Search Results for “shoot”

October 20, 2012

Gorgeous New Halle Berry Photo Shoot Pics

In my always humble opinion, Halle Berry is everything a woman in Hollywood should be. She’s strong, confident, smart and doesn’t seem to be all about playing the Hollywood game. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that she’s smoking freaking hot as well. There are few actresses I respect and admire as much as I respect and admire Halle. I love the way she carries herself. She always seems to self assured but, at the same time, doesn’t take herself too seriously. This is, after all, the woman who showed up to the Razzies to accept her “Worst Actress” award, something not many actresses (Sandra Bullock being a notable exception) would do. I don’t give a flying rat’s behind about Halle’s personal life. I’m confident it will all work out for the best interest of her daughter, which is what I think Halle really wants. Even if she doesn’t get exactly what she wants in the custody battle, I’m sure she’ll make sure she does what her daughter needs instead of doing what she wants.

October 19, 2012
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Kirsten Dunst Is Stunning In Sexy New Photo Shoot.

How great is it to see Kirsten Dunst again? I love this woman. I honestly do. Kirsten is gorgeous, talented and really deserves to be a much bigger star than she is. Sometimes I look at the more popular actresses in Hollywood and wonder how that happens. Kirsten has had her problems but she really seems to be in control of her life again and I need to add for the record that I absolutely love these photos. She looks sexy and sultry without looking trashy. I really appreciate a woman who can pull that kind of look off. I’m hoping new photo shoots and new film projects mean Kristen is finally going to get the attention she so deserves. She’s incredible and I couldn’t be happier to be writing about her again.

October 15, 2012
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Behind The Scenes Shots Of Sexy Miranda Kerr Bikini Photo Shoot.

Miranda Kerr is a beautiful woman. I’m not sure there is a person in the world who could deny that and these behind the scenes shots from her recent bikini photo shoot should stand as proof. This woman is a stunner. While I love finished Miranda Kerr bikini shots, I almost prefer behind the scenes shots. They’re more candid and they give us a glimpse of what the bikini shots would look like if they were untouched. That could be what I like most about Miranda. She looks just as good untouched as she does after photo editors have gotten their hands on her photos. She’s a true, natural beauty and I can’t express how appealing I think that is. I love Miranda Kerr and I love these photos.

October 11, 2012

Katie McGrath Looks Gorgeous In This Merlin Promo Photo Shoot.

I have never seen “Merlin”. It’s on the list of shows I want to check out but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. These photos of Katie McGrath in the “Merlin” season five promo photo shoot might just be the kick in the pants I need to get on that. I love a beautiful woman with milky skin and dark hair. I think it might be the contrast I find so alluring. I love these photos for that reason but also because she really nails the dark and mysterious look I think the photographer was going for. I’m not actually all that familiar with Katie and her work but I’d like to change that. She’s a beautiful woman and I’m quite certain these photos have convinced me it’s time to give “Merlin” a shot.

September 18, 2012
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Behind The Scenes Shots Of Sexy Candice Swanepoel Shoot.

Okay, I checked and rechecked this time. These photos are most definitely of Candice Swanepoel. With that out of the way, let’s talk about the photos. They’re hot. I’m not entirely sure anything else needs to be said. Candice is a total babe – one of my absolute favorite models. In these behind the scenes shots from her recent photoshoot for Victoria’s Secret in Miami, Candice looks every bit as hot as one would expect and then some. That first picture is one of my absolute favorite pictures of Candice and not just from this set. It’s probably one of the best pictures of Candice I’ve ever seen. I love this woman. Words will never be enough to describe how much.

September 13, 2012

Adorable New Emma Watson Photo Shoot.

I want to start this off by saying that I love Emma Watson. I think she’s fantastic. She’s a young, Hollywood celebrity that seems to have her head on straight and I think that fact alone makes her worthy of praise and admiration. With that said, I don’t actually find her super sexy. When I look at Emma, words like “cute” and “adorable” spring to mind. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, of course. There are plenty of young actresses in Hollywood who play up the sex appeal. Emma is one of the few that doesn’t bother with all of that. She’s a breath of fresh air – a young woman content to be who she is and not try to be someone else simply because it may further her career. Not that Emma has anything to worry about in the career department, of course. I’m certain she’ll be just fine. She has the talent to do whatever she chooses. I look forward to seeing exactly where that takes her.

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