Search Results for “kim”

October 19, 2012

Kim Kardashian Makes An … Interesting Fashion Choice.

Now, it’s probably clear to most of our regular readers that I am not exactly a Kim Kardashian fan despite the fact that I find her attractive and love her style. I guess I’d describe my feelings for Kim as conflicted, to say the very least. With that said, I’m really not feeling these photos of Kim and her boyfriend, rapper Kanye West, in Miami. It’s not that Kim doesn’t look good. It’s more that the outfit is … I’m just not sure how to say horrible politely so I’m just going to say it. This outfit is horrible. It doesn’t seem to fit her properly, unless of course it’s meant to make her look flabby. Before anyone jumps on my back for that, I’m not saying Kim is flabby because she obviously isn’t. It’s just the way the outfit makes her look. It’s too tight in some areas which is making her skin muffin top out of it. For the record, I’m a slim girl and I will freely admit I would probably have the same issues if it were me wearing that outfit. Not a comment on Kim at all – just a rare fashion misstep for this Kardashian.

October 15, 2012

Kim And Khloe Kardashian Spend A Little Time Together.

Now, I’ve said this a million times but I think it’s worth repeating. I am not a fan of the Kardashian family. I just don’t understand why they’re famous or why I should care about what they do in their day to day lives. That doesn’t change the fact that they’re popular and people like reading about them, so here we are. All that out of the way, I like Kim Kardashian’s style. She always looks so put together. I like Khloe’s style as well but not quite as much as Kim’s. They’re both beautiful women who know how to pick out a great outfit. I don’t like them as celebrities and think they’re great examples of everything that is wrong with the celebrity cultures these days but I have to give credit where credit is due. They look great. I guess that’s enough.

October 8, 2012

Kim Kardashian Shows Off Her Curves In Miami.

As I wrote the title, I wondered whether or not it would even be possible for Kim Kardashian to hide those famous curves of hers. Maybe it’s not really that she’s showing off her curves intentionally. Maybe that’s just what happens naturally when one has curves like Kim’s. She could wear a potato sack and that ass would still stick out. I’m okay with that. Even though I’m not a huge Kim fan, I do like these photos taken in Miami.I like the dress. It’s a great color for her. I’m not crazy over the accents on the back but they’re not distracting or over the top. It’s a nice look for Kim. I especially love the simple hair and makeup. The dress is what’s supposed to make the statement here and Kim has recognized that and kept her hair and makeup looking less dramatic. Well done, Kim. These pics are a great example of why I like your style so much and why I can’t dislike you as much as I’d like to.

October 6, 2012

Kim Kardashian Without Makeup.

There isn’t really all that much about Kim Kardashian I like. I like her style. I think she’s gorgeous but other than that, I’m not really a fan. Her status as one of the most famous women in the world bothers me because I really don’t think she’s done anything to earn that status. Meanwhile, equally beautiful but far more talented actresses and musicians don’t get nearly the attention Kim does. One thing I do like about Kim? Her willingness to step out without a stitch of makeup. There aren’t a lot of celebrity women willing to do that so I do find that refreshing. Here in Miami, Kim lets her natural beauty shine through. I swear, if I wasn’t so against making celebrities out of accidental (?) porn stars, I would probably really like this woman.

October 2, 2012

Kim Kardashian Takes In A Drag Boat Race.

By now, most of our regular readers know how I feel about Kim Kardashian. If you’re new ’round these parts, I’ll sum it up quickly for you. I’m pretty conflicted on Kim. As a media personality, she bugs me. Most ‘famous for being famous’ people do. At the same time, I love her style and think she’s gorgeous. See? Conflicted. These pictures are no exception. Here at a Drag Boat Race in Miami, Kim looks gorgeous. I always love seeing Kim looking a little more casual. I just wonder sometimes if everything she does is for the benefit of the cameras that follow her everywhere she goes. Is she just in the habit of striking sexy poses in her day to day life? Does she do that when no cameras are around? Life’s great mysteries. Whatever. She looks sexy here and in the end, that’s really all anyone cares about when it comes to Kim K, so I’d say these pictures are a success.

August 9, 2012

Kim Kardashian And Jonathan Cheban In Miami.

Oh Kim Kardashian. As a celebrity, I loathe you. You are famous for no good reason and have no discernible talent to speak of yet you’re one of the most famous women in the world. How has that happened? Oh right – the sex tape and the rear end. I don’t know. I hate the idea of celebrities like Kim Kardashian becoming household names while people with real, genuine talent sometimes never make it beyond art house productions. It seems unfair. With all of that said though, I really do love Kim’s style and I love looking at her. She’s a beautiful woman and she looks killer in a bikini as you can clearly see in these photos of Kim at Miami beach with Jonathan Cheban. This means I’m part of the problem. At least I admit it? Nope – doesn’t make it any better. Such is life though, I suppose. Also, Kanye? Calling a woman a “Perfect Bitch” isn’t the compliment you may think it is to most women. While it seems okay with Kim so I don’t really have a problem with it, you might want to be careful who else you may say it to as you may find yourself on the receiving end of a nasty slap. It’s kind of like me calling you a super talented douchebag (which I happen to think you are) and being surprised you were offended. If you’re cool with it though, I may call you Super Talented Douchebag from now on. Nah – too wordy. How about keeping it simple with just STD. Yep. Sounds about right.

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