Search Results for “underwear”

September 22, 2011

New Britney Spears Crotch Shots

Have I gone back in time? Nope – just Britney Spears flashing her crotch again. At least she’s wearing panties this time, I guess – cute ones too. Being that these pictures were snapped in London, I’m really tempted to do a London/France/Underpants joke but I won’t. Instead, I’ll confess something I never thought I’d say. I actually feel a little bad for Britney. The last time was worse, obviously, as she wasn’t wearing underwear, but last time it almost seemed kind of intentional. This time, judging by how close the camera is to her face, someone really had to be zooming in to get this one. That’s kind of a shame but hey, we get to see Britney’s underwear so I guess it’s not all bad.

August 9, 2011

Taylor Momsen At Lollapalooza

I remember in my teenage years, Lollapalooza was a huge deal. I would’ve given anything to go to even one of the shows. I don’t think that’s any less true these days although other festivals like Bonaroo have stolen some of Lollapalooza’s thunder. With that said, Taylor Momsen must’ve been pretty excited to be asked to perform. Or maybe not. She’s so edgy and apathetic. She probably just rolled her eyes and gave a bored, “whatevs”. In any event, there she is with her band “The Pretty Reckless”, hitting the stage at Lollapalooza 2011 Music Festival in her underwear as usual. I’m kind of over the shock of a girl her age dressing like that at this point. It’s like Lady Gaga wearing something crazy. We’ve seen it all before. If Taylor really wanted to be shocking she’d hit the stage in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It would blow people’s minds and might actually allow them to focus on her music which is actually pretty good.

August 3, 2011
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Lady Gaga On Jimmy Kimmel Live

You’ve gotta hand it to Lady Gaga. She’s never afraid to push the envelope and she does that once again with her performance on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’. I love the woman. Her music is infectious and I love her “love yourself” message. She might not always be the best role model but in terms of today’s pop music, she’s the closest thing we have to inspirational. Sometimes when I’m having a hard day (I have a lot of those), I’ll crank “Born This Way” and dance around my living room in my underwear. It’s the little things in life, people.

June 27, 2011

Who Wants More Taylor Momsen Upskirt Pics?

Yup – I don’t care what anyone says. I love, love, love these pictures. Taylor Momsen isn’t my favorite teen celeb out there and her penchant for hitting the stage half naked and flashing her underwear disturbs me, but here at an event in Tokyo, I think Taylor looks great. The hair, the dress, the boots – all very retro and very appealing, at least in my opinion. She reminds me a bit of Twiggy or Bridget Bardot – two of the most beautiful women in history as far as I’m concerned. Sure I didn’t like much of what came out of Bardot’s mouth later in her life, but her beauty was undeniable… kind of like Taylor. I’d like to see Taylor grow into a mature, successful woman one day. I really hope that happens.

June 7, 2011
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Recent Pics Of Rihanna’s Performance

I hate to say this but at this point, I have to. Is it my imagination or is Rihanna looking a little chunky. Maybe it’s the underwear/bikini she’s wearing on stage, but those rolls on her side just aren’t very attractive. I love Rihanna. I love Rihanna more than I love puppies, but honestly, she hasn’t been looking her best lately and here at her concert in Baltimore things are no different. Perhaps the controversy over her new video ‘Man Down’ is weighing on her. It shouldn’t be. I’ve watched the video and, as usual the PTC has completely over reacted. Regardless of the little rolls on her belly in some of the pictures though, Rihanna looks pretty good. I’ve always liked the red hair and although I prefer it longer, it looks good like this too. I’m just not sure if she made the right choice for her outfit this time.

June 4, 2011
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Candid Voyeur Shots Of Katy Perry

Let us now observe the wily Katy Perry in her natural environment – wearing what appears to be underwear and lounging around outside without a stitch of makeup on. I have to say, and I know people will disagree with me here, that she looks pretty darn good for not having an makeup on and without her hair all professionally done. I like seeing this side of Katy although I think she’s much more attractive when she’s all done up for the cameras. I like that Katy looks like a normal girl when she’s just hanging out. She doesn’t have to get all done up to hang out and relax. I’m not sure the photographer shooting these pictures is operating with a full deck, though. Katy is a fiery woman. I wouldn’t want to tangle with her and snapping pictures of her through the bushes is probably a pretty good way to get that started.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }