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July 12, 2012
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Miley Cyrus Rocks Fishnets With Cutoffs And I Approve.

Miley Cyrus does not need my stamp of approval. She has legions of fans who love her and is engaged to a gorgeous guy who also has legions of fans. Things are going pretty well for Miss. Cyrus. With that said, she may not need my stamp of approval but for this look, she’s going to get it anyway. In the last few days, I’ve posted about Lady Gaga and Aubrey O’Day rocking a look similar to this one but there is one thing Miley’s look has that their didn’t – pants. Bold pantyhose/tights are trendy right now and Miley cashes in on that trend but has the common sense to slide a pair of black cutoffs on over the tights and to me, that makes all the difference. The look is still a little bit trashy (it’s hard to make fishnets look anything but), yet it doesn’t cross the line into too trashy. Miley has really been maturing as of late. Perhaps it’s the impending nuptials or perhaps it’s just a natural part of getting older, but I’m really starting to like this girl – at least in terms of her fashion choices.

July 11, 2012
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Sexy New Bikini Pics Of Hayden Panettiere

For a while, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Hayden Panettiere. I was a fan and then I started changing my opinion about her. It’s not that I ever went as far as to say I disliked her per say. I was just really starting to question the direction she was taking her career in. She was showing up to events wearing less and less clothing. She was looking much older than her age. I just couldn’t figure out what kind of statement she was trying to make. Lately, however, I’ve been changing my mind about her again. She’s looking classier when she’s out in public and she’s starting to look her age instead of much older. I love these bikini pics of Hayden because they feel so youthful and fun. It doesn’t hurt, of course, that she looks fantastic. She’s a beautiful girl. I’m glad to say I’m firmly back on Team Hayden again.

July 11, 2012
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Sexy Scarlett Johansson Rocks A Bikini In Italy

I remember seeing Scarlett Johansson’s rear end in “Lost in Translation” and feeling quite confident that I would one day fall in love with the girl. “One day” wound up coming before the end of the movie. Scarlett is, without question, one of my absolute favorite actresses. She’s talented. She’s beautiful. Most importantly, she doesn’t seem to have the enormous ego some of the other actors and actresses of her stature seem to have. Here in Taormina, Italy, Scarlett is just another pretty girl on the beach. She’s spending time with those close to her and having what appears to be a pretty relaxing day. There is just nothing to complain about here. These are beautiful pictures of a beautiful girl.

July 11, 2012
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Aubrey O’Day Looks … Busty?

I’m sorry. I try to be fair and balanced when I write these posts (no seriously, I do), but I really don’t get what everyone sees in Aubrey O’Day. She’s just not that good looking. I’ve seen a few pictures of her that have shown her in a more flattering light but those photos are few and far between. These pictures from Miami Beach have helped me develop a working theory behind the whole “Aubrey O’Day is hot” deal. It’s the boobs, right? It has to be. I do like her hair as well, to be fair. I especially like her hair in these photos. All the same, beyond the hair and the boobs, I don’t see much head turning about her. Maybe it’s just her attitude that bugs me. In any event, the boobs and the hair are nice so at least there’s that.

July 10, 2012
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Brooke Burke Charvet Is Just Ridiculously Hot.

I didn’t bother watching to the end of the most recent season of “Dancing with the Stars” despite the fact that two of my all time favorite female celebrities were featured heavily on the show. I’m speaking, of course, of Maria Menounos and Brooke Burke Charvet. I guess I just wasn’t as into the show as I have been in the past. What does that have to do with how hot Brooke looks in these photos? Absolutely nothing. I just felt like sharing. Seriously though, Brooke. So hot. The body, the face, the hair – the everything. Best of all, the woman just seems so incredibly down to earth – something I also appreciate in Maria, for the record. While I bailed on the show, I didn’t bail on my love for Brooke and I look forward to seeing her on the show again next season, assuming of course I tune back in.

July 10, 2012
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Aubrey O’Day Also Forgot Her Pants. Epidemic?

The world is supposed to end this year. I’m sure you’ve heard a little something about that. We have crazy weather happening all over the globe, whole flocks of birds dropping from the skies, schools of fish washing up on the shores and far too many crazy cannibals coming out of the woodwork for my comfort. What does this have to do with Aubrey O’Day and her lost pants? Allow me to explain.
Moments ago, I wrote a post poking fun at Lady Gaga for apparently forgetting her pants at the airport. I open this post and see Aubrey O’Day posing for the photos you see here – photos in which she has also seemingly forgotten her pants. Could there be some sort of virus spreading around the world causing women to become absent minded enough to leave the house with only tights covering their panties? It might not sound dangerous, especially not when the woman in question is Aubrey O’Day but just imagine for a moment that Alessandra Ambrosio becomes infected? Miranda Kerr? Doutzen Kroes? Jennifer freakin’ Lopez? It would be sheer pandemonium! Now imagine it does the other way. I don’t find Aubrey super attractive but seeing her without pants isn’t a frightening experience but there are definitely some women that need their pants. Two words – Rosie O’Donnell. Scared yet?

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }