Search Results for “rue”

May 29, 2013
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Heidi Klum Attends The Photocall For Germany’s Next Top Model

I have never watched any of the Next Top Model shows because that’s just not my kind of deal but as long as Heidi Klum keeps showing up for promotional events, I’ll keep checking out the photos. In this particular set of promotional photos, we see Klum attending the Germany’s Next Top Model photocall in Berlin and babe is looking stunning, as usual. I’m not sure I’m loving the first photo (or the dress she’s wearing) but she still looks great. I think that speaks to the true beauty of Heidi Klum. Even when she looks like she’s trying to make herself throw up, she still looks hot. That might have somthing to do with the finger in the mouth and the things that makes one think of but let’s just say she looks hot and leave it at that.

May 23, 2013
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Paris Hilton Is Going To Record Another Album

I am going to confess to this once and once only. I kind of liked Paris Hilton’s first album. It was pretty empty headed and what not but it was kind of fun. It was the kind of music I put on when I’m dancing around the living room and singing into my hairbrush. Yes, I’m 31 and I still do that. What of it? Anyway, from what I understand, her new album is going to focus more on house music and I suppose I’m alright with that. I’m not Paris’ biggest fan and she’s certainly made some decisions I would call questionable at best, but I’ll give the album a listen, albeit with significantly lowered expectations. Here at a Cocktail Reception at the Grisogono Party, Paris looks like a princess, which is, I’m sure, exactly the look she was going for. I’ve always felt Paris was beautiful in a non-traditional sort of way and personal feelings about her aside, I think that’s still true.

May 17, 2013
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Sexy Lingerie Shoot Of Barbara Palvin

I always feel bad for young women like Barbara Palvin. She’s clearly a beautiful young woman who has everything she needs to make it on her own in modeling but for some, she’s always going to be thought of as the girl that may or may not have come between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. Kind of sad, really – especially since it appears those rumors were untrue, or at least, exaggerated. All the same, I suppose it got her name out there. I wasn’t all that familiar with her work until the story broke and then she seemed to be everywhere for a while. I think these pictures she that she has the right stuff to make it work as a model. I sincerely hope it works out for her. She’s a lovely young lady and could have a very bright career ahead of her.

March 24, 2013

Kristin Cavallari Takes A Stroll In Midtown Manhattan.

I just don’t get Kristin Cavallari. Let’s say a beautiful woman is like a cake. There need to be certain ingredients present if you want the cake to be really tasty. Kristen has all those ingredients but once they’re all mixed together, baked in the oven and slathered with a generous coat of frosting, something still feels like it’s missing. I can’t figure out what that is. She’s pretty. She has a great body. She has decent fashion sense yet … something about her just kind of makes me yawn. That isn’t true all of the time. There are Kristin Cavallari photos out there I love but there are a lot that I don’t. These photos from Midtown Manhattan, NYC fall into the latter category and I can’t really figure out why. I like her outfit (assuming that’s fake fur) and I think she looks pretty but I’m still bored and a little sleepy. Maybe next time.

March 16, 2013

So I Had This Dream About Adriana Lima …

A few nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night after what I like to call “the hamburger dream”. When I was little, my mother didn’t have a lot of money and that sometimes meant we had to go without food. I’d go to bed after not eating all day and I’d dream of a big, fat hamburger sitting on a plate right in front of me. I’d open my mouth to take a bite and wake up just before I could sink my teeth in. I’d look around confused, wondering where my hamburger went only to have the crushing realization that my subconscious was a jerk and had played a cruel joke on me. Now that I’m older, well, okay – I write online for a living. That often means I don’t have food because this isn’t a job you do if you’re looking to get rich – or pay the bills, for that matter. Anyway, I still have the hamburger dream on occasion (although now it’s usually a Tim Horton’s Chicken Wrap or chicken nuggets) and it’s still just as disappointing to wake up and find I’m trying to eat my pillow. What does all this have to do with these photos of Adriana Lima in Los Angeles? Well let me tell you. The other night, I had the hamburger dream, as I mentioned. This time though, I wasn’t alone in my dream. I was on a beach relaxing in a beach chair when Adriana Lima came over to me. She said she’d seen a post I wrote about her and wanted to buy me dinner. I wasn’t going to turn that offer down so I got up and suddenly we were in our bikinis in some fancy beach restaurant. Everyone else was in full black tie garb and I felt self conscious. Adriana told me it was okay because we were just a little early for bikini time. Suddenly I looked around and everyone had changed into bikinis – including the men, which was weird. Anyway, we laughed for a bit and Adriana asked what I wanted to eat. I, for some reason, suddenly felt panic because I was with Adriana and although I was starving, I didn’t want to eat more than she was eating. Then for some reason, we were in the kitchen of the restaurant and all of the food was in front of us. Adriana started eating everything in sight and I was just about to take a bit of a chicken nugget when I woke up. It was like the disappointment of a hamburger dream multiplied by a number I can’t even calculate but I couldn’t really feel the full weight of that disappointment. I was too busy trying to wrap my head around what was by far the weirdest dream I ever had – and I once had a dream my ex-boyfriend turned into a bucket of chicken my family wanted to eat. Yes. These are the things I dream about. A shrink would have a field day with me!

March 16, 2013
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Ashley Tisdale Shows Off Her Killer Beach Body In Hawaii

I remember all the talk about Ashley Tisdale’s guest starring spot on FX’s “Sons of Anarchy” and I also remember feeling fairly excited for it. While I wasn’t a big fan of the Tis for a long time, she’s really grown on me over the last little while. Seeing her on what is unquestionably by favorite cable show seemed too good to be true. I think that’s why I was so disappointed in her role. My expectations were just too high. All in all, her guest spot was great – perfect for the show – but I would’ve liked to have seen her do a bit more. Ah well. It was still nice to see her on the show. In these photos from Hawaii, Ashley is looking absolutely incredible. I’m sure I’m supposed to know who the guy is but I can’t quite place him. He’s not a bad looking guy. I wish nothing but the best for the two of them. They look like they had a good day.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }