Search Results for “work out”

August 17, 2011
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Candice Swanepoel Backstage At Blumarine

Candice Swanepoel is one of my absolute favorite models working in the industry today. I was never really able to put my finger on why I love her so much until this set of pictures popped up. Backstage of Blumarine, Candice is wearing more clothing than I’ve ever seen her where and she still looks super gorgeous. I’m not a big fan of the rather shapeless beige dress she’s sporting as it really doesn’t do anything at all to flatter her figure but she’s still somehow appealing. It’s all about those eyes. That’s the mystery factor that attracts me to her so much. I love a woman with incredible eyes and in these pictures, the lack of skin on display really gives her eyes the chance to be the star of the show.

August 15, 2011
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Amanda Seyfried On The Set Of In Time

Hey look! It’s Amanda Seyfried in that sexy wig again. I really, really like this look for her. I’m referring specifically to the wig but the tiny little outfit definitely adds a lot to the pictures. As much as I like Amanda with her long blond locks, this dramatic change really works for her. Her face is so gorgeous and the dark, short hair really compliments the shape of that lovely face. As for her body, well he’s just as fit and in shape as she always is. I’m actually really looking forward to seeing this movie. I’ve never been a big fan of Justin Timberlake’s acting, but I’m sure Amanda will make up for it with all of her sexy. I’ll be checking this one out for sure.

August 14, 2011
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Rihanna Bares Her Belly In Barbados

The other day, I had some rather unkind things to say about Rihanna’s choice of swimsuit in Barbados. Today, I have only slightly nicer things to say about Rihanna’s newest pictures from Barbados. I… like the outfit in theory. It’s fun, unique, colorful and shows off her body but… really? The high waisted pants have never worked for anyone anywhere. They draw attention to the stomach and not in a good way. Rihanna isn’t fat in the least, but high waisted pants or shorts make just about any woman look like they’re carrying a little extra weight around the midsection. I do like the hair though.

August 13, 2011

Selena Gomez At The 2011 Teen Choice Awards

I like Selena Gomez. I mean, I don’t really care for her music and I haven’t seen much of her acting work, but as a person, I think she’s pretty okay. She seems to have a fairly down to earth attitude for someone her age who is as successful as she is. Here at the arrivals for the 2011 Teen Choice Awards held at the Gibson Amphitheatre, Selena looks lovely – fresh faces and adorable. What gets me about these pictures though is the dress. It’s a little more mature than what I’m used to seeing Selena wear and I definitely appreciate that. She looks more grown up – sexy even. While others may have been using those words to describe Selena before – I probably even have a time or two – it’s becoming more true every day. Little Selena

August 6, 2011

Lady GaGa Just Isn’t All That Attractive

I love Lady Gaga. I love her style, I love her music and I love her gutsy outspoken attitude. She’s a strong, confident woman but man, she’s not really that attractive in the old mug, is she? She’s one of the rare examples of a celebrity who makes it to superstar status without relying on a pretty face. Sure the costumes may have helped get her noticed, but she’s a talented musician, even if her singles don’t always show that. Making it her level without being super pretty isn’t terribly uncommon, but yeah – definitely unusual which really works for Gaga as her whole thing is about being different. She stands out and I adore that about her. Just once though I’d like to see her show up somewhere looking normal. Now that would be shocking.

August 3, 2011

Britney Spears Confuses Me

Here’s my problem with Britney Spears. I have no idea how to feel about her. I love that she’s made such a triumphant comeback and for that reason, I like these pictures of her performing in Philadelphia on her Femme Fatale Tour. She looks like she’s trying to put on a good show and she looks like she’s really got her confidence back and that’s great. I like Britney so I don’t really want to give her a hard time. With that said, it’s my job to be honest and share my opinion here, so I guess I must. In some of these pictures Britney looks pretty hot, at least in the thumbnails, but when you view the full image even for the good ones, she looks so tired and worn out. Perhaps she jumped back into the rigors of touring too quickly. I hope everything works out for her. I want to see her back on top.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }