Search Results for “paris”

May 11, 2011
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Rihanna Shocks With A Pretty Normal Dress

Why look at Rihanna! For the first time in what feels like forever, the girl looks pretty normal, doesn’t she? Lately, when Rihanna steps out it, she’s wearing something cutting edge and fashion forward. Or, to put it in plain English, she’s wearing something weird. Here in Paris, Rihanna has chosen a sexy, but demure black dress. What really surprises me here is that I’m pretty sure I have almost the exact same dress (although my version was bought at Wal-Mart and he’s was probably made by some super expensive designer). It doesn’t look as good on me as it does on Rihanna. I like the long braid. Remember all the drama when Ri Ri cut off all her hair? This is why. I will admit, though, I like Rihanna’s weirder looks. I like her short hair, but this is a refreshing change.

May 11, 2011
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Kim Kardashian Does A Little Shopping

I just, not even two minutes ago, wrote a post about Kim Kardashian on a beach in Mexico. I stated that I’m not really her biggest fan but admitted I think she’s one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. Now I’m writing this post about Kim out shopping in Beverly Hills at Harmes Paris and I think it’s a great contrast to the other post. Why? Because I think these pictures show why I’m not really Kim K’s biggest fan. There is just something so ‘diva’ about her. Mariah Carey is a diva. Madonna is a diva. Aretha Franklin is a diva. Diana Ross is a diva. I could go on, but here’s the point I want to make. I’m okay with those women being diva’s because they’ve worked hard and earned it. Kim Kardashian has not. She turned her reality show celebrity (and the whole sex tape thing) into a career and I admire that, but she has not earned the diva title. I could be wrong. The pictures aren’t really all that bad. She looks hot as hell and that’s fine, but there’s just this attitude in them. Am I reading too much into it? More than likely yes. If I am, my sincerest apologies to Kim.

May 9, 2011

Alyson And AJ Michalka At Famous Chick’s BBQ

The sad thing about sisters in Hollywood is that inevitably, people are going to compare their looks. Just ask the Kardashian sisters. Aly & AJ Michalka are no exception. When they shot to fame as simply Aly and AJ, everyone talked about how gorgeous they both were. As time passed though, those comparisons began. I’m not going to play that game. I honestly don’t think it’s fair. Here at Famous Chick’s BBQ in Los Angeles, Alyson and AJ seem to be like most other sisters, sitting together to enjoy a nice day while catching up on some reading. I like these two, even if I never really got into their music. They seem like pretty laid back people and I like that.

April 20, 2011

Serena Williams – Fit Or Fat?

I think by now you all know my opinion on this one. There is nothing fat about Serena Williams except her attitude (which I love about her, by the way) and it seems at least some of you agree with me. So why do the nasty insults persist? With these photos, Serena once again shows off her toned, athletic body and I took a really close look this time. I can’t see any fat. The woman is all muscle – as she has to be. She is a professional athlete. As I said last time, it is completely unfair to compare Serena with the likes of Anna Kournikova because one of them (Serena, obviously) is one of the most talented women in tennis. The other is only a little better than especially talented amateurs. With that said, the comparisons are still made and folks wind up calling Serena fat. I am not one of them.

March 29, 2011

Taylor Momsen Upskirt… Again

When last I spoke of Taylor Momsen I said she was looking almost normal. I had high hopes when I saw her name come up again. I hoped for maybe a pair of jeans and a tank top or hey, even just a skirt with a hemline lower than mid-thigh. I opened this photo set and rolled my eyes. Again with the lingerie on stage. Again with the underwear showing. Again with the raccoon eyes. It’s all getting a bit old now, isn’t it? It isn’t shocking anymore. It’s boring. Her performance at the VIP Room in Paris show more of the same old Taylor. Shock us all, Taylor! Make our jaws drop! Put on some real clothes, wash off the Courtney Love makeup and act your age. Now that would be shocking.

March 14, 2011
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Katy Perry In A Pink Tu-tu

Katy Perry performed live at Le Zenith in Paris wearing a pink tu-tu. Anyone else would look ridiculous, but Katy actually pulls it off – even though I know people are going to disagree with me there. I think everything about her outfit speaks for who Katy is as an artist. She’s the ultra-girlie sexpot and I love her for playing that role. The thing I like about Katy is that while making pure, unapologetic pop music and dressing in these incredibly over the top girlie outfits, she’s still outspoken and speaks her mind. She is a hybrid of the tough tomboy and super-feminine wannabe princess, and she really makes that combination work the way few others could. Katy made it cool to be girlie again and that is one of the things I appreciate the most about her. That and her boobs. Those things are incredible.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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