Search Results for “young”

December 13, 2011

Teen Mom’s Farrah Abraham And Her Man

I don’t like Teen Mom. I don’t like anything about it. I’m not a super conservative person. In fact, I’m about as far from a super conservative person as people can get. I didn’t get the big deal about Janet Jackson’s nipple at the Super Bowl. I don’t think a performer dropping the occasional f-bomb on live TV is anything to get all worked up over. Sex and violence on television isn’t an issue for me. Teen Mom, however, really irks me. When I was a teenager, I knew a lot of teen mothers. My best friend got pregnant when she was fifteen. She was terrified to tell her guardian so I went to her doctor’s appointment with her. I saw the look on her face when the doctor told her she was pregnant. She’d been with the same guy – a guy I had been firsts with since first grade, longer than I knew her, actually – for two years. I was the one she came to when he left her because he said he was too young to be a father. More than all of that, I saw what a mess her life was after she had her baby. I can’t help thinking about that friend everything I see Farrah Abraham or any of her Teen Mom cast mates. They make it look glamorous. You know what’s missing from these pictures? Her freaking child. She’s living the dream now and why? Because she popped out a baby when she was still a baby. There are now stories hitting the news of girls that are fifteen or sixteen years old getting pregnant to get a spot on Teen Mom. Does anyone else see something wrong with that picture?

December 7, 2011

Victoria Justice In A Fun And Flirty Photo Shoot

Oh Victoria Justice. Words can’t even express the high hopes I have for this girl. She’s absolutely beautiful but with the sweetness and innocence that only a girl her age can pull off. At 18, it’s clear that Victoria’s laying the foundation to transition from Nickelodeon/Disney star to the sort of young actress that appeals to a more mature audience. I’d say she’s taking the first steps very wisely. She’s showing off a sexier side but she’s not getting trashy. She really seems to understand how important it is to display a more mature look while many young starlets try to show how grown up they are by taking off as much clothing as possible. I think Victoria has a great career ahead of her and I can’t wait to see where it takes her.

December 6, 2011

Kirsten Dunst Hangs Out At The Beach

I have been a Kirsten Dunst fan since she starred as young Claudia in “Interview with the Vampire” so I’m always thrilled to have an excuse to write about her. Kirsten hasn’t always been known for making the best choices in her personal life but that hasn’t changed my opinion of her in the least. Everyone has their problems, after all. What bothers me about Kirsten is that I really don’t think she gets the recognition she deserves as an actress. On top of that, she takes a lot of knocks about her body and I just don’t think that’s fair. I know some will disagree with me on that one but when I look at Kirsten, I see a woman that looks the way a lot of women look. I appreciate that.

November 30, 2011

Teen Bride Courtney Stodden Shows Us How Classy She Is

By now, most of you have heard of Courtney Stodden or, as she is more widely known, the ‘Teen Bride’. For those of you who haven’t, here’s the whole disgusting story. Doug Hutchison (“The Green Mile, Lost), 51, married Courtney Stodden, 16, a few months back after Courtney’s mother signed a consent form allowing it to happen. First, I don’t believe for a second that this woman is sixteen. She looks to be at least in her late twenties. I credit that to the layers of makeup she has on her face. When you see pictures of her without all that makeup who looks far younger. Anywho, so naturally, the press ate this story up for the first week or two. Now Doug and Courtney are sort of fading into the background so what better way to get those cameras snapping away again that to slip Courtney into the skimpiest outfit possible for a little ‘holiday shopping’. Where did they choose to do their shopping? Why at known paparazzi hang out, The Grove, of course. As if that’s not enough, Mom decided to tag along as her daughter shopped at Victoria’s Secret. This whole situation is just so insane to me. Then again, who am I to judge. Maybe Doug and Courtney are really and truly in love. I doubt it but I suppose it’s possible. After all, no one thought Demi and Ashton would last and… okay, bad example.

November 28, 2011

Cindy Crawford Is Still So Very Hot

Cindy Crawford was the first model I fell in love with. I must’ve been about twelve and I saw the magazine cover she with with KD Lang. Cindy was in this little black bathing suit, had her head all tilted back and had KD’s head back against his crazy stacked chest. KD was all lathered up in shaving cream and Cindy was pretending to shave her. That image is burned into my memory as one of the hottest things my young eyes had ever seen. Here in Cabo San Lucas, Cindy is strutting it on the beach and although you can see her age a very little bit, for a woman of 45, she looks absolutely incredible. To be honest, she looks damn good for a woman of any age. Cindy is still, even after all these years, one of the most beautiful women in the world. I absolutely love her.

November 26, 2011

AnnaLynne McCord Backstage Candids

There was a time not too long ago that I really didn’t like AnnaLynne McCord. There was just something about her that rubbed me the wrong way. It’s hard to remember what that was now. Perhaps it was the way she always seems ready, willing and eager to pose for any camera anywhere near her. I can imagine her pouting her lips, thrusting out a hip and striking a pose for the security cameras at the bank. I guess I can’t really fault her for that though. If I looked like her, it would probably go to my head too. I actually really like these pictures of AnnaLynne. Sure I like her more when she’s barely clothed but even dressed in more conservative attire, she still looks hot. I don’t know when I became a fan and I don’t really know what changed my mind. She’s still not my favorite young starlet in Hollywood but I’ve developed a healthy appreciation for her.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }