Search Results for “shoot”

November 20, 2012

Gorgeous New Rihanna Photo Shoot.

At this point, I feel it’s kind of pointless to state my love for Rihanna because, by now, most of our regular readers know all about it. I think this girl is spectacular. She always look amazing (even when I don’t love her fashion choices) and I like a lot of her music despite not being a big fan of her genre. These photos are great, as usual. I love the outfits. I love the hairstyles. I also love the relaxed, easy going vibe she always has when she’s in front of the camera. I love this lady’s smile. There’s something so genuine about it. Sometimes a smile can come across as forced but Rihanna’s never seems to. I can’t say enough good things about this girl or these pictures.

November 13, 2012

Sexy Kylie Minogue Photo Shoot.

I’m a Kylie Minogue fan from way back so I always get a little excited when new photos of her show up on my assignment list. This set most definitely did not disappoint. I love the variety in these photos and I love the way that Kylie looks at ease and comfortable in front of the camera, even when she’s posing. That comfortable feel isn’t always easy for a woman to pull off in a studio photo session because there’s really nothing comfortable or natural about the setting. Kylie doesn’t seem to have a problem making it work though. I feel like I should pick a favorite photo but as I look over them, they all jump out at me for different reasons. Some are fun and flirty while others are sexy and sultry. This shoot offers something for everyone and I think I appreciate that post. Great photos of a beautiful woman.

November 9, 2012

Myleene Klass In A Sexy New Lingerie Shoot.

For a long time, Myleen Klass was pretty under the radar for me. I always thought she was beautiful and I always knew she had a fantastic body but I didn’t pay much attention to her. That has really been changing as of late, thanks in large part of my work here on HQ-Celebrity. There was a post a short time ago that caught my attention and from there, she’s sort of stuck with me. This shoot certainly hasn’t disappointed me. The lingerie is stylish and looks fantastic on Myleene. Her body is absolutely incredible. I even love the shoes. This is a great shoot – a pleasure to share.

November 6, 2012
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Sexy Nell McAndrew In Vegas Inspired Photoshoot.

You may remember Nell McAndrew from her stint as the model for Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider games or from the Playboy pictorial that lost her the job, but I honestly wasn’t all that familiar with her until recently. I have to admit, I’m not entirely sure what’s going on in this photo shoot but I like it all the same. It seems like the costume and prop would’ve worked better in an indoor setting but hey, Nell looks fantastic. What else really matters? I’ve always like the showgirl look. The big headpieces and the glamorous costumes are just so much fun. Good to see Nell still out there doing her thing. I hope we get even more pictures of her in the future.

November 5, 2012

Brand New Kendall Jenner Photoshoot.

I’m not a fan of the Kardashian clan in general but I quite like Kendall Jenner. Her family has enough money to ensure this girl never has to work a day in her life yet she’s still out there working. She’s not working at a shop downtown or flipping burgers at a fast food restaurant but she’s still doing something other than just living off her family’s money. If blessed with the same opportunities Kendall enjoys, many girls her age certainly wouldn’t be out earning their own money. In this photoshoot at Darling Hotel in Sydney, Kendall looks pretty adorable. She isn’t trying to be super sexy in this shoot which is one of the issues I had with some of her other shoots. Instead, she’s just looking like a normal girl her age. I like that and I love these photos.

October 20, 2012

Kate Upton Shows Off Her Body In A Glamorous New Photo Shoot.

I adore Kate Upton. I love the way she handled all that “Kate Upton is fat” garbage from a few months back and I love that she continues to show off her sexy body, proving there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way she looks. These photos are incredible. Are they a little trashy? Yes, but I think Kate pulls the look off beautifully. It can be hard too stay on the right side of “too trashy” but Kate definitely does that here. I love that these photos put it to the edge of too far and pull it back just enough to keep the photos looking sexy. I don’t have the information in front of me but judging by the style of the photographs, I have to assume these shots come to us courtesy of the always brilliant Terry Richardson. Again, I don’t know for sure but they have the edgy feel he often goes for and executes so well. Man, that guy – he knows how to do a photo shoot and Kate Upton? She definitely knows how to strike a pose.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }