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April 14, 2012
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Leggy Liv Tyler In Paris

I remember back when Liv Tyler was just the smoking hot babe in the Aerosmith videos. I was a kid back then. I didn’t know Liv was Steven Tyler’s daughter. I didn’t know she was an actress. I just knew she looked absolutely stunning in those videos. As time has passed, I’ve come to appreciate Liv as an actress and as a celebrity. She has the sort of low key approach to fame I find appealing. She doesn’t really get mixed up in a whole lot of drama and I find that refreshing. Here in Paris, Liv shows off probably my favorite thing about her – her style. She’s so unique. She always looks so comfortable but still so stylish. If I could raid on star’s closet, Liv would be pretty close to the top of my wishlist.

April 8, 2012

Super Sexy Indiana Evans Filming “The Blue Lagoon”

Okay, I love sexy Aussie actress Indiana Evans and I’m excited to see her staring in something new but I have to admit I’m a little tired of remakes. Enough, already. They’re never as good as the original. I’m especially disheartened by the fact that this particular remake has employed the talents of Indiana so now I’m going to be forced to watch. Seriously, I love Indiana Evans like I love puppies (or cute shoes, if you prefer) and these pictures of her filming “The Blue Lagoon”, a remake of the 1980 film of the same name, have only sold me more on this project. Indiana looks stunning and having been a fan of her acting work since she started on “Home and Away”, I’m going to have to bite the bullet and check this one out, remake or not.

April 6, 2012

Nicki Minaj Album Signing At Best Buy

Sometimes I love Nicki Minaj. Other times, well, I don’t love her quite as much. There’s something about her that doesn’t sit right with me but I’ve never been able to figure out exactly what that something is. I think she’s a beautiful woman and I think she’s a confident woman. I also think she’s a talented and unique artist. Even so, I guess sometime just comes across as “too forced” sometimes. All the same, I still think she’s lovely and that’s especially true here at this album signing at a Best Buy in New York. She looks like her usual cute and confident self. Good for her. I’m not sure I love the shorts but hey, personal preference.

April 4, 2012

Sexy Georgia Salpa Eats Ice Cream In The Park

I wasn’t terribly familiar with gorgeous Greek-Irish model Georgia Salpa until I saw the pictures for this post. I knew her from the various controversies she’s been involved in and for her time on “Celebrity Big Brother” but that was pretty much the extent of my experience with this particular model. With that said, based on what I know, I’m a fan. I’m not typically into supposed candid pictures that look like a photo shoot but I’ll make an exception here. I think Georgia looks beautiful in these pictures taken in London and I love that she’s enjoying a nice ice cream. I like the clothes she’s wearing here but not just because they show off her body. She looks comfortable and casual and that’s always nice to see.

April 2, 2012

More Sexy Pictures Of Selena Gomez And Vanessa Hudgens

Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Benson are clearly a big part of the upcoming flick “Spring Breakers” and from the pictures I’ve seen thus far, it looks like they’re going to be spending a good portion of the movie clad in nothing but a bikini. I saw a photo of James Franco on the set the other day all dressed up for his role. He looked more like Kevin Federline than James Franco and I don’t know. That kind of makes me even more excited for the movie. Clearly wearing little clothing isn’t just for the girls in this one and I like that for a change. This newest set of pictures were taken as Selena, Vanessa and Ashley were leaving the set after they finished work for the morning. Perhaps they just hit the beach right after shooting. What a great job. Beats the heck out of mine, that’s for sure.

March 26, 2012

Katy Perry At The Echo Awards In Berlin

I have always really admired the fact that Katy Perry isn’t afraid to be weird. Katy definitely marches to the beat of her own drum and I love that about her. Although weird has sort of become the new normal in the entertainment industry thanks to people like Katy, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj and others I can’t seem to think of at the moment, Katy still manages to stand out. While the actual pictures of her performance on the Echo Awards in Berlin show her outfit was a little out there, her arrival pictures on the red carpet are really the ones that appeal to me. She takes a fairly normal looking dress and pairs it with crazy blue hair but somehow, it all comes out looking kind of natural – or as natural as blue hair can look anyway.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }