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August 25, 2011
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New Bikini Photos Of Bar Refaeli In Greece

Bar Refaeli is absolutely stunning. There are no two ways about it. She has a fantastic body and she isn’t shy about showing it off. More than that, she doesn’t seem to have the sort of attitude some super hot models have – that stuck up, won’t-get-their-hands-dirty kind of attitude. Bar seems to be a girl that just likes to relax and have fun which is exactly what it looks like she’s doing in there pictures from Greece. I can’t wait to see more pictures of Bar in a bikini and I’m sure I won’t have to wait long. It seems she spends most of her time in a bikini but hey, if I looked like her, I would too.

August 24, 2011

Ilary Blasi In An Unflattering Bathing Suit

If you’ve been reading my posts for a while, you know I’ve only recently become acquainted with the beautiful creature that is Ilary Blasi. In the short time that I’ve been writing about her, however, I’ve never seen pictures of her that didn’t absolutely melt my butter… until these ones. She still looks unbelievably gorgeous of course but I’m not really sure the bathing suit she chose was really the best idea. It really doesn’t flatter her at all which is a shame as this is probably the only bathing suit in the world she couldn’t make work with a body like hers. All the same, here in Sabaudia, Ilary still looks stunning. I’m just hoping next time we see her, she’s in a fabulous bikini instead of an only okay one piece.

August 23, 2011

Bikini Pics Of Brooke Hogan

Not long ago, I was writing a post about Brooke Hogan in which I talked about her need to wear less makeup. This is why I said that. She looks so much better in these pictures than she did in the set from her PETA poster launch. Here in Miami, Brooke looks fresh faced and natural. She has a nice enough body and most importantly, she doesn’t look like a woman pushing forty. I want to like Brooke but it’s hard. These pictures make it easier though. She looks like a normal girl relaxing with some friends. I like that. Hopefully the next time she hits the red carpet or attends some sort of event, she’ll leave some of the makeup at home and stick to a more natural, more appealing look.

August 22, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Tries Surfing In Malibu

I love Lindsay Lohan. I’ve loved her since “Mean Girls” and I sincerely doubt anything’s going to change that. She has her problems and I honestly believe she’s trying to work them out. Does that make me a sucker? Probably. That’s how I feel though and I’ll always defend her like I would a friend. I guess I figure she needs it. Anyway, here in Malibu, Lindsay tries her hand at surfing and it looks like she’s having a great time. I know some people are going to give her a hard time for how she looks, but compared to how she was looking a few months back, I think she’s looking pretty good. I’m rooting for her comeback. Hope it happens.

August 22, 2011
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Alessandra Ambrosio Is Still In Hawaii; Still In A Bikini

When Alessandra Ambrosio goes to Hawaii the whole world becomes a sexier, happier place – or at least my world does. This woman is a magnificent, shining example of what true beauty looks like. She has a gorgeous face, an incredible body and most importantly, she doesn’t mine slipping into a bikini to show off that body. More than that, she seems like a genuinely down to earn woman. She likes to have fun. She likes to relax. It just so happens she looks outrageously sexy while she does both of those things. I love candid pictures of Alessandra because they really show that this woman is just naturally beautiful. Many models don’t look nearly as good without all the lights and makeup (and heavy Photoshopping) but Alessandra clearly isn’t one of those women.

August 22, 2011

Brooke Hogan Launches Her PETA Poster

Brooke Hogan is 23 years old. From these pictures, taken as she unveiled her new PETA poster, I wasn’t entirely convinced that was true. I went to Wikipedia for confirmation and discovered that yes, Brooke Hogan is 23 years old. She was born on May 15, 1988. I am five years older than this girl and she looks like she could be my mother, granted I look like I’m about 12. I get ID’d to go to R-rated movies. I doubt Brooke gets ID’s to do anything. I mean, she looks good and all but she looks so much older than 23. If I didn’t know better from looking at these pictures, I would’ve assumed Brooke was in her 30’s at the very least – maybe more. Having seen other pictures of Brooke taken recently, I have to assume the culprit here is too much makeup. She can be a very pretty girl but she needs to rely a little less on the makeup. She looks so much better fresh faced.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }