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April 4, 2013
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Odette Annable Looking Stunning In Miami

I am a big Odette Annable fan. My only problem with her, in fact, is the fact that she doesn’t get more attention than she does which is hardly her fault. She’s beautiful, talented and should be a much bigger name than she is. In these photos from Miami, Odette is looking incredible. I believe these shots were taken as she filmed her new series, Westside, and it is my hope that they are some indication of what we can expect from the show. I’d like to see Odette get more recognition as I mentioned and I think Westside could make that happen. I also happen to be a big fan of Odette’s husband, Dave, who starred in the tragically underrated (and far too early ended) 666 Park Avenue. Perhaps there’s a place on Westside for Dave? It’d be great to see them team up on the small screen.

March 24, 2013
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Miley Cyrus Hangs Out Poolside In A Bikini

Yeah, I’ve gotta admit it – I’m a big fan of this new Miley Cyrus we’re seeing so much of. She’s distanced herself so much from the girl she used to be. She’s showing off a new, more mature style and I can really get behind that. I’m not convinced it’s genuine, but I think it’s a lot more genuine than what we used to see. I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors about Miley and her fiance, Liam Hemsworth, but I’m not going to buy into them until it’s confirmed by either Miley or Liam. Did he cheat on her? Did she cheat on him? Have they broken up? Did they break up a long time ago? I have no idea and I honestly couldn’t care less either way. I think they make a cute couple but they’re both very young. They’ll bounce back.

March 24, 2013

Courtney Stodden, You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

Every time I’m assigned a set of Courtney Stodden pictures, I tell myself that I’m going to be open minded and not have a preconceived notion of what I should expect. I tell myself that the set of photos will be different than all of the other ones we’ve seen. I tell myself she’ll have found some self respect hidden at the bottom of her lingerie drawer and realize she doesn’t have to be half naked to be worth something. Then I open the photos and it’s more of the same old thing. We get it Courtney. You have a nice body. What else do you have? Can you act? Can you sing? Can you do anything other than strike the same exact poses in different costumes. I have to say though, this new set of photos is an all time low for this girl. “Washing a car” in a teeny tiny bikini and big ass heels? That’s not new. It’s not interesting. It’s been done and it’s been done better. If you’re going to steal the same idea a million other women had before you, at least do it better. Otherwise you wind up looking like a lame imitation. You want to be shocking and get attention? Show us you have a brain in that bleach blonde head. That would be truly mind blowing.

March 15, 2013

Selena Gomez And Ashley Benson At The SXSW Festival.

We all know Selena Gomez is gorgeous. I write about her beauty every time I post about her because it’s really impossible not to write about. I am not the biggest fan of her music or her acting although I don’t really dislike her work either, but I do respect her for being one of the few young stars her age for showing she’s maturing without resorting to publicity stunts or super sexualized videos. We get it. Selena is beautiful. She isn’t the focus of my attention in these photos from the SXSW Festival in Austin. I’m too busy looking at Ashley Benson – a young woman I honestly feel doesn’t get nearly as much press as she deserves. She’s a talented actress and an absolutely stunning lady. I love the darker hair she’s rocking in these photos. Sometimes when a blond darkens up the hair, the result isn’t exactly flattering but the new color really works for Ashley. I’m quite certain she could do anything with her hair and still look incredible, though. Both of these women are absolutely beautiful. These photos are fantastic. I can’t wait to see “Spring Breakers”.

March 13, 2013

Selena Gomez Looking So Very Pretty.

Sometimes Selena Gomez surprises me. She’s such a beautiful young lady but I sometimes forget how quickly she’s growing up. I’m not sure whether or not these photos are new or older but it doesn’t matter to me. They show off one of the things I like most about Selena – her innocence. Sure it could all be one ruse but in an age when so many young celebrities are getting themselves stuck in one scandal after another, it’s nice to see one that seems to be going about growing up in the spotlight a bit of a different way. These photos are lovely – some of my favorite Selena Gomez photos to date.

March 13, 2013
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Paris Hilton Is Still Out There Doing Things.

At the height of her popularity, it seemed like Paris Hilton was everywhere. Someone was always talk about something that she’d gotten in trouble for, something stupid she said or some new racy photos that had surfaced of her online. Everything was about Paris. If you were a fan of celebrity gossip she was your dream come true and a nightmare all in one. She was a constant source of great gossip but she was also all anyone ever talked about. She was like that awesome guilty pleasure song you couldn’t get enough of until you’d heard it for the millionth time. Then for a long time, Paris disappeared. You’d hear about her every now and again but generally the news disappeared from the airways as quickly as it appeared. The world’s fascination with Paris Hilton had faded and it was nice. Now that a little time has passed, I’ve found I’ve started enjoying Paris again. These photos are a great example of why. Instead of thinking, “Oh great – Paris Hilton again” while rolling my eyes so hard I pulled muscles, I thought, “Oh! Great! Paris Hilton again!” and clicked excitedly to see the photos. That’s nice for a change.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }