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October 20, 2013
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Eliza Doolittle Kind Of Looks Like She’s Wearing A Night Dress

Here’s the problem with being a fashion impaired lady writing for a website like this one. Instead of focusing on how hot Eliza Doolittle looks in these photos from the BFI Luminous Gala London, I find myself distracted by the fact that it really, really looks like she wore a night dress to this event. I could be wrong, of course because, as I mentioned, I’m quite fashion impaired but it’s distracting for me all the same. with that said, I really like the first photo here. I love the looking over the shoulder pose. Night dress or not, Eliza looks incredible. I have to give her credit for that.

October 15, 2013
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Sylvie Van Der Vaart Shows Off Her Bikini Body In Miami

Man alive – just look at the body on Sylvie van der Vaart. I know there are people out there that will say she’s too curvy. I also know there are people out there who will say she’s too thin. In my eyes though, Sylvie is about as close to perfect as a human being can get. There’s just something about her I really like. In these shots of Sylvie van der Vaart in Miami, we get to see that body, of course, but we also get to see Sylvie looking confident and relaxed – two things that really appeal to me. In my always humble opinion, this is a great set of photos.

October 14, 2013

Nicole Scherzinger Gets Her Glam On

Nicole Scherzinger is a lot of things – talented, ambitious … perhaps a little diva-like too depending on who you believe – but of all those things, the one that comes to mind the moment someone says her name is ‘stunning’. This woman is just … well, stunning. She has that gorgeous face, the long flowing hair and the killer body that women everywhere would love to have and men everywhere would love to have their hands on. Nicole might not be the most popular singer in the world, and she likely never will be, but the girl always looks killer and in the entertainment industry, that counts for a lot.

October 14, 2013

Lucy Liu Makes My Pulse Race

Words cannot express my love for Lucy Liu. She’s so incredibly beautiful, has a fantastic body and is a very talented actress. She always seems like the kind of woman that knows how to have a good time and enjoy life. I really find that appealing. Although the start of the second season of Lucy’s show Elementary has been a little hit or miss for me, I’m going to continue watching because of love Lucy as Joan Watson and her chemistry with Johnny Lee Miller as Sherlock is fantastic. Of course, there’s also that inescapable hotness factor. Just check out these shots snapped in NYC. Gorgeous.

October 13, 2013
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Kate Hudson Was Totally Wasted On Glee

When I heard Kate Hudson was going to be appearing on Glee, I was ecstatic. I love this woman. I think she’s talented, beautiful and down to earth. Then I saw her guest spot on the show and was woefully disappointed. Her part was okay, I guess. I was just expecting far, far more. Remember Gwyneth Paltrow’s guest spot on the show? That spot singlehandedly made me like Gwyneth again. It showed off her range and versatility. It showed off her talent as a vocalist. It showed she had a sense of humor about herself. Kate’s role did none of that and it really made me sad. Ah well, she looks hot in these photos. I guess that counts for something.

October 12, 2013
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Emily Van Camp Looks Sexy In LA

Revenge was my favorite guilty pleasure show the year it debuted. It took me a while to get around to watching it but once I did, I was hooked. It’s lost a little something in the past two seasons but it’s still a fun watch although I’m still upset about a few of the big deaths we saw last season. One thing that has never lost a little something – at least not for me – is the appeal of Emily Van Camp. The reason for that really shows in these photos, shot in LA. The girl is that special blend of cute and sexy and I’m a sucker for that. She also doesn’t seem to take herself too seriously and I like that as well. While I’m not as in love with Revenge as I once was, I’m still very, very much in love with lovely Emily.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }