Search Results for “sar”

July 13, 2011
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Sexy Michelle Rodriguez Goes For A Swim

Tough girl actress Michelle Rodriguez takes a trip to Porto Cervo, Sardinia with friends and decides to take a little dip. It’s really a win-win situation. She gets to take a nice refreshing swim and we get the pictures of Michelle in a bikini. I love everything about this girl. I know not everyone appreciates her beauty. She’s just not everyone’s cup of tea, but she’s definitely mine. She has an incredible body, but she’s also got the guts to just be who she is and not make any apologies for that. I respect that wholeheartedly. Michelle Rodriguez is one of my favorite actresses for that reason alone.

June 17, 2011

Imogen Thomas Works Out In London

I always wonder what the deal is with these public workouts. Here in London, an apparently chilly Imogen Thomas gets in a quick workout in front of the cameras snapping away at her every move. Having been on ‘Big Brother’ she’s probably used to all the cameras to start with. Now that news has broken that she has an affair with married footballer, Ryan Giggs, she seems poised to deal with even more cameras following her around. I’m sure that wasn’t her motivation when getting involved with Ryan at all. Am I being sarcastic? I don’t even know anymore. It seems that there are so many women out there who are willing to do that, it’s hard not to paint them all with the same brush. I’m going to give Imogen the benefit of the doubt, though. Why? I guess I’m just having a good day.

June 17, 2011

Cameron Diaz At The Bad Teacher Photocall

I feel dirty for admitting this, but I actually really want to see ‘Bad Teacher’. Everything about it seems wrong. The whole premise seems a bit ridiculous but I refuse to think anything with Jason Segel can be as bad as this movie sounds. I remember hearing about ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’ and skipping it despite the fact that Jason is one of my favorite comedic actors. When I was eventually talked into watching it, I regretted not watching it sooner. I won’t make that mistake with this one, especially considering how hot I’m assuming Cameron Diaz is going to be in it. These pictures from the ‘Bad Teacher’ photocall in Madrid back up that assumption – in theory at least. I’m not crazy over the wardrobe choices Cameron has made for this one in general, but she’s showing off those gorgeous legs of hers, so I won’t complain too much. I’ll admit, the gossip hound in my is also a little excited to see Cameron sharing the stage with ex-boyfriend, Justin Timberlake. Should be interesting at least.

June 5, 2011

Sexy HQ Shots Of Gorgeous Summer Glau

Poor Summer Glau. So beautiful. So talented. So seemingly doomed to produce failed series after failed series. Let’s take a look at her track record:

  • Firefly – serious cult following. Cancelled before the first season finished airing.
  • Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles – serious cult following. Cancelled after two seasons.
  • Dollhouse – joined season two. There was no season three.
  • The Cape – cancelled after one season.

These photos are taken from the set of ‘The Cape’ and I can only wonder how shows with this girl keep getting canned as I look over them. She’s freaking stunning – I dare say one of the most beautiful women on television, if only she could stay on television long enough to count. For the love of all things holy, folks – please watch whatever show she happens to do next. I want to see more of this girl – and not just on reruns!

May 16, 2011

Kim Kardashian In Sexy Black One Shoulder Dress

Sarcasm doesn’t read well on the internet and to be honest, I’m not entirely sure if the statement I’m about to make is even sarcastic, but here goes – life must be hard for Kim Kardashian. It seems like every day there’s some new event she has to attend. This time it’s the Midori Melon Liqueur Trunk Shows in Los Angeles, California. Tomorrow it could be some other time of high end product launch in another city. She must travel a lot, and I’m going to throw her a little sympathy. That must be exhausting. She must spend a fair amount of her time sitting in a hair and makeup chair because she always looks so put together. Is that a life? I guess it is for a celebrity. Regardless, I’m not a big fan of Kim’s dress here, but she looks fabulous as always.

May 15, 2011

Rihanna Hits The Stage Looking Sexy In White

I like this new, less dramatic Rihanna. She still looks beautiful. She still has style, but she also looks normal. I no longer find myself saying things like, “wow, what a brave choice”. Instead, I can just say, “wow, Rihanna looks incredible”. I’ve been a Rihanna fan for a long time and her wardrobe has precious little to do with that, but I have always respected the fact that she really stood out from the crowd and I really don’t think that’s changed. With many other popstars going with outrageous fashion statements, Rihanna has turned back to the more natural and stepped away from the pack once again. Here at the Nivea, Milan, 100th anniversary, Ri-Ri looks lovely in a classic and simple white dress. I love it.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }