Search Results for “work out”

October 22, 2013
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Serinda Swan Shows Off Her Body But Stays Classy

Serinda Swan is definitely one of my favorite young ladies working in the entertainment industry today. She’s beautiful, talented and doesn’t seem to be letting the spotlight go to her head. The outfit she’s chosen for this red carpet event is perfect, in my opinion. It shows off her body and makes her look extremely sexy but it’s still classy and formal. Sometimes young performers miss the mark in the classy department in an attempt to get noticed but Serinda doesn’t seem to fall victim to that. Lovely young lady. I can’t wait to see more of her.

October 13, 2013
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Liv Tyler Is One Of My All Time Favorites

Oh Liv Tyler. I have been so in love with this woman for so long it’s a little ridiculous. It might even be a lot ridiculous. This lady is the kind of woman that really does it for me. She’s got beautiful facial features and a lovely body without really seeming like she’s full of herself. Liv has always been the kind of actress that does things her own way and I really find that appealing. She’s not out there trying to get her name in the headlines. She seems more than happy to let the work speak for itself and in my humble opinion, that’s the way it should be.

October 8, 2013
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Cara Santana Leaving A Gym In Studio City

Cara Santana is the kind of woman I would be quite content with looking at all day. These photos really illustrate why. Even with minimal makeup and little fussing with her hair, she looks incredible. That’s not even taking her incredible body into account. In these photos, we see Cara leaving a gym in Studio City looking absolutely stunning. It always blows my mind when a woman can look this good leaving the gym. I certainly wouldn’t look this good after a workout. I love these shots. The outfit looks comfortable but still sexy – perfect for turning a few heads while working on keeping that fantastic body looking fantastic.

October 7, 2013
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Jessie J Just Isn’t Really Doing In For Me Here

So here we have Jessie J on stage at Radio City Live in Liverpool and I’m having a little trouble working up my usual Jessie J enthusiasm over these shots. She looks good and all but she doesn’t really look as good as I usually expect her to look. I find the outfit boring and a little bit predictable. Either I’ve recently posted photos of her from this same event or she’s worn the same basic outfit a few times now and when your stage persona depends on outrageous getups and whatnot, repeating the same outfit isn’t really the best idea. I still like her and all. These just aren’t my favorite photos. Better luck next time Jessie!

September 30, 2013
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Brenda Asnicar In A Bikini Top And Denim Shorts

Regular readers of my work around these parts know how I feel about these shots of Brenda Asnicar before they even read a word of this post. How? Because I have made my denim shorts fetish pretty obvious and because lovely Brenda is rocking the hell out of a pair of denim shorts in these photos. Pairing them with a bikini top? Perfection. This lady is just stunning – which definitely doesn’t hurt either. These are perhaps my favorite photos since we’ve been back from our accidental hiatus which is really saying something considering some of the other photos I’ve posted. Super sexy shots, indeed!

September 24, 2013
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Vanessa Hudgens Is Stunning

I love everything about these photos of Vanessa Hudgens arriving at Yves Saint Laurent at Old Bond Street in London. I love her hair and makeup. I love the hair band thing. I love the sunglasses. I love the dress. Everything about this look works for me. Vanessa is quickly becoming one of the young women I get the most excited to see photos of. She just has her own style and I really appreciate that. I think I’d like the photos a bit more if the dress was a bit less billowy but it still looks great on her, especially since it shows off her killer legs!

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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