Search Results for “me”

May 28, 2013

Carmen Electra Is Just As Beautiful As Ever

I need to take a moment to comment on one thing about these photos that popped out at me right away – something that has nothing to do with how hot Carmen Electra looks in them. Carmen Electra and Samuel Larsen? Really? How did that happen? Of course, these photos don’t really mean anything is going on between them but if there is something to the rumor, that just seems so weird to me. Last I heard, Carmen was seeing Simon Cowell. While that also struck me as a bit odd, this pairing would be far stranger. I haven’t been as into Glee over the last few seasons but I remember Samuel’s time on the show very well. He was one of my favorite newcomers and I felt the show wasted his talents. I have to say though, if these pictures from a nightclub in Hollywood tell the story they seem to tell, I have only one thing to say to both Samuel and Carmen – well freaking done.

May 28, 2013
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Carmen Ortega Poses For A Sexy Photoshoot On The Beach

The last time I posted about Carmen Ortega, I said I wasn’t really all that attracted to her. What a difference a few days can make. I love this photo set. I think Carmen looks absolutely incredible and I’m having a hard time figuring out what my problem was with her last time. Perhaps the bike is swaying my opinion. As we see Carmen posing for this sexy photo shoot on the beach in Santa Monica, I feel as if this is one of the sexier photo sets we’ve posted here in quite some time. I just think there’s something so hot about a girl on a bike. Love these photos. Carmen looks incredible.

May 27, 2013

Carla Ossa Is Too Hot For Me To Deal With

How is it even possible that Carla Ossa has mostly flown under the radar for me? This woman is pretty much the embodiment of my ideal woman. She has a beautiful face, gorgeous flowing locks and a ridiculously hot body. Every single one of these pictures is out of this world hot. I love this woman’s eyes. The way she looks into the camera melts me like butter. I think I’d have to say the first picture is my favorite simply because of the pose but I’m not kidding – each one is incredibly sexy. I don’t know much about her aside from the fact that she’s a Colombian born model who has worked for some pretty big names. I can tell you for sure – I will not forget the name Carla Ossa again.

May 27, 2013

Mariah Carey Shows Off Her Legs On Good Morning America

Earlier, I wrote a bit about how Nicole Scherzinger’s reported diva-tude changed my opinion of her. Mariah Carey has a lengendary diva-tude but I love her anyway. Why? Because Mariah earned it. Mariah has had the kind of career that warrants a little bit of a diva attitude. She may not have had a major hit in a while but that doesn’t change the fact that this woman has had one heck of a great career. It’s nice to see she’s still at it too. As Mariah performs on Good Morning America, we get to see Mariah back in her element. I wasn’t a fan of her as a judge on American Idol but I can’t argue with her talent as a vocalist and damn, the girl is looking great. I adore Mariah. I hope her next single breaks records.

May 27, 2013
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Blake Lively Goes For Glamour At The Met Gala

I know, I know. I might be one of the only people in the world that isn’t completely bananas over Blake Lively. I think she’s pretty and all but she isn’t one of my absolute favorites. Here at the Met Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the real star of the photos is Blake’s dress. It’s absolutely stunning and was the perfect choice for her. It’s dramatic and eye catching and it flatters her beautifully. I’m not sure she chose to pair it with the right hair, jewelry and makeup though. I’m sure it was a calculated decision though. By keeping everything else mostly minimal, the focus is on the dress, which is great, but maybe a little hair framing her face would’ve been more complimentary. And the earrings …. not sure about the earrings. The dress might’ve worked better with something a little more understated. Of course, all those things aside, she still looks incredible. I just think without a few different choices, she could’ve looked even better.

May 25, 2013
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Izabel Goulart Is Quickly Making A Name For Herself

Izabel Goulart was one of those models I always thought looked beautiful but never really paid a lot of attention to. That is starting to change. The last few photos I’ve seen of her have really made me start taking more notice of her. These photos from Cannes are a great example of why. She seems to have so much fun, even when she’s just walking the red carpet. There’s this lighthearted air about her and I love that. It’s not something I often see in models outside of photoshoots when a lighthearted vibe is one of the goals of the shoot. I don’t know what the future holds for Izabel but if the past is any indication, her future is a very bright one indeed.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }