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July 5, 2012
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Jessica Jane Clement Checks Out Her Own Boobs.

I’m not going to give Jessica Jane Clement a hard time for checking out her own boobs because that would make me a complete hypocrite. The first thing I did when I looked at this photo set was check out those puppies. If I had boobs like hers, I’d probably be checking them out all the time. I know some people will say Jessica has been surgically enhanced and she very may well have been. I couldn’t care less. I prefer natural women but if a woman wants to feel better about herself by going under the knife, that’s her business. If I had the money, I’d probably do it myself. She is a little trashy for my taste but I still think she’s a lot of fun to look at and that has to count for something.

July 4, 2012
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Super Sexy Arianny Celeste Knows How To Have A Good Time.

To be all that honest, I’m not all that familiar with Arianny Celeste because I don’t really know anything about UFC. What I do know is that Arianny is a UFC Octagon girl and she’s a super hot babe. I guess that’s all I really need to know in the end. Here on Miami Beach, FL, Arianny looks like she’s having a fantastic time hanging out with her friends and just generally being sexy. I think I like Arianny most because she seems like the kind of girl that would be a blast to have a drink with. She doesn’t look stuck up or uptight. She just seems like a pretty laid back sort of girl that likes a good time. I like girls like that so I think I like Arianny.

July 4, 2012

Melanie Brown Gets Spicy In LA

Oh Melanie Brown, how I’ve missed you. So full of life and personality. Melanie Brown, Mel B, Scary Spice – I don’t care what name this woman goes by. I love her regardless. Back when the Spice Girls were at the height of their fame, Mel B was my favorite. I even have a Mel B Barbie doll. As the years pass, I only love her more. She has the same fiery, fun loving personality she always did and I find that so incredibly appealing. Out of all of the Spice Girls, she was the one I felt embodied “Girl Power” the most. Here in LA, Mel makes me miss the glory days of the Spice Girls but also reminds me that it doesn’t matter how much time passes, Scary Spice will always be able to spice up my life.

July 4, 2012

Helen Flanagan And Her See Through Camel Toe?

I’m not entirely sure I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing in these photos of Helen Flanagan from the Grosvenor House Hotel in Dubai but I feel the need to point it out anyway. Is that possibly a see through camel toe in the first picture? Well leave it to Helen to take the camel toe to the next level. I’m kind of back and forth on Helen. Sometimes I like her, sometimes I’m not really sure how I feel about her. I guess today I’m somewhere in between. I like the bikini. I like that she looks like she’s having fun. Even so, these aren’t my favorite pictures of her. Then again, how can I really complain when she’s possibly rocking a see through camel toe?

July 3, 2012
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Erin Andrews Enjoys A Little Time In The Sun

It’s hard to see Erin Andrews without thinking about the massive “peeping tom” scandal that brought her to the attention of the general public. While she had some level of fame before someone filmed her walking around naked in her hotel room without her knowledge, that invasion of privacy really put her name on the map to those who aren’t big sports buffs (like myself, for example). Even so, in the years that have followed, Erin has really tried hard to distance herself from that scandal while still staying relevant. I think she’s done a great job. Here in Miami, she doesn’t seem terribly worried that one chapter of her career is ending, probably because she knows it just means a new chapter is just beginning.

July 3, 2012
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Paris Hilton Is A DJ Now … Or Something.

Oh Paris Hilton – always searching for new ways to keep her name in the headlines. This time, she’s decided to be a DJ. I can’t really say much about it. I am one of the few people that actually liked Paris’ foray into the music business. She has been to enough parties to know what the average party goer likes so maybe this is actually something she’ll be good at. Maybe not. Here at the Pop Music Festival in Sao Paulo, Paris takes her place on stage and does her best to keep the crowd entertained. Did it work? No idea, but she looks cute. That has to count for something. I like Paris. She might be a self centered brat who has never had to work a day in her life but she owns that. She is who she is. I guess in some weird kind of way, I respect that. It can’t be easy being as hated as Paris is in many social circles but she doesn’t let it get her down. Kudos to her and I wish her nothing but good things with her new career.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
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