Search Results for “tight”

February 13, 2012

Kelly Brook Camel Toe Pic

Now, I’m sure you all know by now that I have a serious soft spot for Kelly Brook. When I saw her name on my list of assignments for today, I was excited. I opened the post and looked at the pictures. I had one thought. Why is she not wearing pants? I have had nightmares like this. You know the one. You’re out and about somewhere and suddenly realize *gasp!* you’ve forgotten your pants! I get that this is sort of the style now but with the rest of her outfit, the stretch pants (tights? leggings?) just don’t look right. Heavy sweater? Check. Winter jacket? Check. Winter boots (very cute ones, I might add)? Check. Pants? Oops! The poor girl looks like she’s freezing! Regardless, I have to say I do like the way she looks in these pictures (taken in London) despite the questionable bottoms. She is a lovely woman and hey – who doesn’t make questionable fashion choices from time to time.

February 3, 2012

Paris Hilton In Thigh High Stockings And Heels

Here’s the deal with me and Paris Hilton. Sometimes I love her for reasons I’ll never be able to explain. Other times, I have a strong dislike for her for reasons I’ll also never be able to explain. In a nutshell, Paris Hilton confuses me. It’s like this – I’m not very good at the typical girl things. I’m not that into fashion but I do know what I like and what I don’t like. It just so happens that I love the vast majority of what I see Paris wearing. These shots from Beverly Hills show another example of Paris wearing something I feel I should hate but actually really like. I could actually see myself wearing that. I probably never would, but I could see myself wanting to. I like the tights. Somehow, Paris has paired them with the perfect outfit to make them look nice instead of completely trashy. I’m not sure there are many other women out there that would be able to do that. Do I love Paris? I’m not entirely sure but I love these pictures.

February 1, 2012

New Bikini Photo Shoot Of Candice Swanepoel

When I look out my window I see nothing but snow – snow on the ground, snow weighing down the branches of the trees around my home and snow covering the roofs of neighboring houses. Inside, there’s a fire roaring and I’m sitting at my computer with a hot cup of coffee and a giant blanket wrapped tightly around me. It’s winter and that means cold. Cold hands. Cold noses. Cold feet. For Candice Swanepoel and many of the other models of the world, life is full of sunshine, sandy shores and tropical temperatures. Am I jealous? Maybe a little bit but it’s hard to feel anything negative when looking at a girl like Candice. Every time she steps in front of the camera, she looks lovely. The first shot in this set is my favorite. That playful smile over her shoulder just makes me feel warm inside. She reminds me of Drew Barrymore in a way. Her smile looks like it comes from her heart and isn’t just something she does for the camera. There are many reasons Candice is one of my favorite models working in the industry today. That smile is one of those reasons.

December 5, 2011

Paris Hilton In Back Baring Dress

Paris Hilton is kind of like olives for me. Sometimes I’m in the mood for them and sometimes I’m not. My opinion of Paris, just like my opinion of olives, changes dramatically depending on my mood. Today I’m having a Paris is okay sort of day. That could be because I happen to think she looks exceptionally attractive in these photos. I don’t like the black tights with the dress and I’m not sure I love the cut of the dress in the front, but I will admit it flatters her body very well. These pictures, taken in LA, do little to quiet the “Paris Hilton is a spoiled little princess” comments considering the car she’s driving but I honestly don’t think Paris cares in the least. I find that appealing in a weird way. I love a girl who just lives her life and doesn’t care what people think of her and Paris is definitely that kind of girl. Of course, if you ask me tomorrow, my opinion will probably be entirely different. It’s fun to be moody.

July 13, 2011

Miranda Kerr & Heidi Klum In New York

Miranda Kerr and Heidi Klum – two of the most beautiful women in the world – went for a jog together in New York. I’m not sure what else to say about these pictures. These women are gorgeous. Two of my favorite models slip into some tight workout clothes and take a jog together and hotness ensues? That kind of goes without saying, I think. What I like about these pictures is that the girls really seem to be having fun together – just two incredible looking women staying in shape together. I love both of these women. They seem so down to earth. That’s definitely a quality I appreciate in my supermodels.

July 7, 2011
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Another Bikini Gallery Of Geri Halliwell

I have to admit I get a little excited when I see a new set of Geri Halliwell pics have been posted for me to write about because it means I have an excuse to stare at Geri Halliwell pics for a while. That’s always a great addition to any day. This lady is fabulous. I love her body. I love her face. I love her attitude. I love her style. I just love every little thing about her. This is one of my favorite sets so far because these pictures really let us see what fantastic shape Geri is in. Just look at that tummy – so toned and tight. I absolutely love it and, obviously, absolutely love her.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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