Search Results for “young”

September 13, 2012

New Spring Breakers Promo Stills Of Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens And Ashley Benson

Ugh, can it just hurry up and be January of 2013 already? I am getting so tired of waiting for “Spring Breakers” to hit theaters. Starring three of my favorite young actresses in Hollywood alongside one of my favorite actors, this promises to be a great flick. I’m not sure it’s going to win any Academy Awards but it’s almost a sure thing for a spot on my favorite guilty pleasures list. Ashley Benson, Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez all look incredible here. I also love the quick glimpse we get of James Franco’s character. I was excited for the movie before but this set of photos has just kicked the excitement up to near unbearable levels. I. Can’t. Wait.

September 13, 2012

Adorable New Emma Watson Photo Shoot.

I want to start this off by saying that I love Emma Watson. I think she’s fantastic. She’s a young, Hollywood celebrity that seems to have her head on straight and I think that fact alone makes her worthy of praise and admiration. With that said, I don’t actually find her super sexy. When I look at Emma, words like “cute” and “adorable” spring to mind. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, of course. There are plenty of young actresses in Hollywood who play up the sex appeal. Emma is one of the few that doesn’t bother with all of that. She’s a breath of fresh air – a young woman content to be who she is and not try to be someone else simply because it may further her career. Not that Emma has anything to worry about in the career department, of course. I’m certain she’ll be just fine. She has the talent to do whatever she chooses. I look forward to seeing exactly where that takes her.

August 24, 2012

Rita Rusic Is 50+ Years Of Total Babe.

People love to say Rita Rusic looks incredible for her age and while that’s definitely true it’s also true that Rita looks incredible for a woman of any age. There are women a good twenty – even thirty – years younger than her that don’t look that good in a bikini. I freely admit to being one of them. Rita continues to surprise me when I see new photos of her though. She always seems to look even better than she did the last time I saw her. In these photos, she’s looking just as confident and sexy as ever. I can’t find anything to complain about here. I love this woman.

August 19, 2012

Selena Gomez Wants To Avoid Tan Lines.

Selena Gomez is a beautiful young woman who really seems to know who she is and what she wants out of her career. I think that’s admirable for someone so young. She seems to have the whole fame thing under control which is important for a young woman in the spotlight. Such overwhelming attention at such a young age can definitely lead to problems and I think Selena is doing a fairly good job of avoiding that. In these photos, Selena is looking like her usual lovely self. I’m sure a lot of people are going to have a thing or two to say about that first photo, but she seems pretty cautious when it comes to showing so much and really, there are few better ways to avoid tan lines. What an adorable girl. I can’t wait to see what her future holds. Hopefully nothing but great things.

August 18, 2012

Amanda Bynes Is A Hot Mess. Someone Get This Girl Some Help.

You might not believe this, but the girl in these photos from Woodland Hills is Amanda Bynes. Remember Amanda TV shows like “The Amanda Show”, “All That” and “What I Like About You” and movies like “Big Fat Liar”, “What A Girl Wants”, “She’s the Man”, “Hairspray” and most recently (one of my favorites), “Easy A”? What happened to this girl? Sure she looks kinda cute here but this isn’t the Amanda I’m used to seeing. I don’t have a problem with a woman playing around with her look but when you consider the changes along side her legal problems (the DUI and hit and run allegations are especially troubling) you might get a picture of a girl who is in need of help. Get help before things get worse. I don’t want to see Amanda go the way of so many young women before her. Maybe I’m worrying about nothing but when police get involved on a regular basis, it might be time to reconsider your recreational activities.

August 8, 2012

Heather Locklear Is Still A Mega Babe.

I know a lot of people like to hate on Heather but I’m not one of those people. I think Heather is a beautiful woman. I think she’s a talented woman. I think she’s a woman that, well, hasn’t made the best life choices in the past but I’m not going to hold that against her. I think we all make a mistake or two here and there. In these photos from Malibu, Heather is looking gorgeous and youthful but what really stands out about these photos to me is how happy she looks, not to mention how healthy she looks. I’ve heard people comment on photos like these ones and say Heather dresses too young for her age. I personally think she looks fine. I think the look is fun and flirty – just as I imagine Heather is.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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