. I doubt it, but stranger things have happened. It is Hollywood after all.

November 4, 2010
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Hot Kim Kardashian In Her Cat Suit

Can you believe this cat suit is the costume Kim Kardashian decided not to wear for Halloween? The costume she chose instead, a dress that appears to be the one from the pirate outfit in these pictures with a red riding hood cape instead of the pirate hat, is still crazy hot, but come on. Kim’s trademark feature is that ridiculous butt. Why wouldn’t she show it off on Halloween. Maybe her boobs were jealous of her butt’s fame and threatened to sag if they didn’t get a little limelight, but Kim shouldn’t respond to threats like that. She should stay firm – no pun intended. Okay, pun intended a little bit. Regardless, Kim is hot. I’m just glad we got to see some skin, as much as I preferred the cat suit.

October 21, 2010

Kim Kardashian Shows Off Her Caboose

Okay, before I start my usual ‘Kim Kardashian is a babe’ thing, I’d like to just take a moment to comment on the first picture shown here from the Venetian Resort Casino in Las Vegas. Is it my imagination or is Kim K checking out that other girl’s boobs? Is it also my imagination that she seems to be talking about those same boobs in the later pictures? I don’t think so. Maybe Kim is considering playing for the other team for a while. I hear that’s all the rage these days with Christina Aguilera’s marriage apparently coming to an end because she was more interested in ladies. Could Kim K be next? I think Christina and Kim would make a lovely couple and the sex tape would be badass!

September 19, 2010

Kim Kardashian Looks Gorgeous As Usual

Anyone who reads my posts on a regular basis knows I’m not a big fan of reality stars. There is so rarely anything real about reality shows and the stars are no different. That said, I really like Kim Kardashian. There’s just something about Kim that appeals to me. I’m not a big fan of her sisters or the assorted relatives on her show, but Kim makes me smile. I love the way she dresses and isn’t afraid to try different things but isn’t out to be shocking or over the top. She has smart style sense and unlike, say, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga (both of whom I also love) wears things you could see the average woman wearing. There are some exceptions, of course, but in general, Kim wears clothes that wouldn’t look completely out of place in any big city setting. I’ve often said if one celebrity could make me over it would be Kim Kardashian. While it would never happen, a girl can dream.

August 16, 2010
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Kim Kardashian In Striped Micro-mini

Kim Kardashian is a gutsy sorta babe. It takes a brave woman to wear horizontal stripes, especially one that’s as curvy as Ms. Kardashian. Kim does it because she’s gutsy, confident and knows she can pull it off. This woman loves her curves and is comfortable in her own body and for good reason. Here celebrating the second anniversary of nightclub Lavo, Kim looks incredible. She looks like she was practically poured into her dress but what she sacrifices in comfort, she makes up for in style and sheer smoking hotness. I’m beginning to believe Kim could wrap herself in a garbage bag for some ritzy event and she’d probably still be one of the most attractive, most well dressed women there. It would probably even start a trend.

July 12, 2010

Kim Kardashian In Skin Tight White Jumpsuit

Not everyone could pull off this look, but you can always count on Kim Kardashian to bring the sexy and leave the others in her dust. Kim looks absolutely stunning in this skintight jumpsuit that leaves nothing to the imagination. Every sexy curve in this stunner’s body is on full display and confident Kardashian knows that and works it like a supermodel. It isn’t hard to tell why Kim is considered the sexiest Kardashian sister. Here at the AMP Energy Bullrun Rally, Kim leaves men breathless, even though in a suit that tight, dear Kim may have been a little breathless herself.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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