Search Results for “new”

August 15, 2012

Lea Michele Looks Hot On The Set Of Glee

So Glee is coming back for another season. There was a time that would’ve excited me but to be honest, the last few seasons have fallen a little short of my expectations. I’m not sure I’ll keep watching if this season doesn’t pick up a little bit – or a lot, as the case may be. These photos of Lea Michele on the set of “Glee” in New York worry me. Lea looks hot, sure – love the outfit she’s wearing in that first photo but it’s not very “Rachel Berry”. Rachel has always been my least favorite character but I don’t want to see them completely change who her character is just because she went off to New York. I guess I’ll have to wait and see but based on these pictures, I’m concerned. Surprise me, Glee!

August 12, 2012

Leighton Meester And Blake Lively On The Set Of Gossip Girl.

Blake Lively and Leighton Meester are beautiful, talented women and they look deeply immersed in their work in these on-set photos from a “Gossip Girl” night shoot in New York but I could only think of one thing while looking at these snaps – “Gossip Girl” is still a thing? I genuinely thought the show had gone of the air years ago. That’s not a comment on the show, or even the show’s popularity. I just remember a time when all anyone could talk about was “Gossip Girl” but I haven’t heard anyone talking about it in quite some time. My usual television watching pals used to tell me I absolutely had to watch it but I never got around to it. Then I started hearing I shouldn’t bother. I probably will one of these days. For now though, I’ll just comment on what I know for sure. These ladies are beautiful and talented. I’m sure they’ll have no trouble continuing their careers after the show winds down.

August 9, 2012

Paris Hilton And Her Man Cuddle And Kiss In France.

Who is this new guy Paris Hilton is with? I have no idea. I saw his name somewhere but didn’t bother committing it to memory. I’m sure he’ll be moving on soon enough. I don’t get why Paris has such a hard time keeping men in her life. I really think she must be the one that does the dumping because it just doesn’t make sense to me otherwise. Sure her public persona is a little (okay, a lot) vapid but as a person she seems okay. Maybe she’s a little immature and a whole lot spoiled, but she tends to date guys who are also spoiled so that whole thing shouldn’t be a problem. Here’s my guess. The guy she’s sucking face with in France is rich and … well, are there any other real requirements for dating Paris?

July 27, 2012

Gwen Stefani Doesn’t Age.

I remember when No Doubt first hit it big. I was obsessed – and I mean obsessed – with Gwen Stefani. The strange thing is, it’s been years – maybe even a decade – and I’m still just as obsessed. She’s freaking stunning but in such a very unique kind of way. There just isn’t another woman in the entertainment industry that has her style. She pushes the boundaries but never too far. She dances that fine line between just the right amount of flair and completely over the top. The fact that this woman still looks the same as she did when I was a teenager makes me feel both old and encouraged. Maybe I can dip into the fountain of youth too. Doubt it, but the hope is there. In these photos from the Teen Choice Awards at Gibson Amphitheatre, Gwen mixes up the new, more mature style we’ve seen from her since No Doubt went on hiatus with the fun, punky retro Gwen style from when No Doubt was first breaking out. I love this woman. Can’t say enough nice things about her.

July 26, 2012
Comments Off on Sophie Monk Has Super Weird Lips.

Sophie Monk Has Super Weird Lips.

No really – those lips! Are they new? I’ve seen pictures of Sophie before and I find it very hard to believe I missed those suckers. Is she just duck-facing in most of them or is that how her mouth normally looks? I’m sorry. She’s hot and everything and her body is just killer but I can’t get past those freakish lips. The top lip just looks … wrong. Please, someone help me out here, is this plastic surgery gone wrong or has the lack of sleep completely fried my brain? Regardless, outside of the lip situation, I think Sophie looks pretty great in these pictures. I’ve always found her stunning anyway, so that’s not a huge surprise to me. Focus on the good, I suppose.
UPDATE: Okay, so fearing sleep deprivation had crippled my brain, I Google searched “Sophie Munk Lips” and found out that yes, this is a case of plastic surgery gone wrong and it was covered pretty extensively in the press a few years back. What a shame. She’s such a beautiful girl. I’m not anti-plastic surgery. If I had the money, there’s probably a nip and a tuck I’d consider having done but why mess with such a beautiful canvas.

July 26, 2012

Miley Cyrus Goes Shoe Shopping Wearing This …

I get it Miley. You’ve been working out, lost some weight, toned up your body and now you want to show that body off. Even so, maybe this wasn’t the best choice fashion wise for a day of shoe shopping. People are worried about you, honey. They think you’re going off the rails. I personally think you’re just fine and are proud of how you look. Nothing wrong with that. I’m just not sure why you’d want to give the haters more to hate on. In these photos, taken in New York, Miley Cyrus is wearing something I would actually consider wearing if I thought I could pull it off. I would probably only wear it to the beach but hey, that’s just me. I think she looks great but I know someone is going to rip her a new one over the choice. I feel a little bad for the girl, especially since I’ve done the new one ripping a time or two. My opinion of her has changed though. She seems more mature and more in control of her life. I think that’s exactly what she needed. I hope I’m right but I have been wrong before. I wish nothing but the best for Miley and I hope there are bright things in her future.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }